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Since the 1st oil crisis in 1973, the economies of sub-Saharan Africa have barely kept pace with their burgeoning populations. Women in Sub-Saharan Africa give birth more often than women in any other region of the world, with an average of more than 6.5 live births each. The region's natural increase average 2.5% a year in the 1960s, 2.7% in the 1970s, and in the mid-1980s, it is 3.1% per annum--a rate that will double the regions population in 22 years. National leaders in Sub-Saharan Africa were slow to consider population policy as a key component of the social and economic development effort. The neglect of population issues is reflected in the limited scope of public or private family planning programs in the sub-continent. Donor countries and institutions play an important role in developing the information base by providing technical training to government staff, supporting research, and disseminating information to a broad spectrum of political actors. Some examples of policy reconsiderations in Nigeria, Zambia, Liberia, and Niger are given. These countries are starting to give active consideration to population policies to reduce fertility and high rates of population growth by expanding family planning services, raising the age of marriage, improving the status of women, providing family-life education, and incorporating economic incentives for smaller families into the provision of social services. The highly centralized nature of African governments dictates that the acquiescence of the governmental elite must be obtained before any policy can take hold. Overall, high population growth rates in combination with a stagnating social and economic development effort throughout the region have provided the catalyst for a new look at Sub-Saharan Africa population policy. The ability of African nations to implement policies that reduce fertility is more open to question; no African nation has as yet done so, and the socioeconomics factors contributing to high fertility remain strong.  相似文献   
This study examines critically the various assumptions, results, and concepts that exist to date in the literature and scientific community concerning the relationships among the Lanchester, stochastic Lanchester, and the general renewal models of combat. Many of the prevailing understandings are shown to be erroneous.  相似文献   
The transfer-line models in the literature are planning models rather than operational models. That is, they are very useful for planning or designing the transfer line, but are less useful for controlling the daily operation of the line. The performance measure used in these models is the efficiency of the line A. The expected number of units produced during a period of length T cycles is AT. In this article a procedure is presented for calculating the variance of the number of units produced by the transfer line during a period of length T cycles. These two performance measures can be used to construct an interval estimate for, say, the number of units produced during a shift. This interval estimate is an operational guide for the production manager.  相似文献   
In Mexico, a 40 year period of political stability and economic advancement, hailed for its high rates of growth in income per capita, rapid urbanization, and impressive gains in indicators of health and education, seemed to come to a halt in the early 1980s. Since the early 1970s, fertility has declined sharply in chronological association with a new population policy and the implementation of a national family planning program. If in 1940 there was no apparent reason for the Mexican state to have much interest in limiting fertility, such was no longer the case by 1970. The General Law of Population that had been passed in 1947 was laced with the expansionist ideology that dominated demographic issues for more that a century; its pro-natalism had been reinforced by health regulations prohibiting the sale and use of contraceptives and by a penal code that made abortion a crime. Between 1970 and 1981 the total fertility rate fell by about 39%. Since 1975, change in contraceptive practice accounts for the bulk of the measured fertility decline. Between 1976 and 1982 there was a 66% increase in contraceptive prevalence. The government's involvement in family planning activities helped to: 1) develop an effective contraceptive distribution system; 2) circulate extensive information, education, and communication publicizing fertility and images of the small family; and 3) mobilize health practitioners in public institutions to counsel and persuade their clients to accept and practice contraception. The emerging debate over population policy in Brazil may well prefigure debates in other Latin American countries; the recent democratization in Brazil is the vocalization of a demand from women's groups and the left for government provided family planning services. Overall, Mexico's willingness to take the long view tackle the birth rate issue head on is likely to remain an exception in Latin America.  相似文献   
This paper considers a problem of warranty reserving, namely, the current practice of setting aside part of a product revenue to meet future claims arising from the warranty. We define a Compound Poisson stochastic model for warranty claims and reserve and obtain, using a sample paths technique, the long-run probability distribution of a warranty reserves, managed under alternative warranties and reserve policies.  相似文献   
This article considers the determination of the optimal base-stock inventory policy for the newsboy inventory model when there is uncertainty about either or both of its basic cost inputs: either Cu, the marginal cost of an undersupply mistake, or Co, the marginal cost of an oversupply mistake. Such uncertainties often arise in implementing the newsboy model, especially with respect to Cu, whose value depends mostly on the often-imponderable economic consequences of a lost sale or backorder. Given this uncertainty, we use decision theory to propose and analyze two measures of policy “goodness” and two base-stock selection criteria, which in combination provide four alternative “optimal” base-stock policies. Formulas and/or conditions defining each alternative policy are provided. Our empirical study indicates that the recommended policy can be quite sensitive to the measure/criterion chosen, and that the consequences of the wrong choice can be quite considerable.  相似文献   
With the burgeoning influence of emerging markets in Asia, a tectonic shift is taking place in the global security landscape. Asian states are concomitantly arming as their economic clout grows. In light of these developments, security analysts would benefit from a formal means of placing these arms acquisitions in a structural context. Are arms acquisitions on par with the expectations of Asian states, given their structural dispositions, or are recent acquisitions beyond anticipated levels? By using a dynamic panel regression of 187 states from 1950 to 2011, this research predicts arms import volume using the degree of interstate arms linkages, the size of a state's military, and its level of economic development. The technique offers analysts a formal means of distinguishing orthodox behavior in importing conventional weapons from extraneous security motivations. The article concludes by generating near-term forecasts of Asian arms imports and discussing the implications of the technique.  相似文献   
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