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This paper presents a method of selecting design parameters which optimizes a specific measure (aircraft design example: minimum weight, maximum mission effectiveness) and guarantees designated levels of response in specified areas (such as combal ceiling, acceleration time). The method employs direct search optimization applied to a nonlinear functional constrained by nonlinear surfaces. The composite design technique is combined with regression methods to determine adequate surface representations with a minimum of required data points. A sensitivity analysis is conducted at the optimum set of design parameters to test for uniqueness.  相似文献   
This paper considers sequential test procedures to decision problems where there exists time delays in obtaining observations.  相似文献   
This paper describes a technique for the calculation of the probability that a helicopter can lift a specified load, or number of loads with a specified frequency distribution, in a given geographical region. This probability is computed by determining the bivariate altitude-temperature probability distribution for the specified region. The payload capability at any given temperature and altitude is calculated from standard performance equations. By integrating this over the altitude-temperature distribution, it is possible to obtain the probability distribution of payload capability, from which the required probabilities of lifting specific loads can be determined.  相似文献   
This paper investigates a new procedure for solving the general-variable pure integer linear programming problem. A simple transformation converts the problem to one of constructing nonnegative integer solutions to a system of linear diophantine equations. Rubin's sequential algorithm, an extension of the classic Euclidean algorithm, is used to find an integer solution to this system of equations. Two new theorems are proved on the properties of integer solutions to linear systems. This permits a modified Fourier-Motzkin elimination method to be used to construct a nonnegative integer solution. An experimental computer code was developed for the algorithm to solve some test problems selected from the literature. The computational results, though limited, are encouraging when compared with the Gomory all-integer algorithm.  相似文献   
This paper presents a simple algorithm for finding the number of restricted k-partitions of a natural number n. The unrestricted k-partitions of n are expressed as the sum of these restricted k-partitions, called inadmissible, and the admissible k-partitions. The simplicity of the algorithm is striking, though all the implications are unclear.  相似文献   
A new approach is presented for analyzing multiple-attribute decision problems in which the set of actions is finite and the utility function is additive. The problem can be resolved if the decision makers (or group of decision makers) specifies a set of nonnegative weights for the various attributes or criteria, but we here assume that the decision maker(s) cannot provide a numerical value for each such weight. Ordinal information about these weights is therefore obtained from the decision maker(s), and this information is translated into a set of linear constraints which restrict the values of the weights. These constraints are then used to construct a polytope W of feasible weight vectors, and the subsets Hi (polytopes) of W over which each action ai has the greatest utility are determined. With the Comparative Hypervolume Criterion we calculate for each action the ratio of the hypervolume of Hi to the hypervolume of W and suggest the choice of an action with the largest such ratio. Justification of this choice criterion is given, and a computational method for accurately approximating the hypervolume ratios is described. A simple example is provided to evaluate the efficiency of a computer code developed to implement the method.  相似文献   
This paper models a k-unit service system (e.g., a repair, maintenance, or rental facility) with Poisson arrivals, exponential service times, and no queue. If we denote the number of units that are busy as the state of the system, the state-dependent pricing model formalizes the intuitive notion that when most units are idle, the price (i.e., the service charge per unit time) should be low, and when most units are busy, the price should be higher than the average. A computationally efficient algorithm based on a nonlinear programming formulation of the problem is provided for determination of the optimal state-dependent prices. The procedure ultimately reduces to the search on a single variable in an interval to determine the unique intersection point of a concave increasing function and a linear decreasing function. The algorithm takes, on the average, only about 1/2 second per problem on the IBM 360/65 (FORTRAN G Compiler). A discrete optimal-control approach to the problem is shown to result in essentially the same procedure as the nonlinear-programming formulation. Several properties of the optimal state-dependent prices are given. Comparisons of the optimal values of the objective function for the state-dependent and state-independent pricing policies show that the former is on the average, only about 0.7% better than the latter, which may explain partly why state-dependent pricing is not prevalent in many service systems. Potential generalizations of the model are discussed.  相似文献   
This paper examines problems of sequencing n jobs for processing by a single resource to minimize a function of job completion times, when the availability of the resource varies over time. A number of well-known results for single-machine problems which can be applied with little or no modification to the corresponding variable-resource problems are given. However, it is shown that the problem of minimizing the weighted sum of completion times provides an exception.  相似文献   
This paper provides an overview of the Computer-Assisted Search Planning (CASP) system developed for the United States Coast Guard. The CASP information processing methodology is based upon Monte Carlo simulation to obtain an initial probability distribution for target location and to update this distribution to account for drift due to currents and winds. A multiple scenario approach is employed to generate the initial probability distribution. Bayesian updating is used to reflect negative information obtained from unsuccessful search. The principal output of the CASP system is a sequence of probability “maps” which display the current target location probability distributions throughout the time period of interest. CASP also provides guidance for allocating search effort based upon optimal search theory.  相似文献   
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