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In this paper, we extend the results of Ferguson M. Naval Research Logistics 8 . on an end‐product manufacturer's choice of when to commit to an order quantity from its parts supplier. During the supplier's lead‐time, information arrives about end‐product demand. This information reduces some of the forecast uncertainty. While the supplier must choose its production quantity of parts based on the original forecast, the manufacturer can wait to place its order from the supplier after observing the information update. We find that a manufacturer is sometimes better off with a contract requiring an early commitment to its order quantity, before the supplier commits resources. On the other hand, the supplier sometimes prefers a delayed commitment. The preferences depend upon the amount of demand uncertainty resolved by the information as well as which member of the supply chain sets the exchange price. We also show conditions where demand information updating is detrimental to both the manufacturer and the supplier. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2005  相似文献   
This paper develops a new model for allocating demand from retailers (or customers) to a set of production/storage facilities. A producer manufactures a product in multiple production facilities, and faces demand from a set of retailers. The objective is to decide which of the production facilities should satisfy each retailer's demand, in order minimize total production, inventory holding, and assignment costs (where the latter may include, for instance, variable production costs and transportation costs). Demand occurs continuously in time at a deterministic rate at each retailer, while each production facility faces fixed‐charge production costs and linear holding costs. We first consider an uncapacitated model, which we generalize to allow for production or storage capacities. We then explore situations with capacity expansion opportunities. Our solution approach employs a column generation procedure, as well as greedy and local improvement heuristic approaches. A broad class of randomly generated test problems demonstrates that these heuristics find high quality solutions for this large‐scale cross‐facility planning problem using a modest amount of computation time. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2005.  相似文献   
In this journal in 1967. Szware presented an algorithm for the optimal routing of a common vehicle fleet between m sources and n sinks with p different types of commodities. The main premise of the formulation is that a truck may carry only one commodity at a time and must deliver the entire load to one demand area. This eliminates the problem of routing vehicles between sources or between sinks and limits the problem to the routing of loaded trucks between sources and sinks and empty trucks making the return trip. Szwarc considered only the transportation aspect of the problem (i. e., no intermediate points) and presented a very efficient algorithm for solution of the case he described. If the total supply is greater than the total demand, Szwarc shows that the problem is equivalent to a (mp + n) by (np + m) Hitchcock transportation problem. Digital computer codes for this algorithm require rapid access storage for a matrix of size (mp + n) by (np + m); therefore, computer storage required grows proportionally to p2. This paper offers an extension of his work to a more general form: a transshipment network with capacity constraints on all arcs and facilities. The problem is shown to be solvable directly by Fulkerson's out-of-kilter algorithm. Digital computer codes for this formulation require rapid access storage proportional to p instead of p2. Computational results indicate that, in addition to handling the extensions, the out-of-kilter algorithm is more efficient in the solution of the original problem when there is a mad, rate number of commodities and a computer of limited storage capacity.  相似文献   
There exists a class of decision problems for which: (1) models of input-output response functions are not available in a closed-form, functional representation; (2) informational costs associated with learning about the response function are significant. For these problems, combining identification with optimization using mathematical programming is potentially attractive. Three approaches to the identification-optimization problem are proposed: an outer-linearized approximation using relaxation (OLR); an inner-linearized approximation using restriction (ILR); and a sequential combination of inner- and outer-linearized subproblems (SIO). Algorithms based on each approach are developed and computational experience reported.  相似文献   
The article attempts to show how network theory may be applied to gain new and better insights into basic economic problems. Starting with a precise definition of what is meant by acting and, in particular, by economic acting, we direct the line of argumentation toward solving the problem of how to aggregate economic decisions. Results indicate that network theory might well prove itself to be a powerful instrument in developing a theory of human behavior much more comprehensive than currently used models.  相似文献   
This paper considers the problem of allocating weapons to achieve targeting objectives while simultaneously minimizing aggregate damage to surrounding nonmilitary facilities, each of which has an upper limit to the damage it is permitted to incur. A model is formulated which assumes only that damage to individual targets or associated facilities does not decrease as the number of allocated weapons increases. An implicit enumeration algorithm, based on that of Lawler and Bell is described that yields optimal integer solutions. An example is presented.  相似文献   
A duality theory is developed for mathematical programs with strictly quasi-concave objective functions to be maximized over a convex set. This work broadens the duality theory of Rockafellar and Peterson from concave (convex) functions to quasi-concave (quasi-convex) functions. The theory is closely related to the utility theory in economics. An example from economic planning is examined and the solution to the dual program is shown to have the properties normally associated with market prices.  相似文献   
Individual characteristics of multiple-constrained resource, project scheduling problems are examined in an attempt to predict the solution obtainable with heuristic methods. Difficulties encountered in performing this type of research are described, and several multiple regression models are developed for predicting heuristic performance. Both single and multiple project data are examined, and results reported demonstrate the efficacy of determining beforehand the method used for problem solution.  相似文献   
A mathematical model is formulated for determining the number of spare components to purchase when components stochastically fail according to a known life distribution function and there is a cost incurred when a component is replaced. Bounds are determined for the optimal inventory which indicate that the inclusion of the replacement cost lowers the optimal inventory. Since these bounds are no easier to calculate than the optimal spares level, the theory is specialized to components with exponentially distributed time to failure. Procedures are given for calculating the optimal spares level, and numerical examples are provided.  相似文献   
For the family D, consisting of those zero-sum two-person games which have a value, the value-function on D is characterized by four properties called objectivity, monotony, symmetry and sufficiency.  相似文献   
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