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Suppose X is a random variable having an absolutely continuous distribution function F(x). We assume that F(x) has the Wald distribution. A relation between the probability density function of X−1 with that of X is used to characterize the Wald distribution.  相似文献   
An allocation problem is considered in lvhich different kinds of resources must be allocated to various activities, within a given time period. The opportunities for allo'cation appear randomly during this period. Certain assumptions about the values of possible allocations and the distribution of occurrences of opportunities lead to a dynamic programming formulation of the problem. This leads to a system of ordinary differential equations which are (in theory) solvable recursively, and can be solved numerically to any desired degree of precision. An example is given for the allocation of aircraft-carried weapons to targets of opportunity.  相似文献   
The problem of multiple-resource capacity planning under an infinite time horizon is analyzed using a nonlinear programming model. The analysis generalizes to the long term the short-run pricing model for computer networks developed in Kriebel and Mikhail [5]. The environment assumes heterogeneous resource capacities by age (vingate), which service a heterogeneous and relatively captive market of users with known demand functions in each time period. Total variable operating costs are given by a continuous psuedoconcave function of system load, capacity, and resource age. Optimal investment, pricing, and replacement decision rules are derived in the presence of economies of scale and exogenous technological progress. Myopic properties of the decision rules which define natural (finite) planning subhorizons are discussed.  相似文献   
This paper describes a method of solving aircraft service life problems. The particular application concerns aircraft in the Naval Advanced Jet Training Command. The method of solution is comparative present value analysis of alternative replacement policies. The likely risks of estimation errors are reflected in the comparisons of present values. Differences are noted in the benefits associated with each policy, but external to Naval Aviation. Since the values of these benefits can be determined only at a higher level of decision-making, the result of the study is not a conclusive selection among policies, but a schedule of present values on the basis of which, together with values of the external benefits, a decision can be reached. This paper discusses replacement policies for aircraft used in the Naval Advanced Jet Pilot Training mission. Taking engineering technology and the training syllabus as given, four feasible plans for introducing replacement aircraft into service are evaluated in terms of the present values of differential costs associated with the plans and in terms of the likely errors in cost estimates used in calculation of the present values. The trade-off between present value of costs and planning flexibility is emphasized in choosing a recommended time pattern of aircraft replacement. The specific aircraft mixes considered are the TF–9J/TAF–9J and the TA–4F/A–4B. The first is the currently employed mix; the second is the proposed replacement. The problem is to select an optimal time-pattern of replacement of F–9's by A–4's, given technological differences favoring the A–4 and increasing costs of maintaining squadrons of F–9's. Replacements by aircraft types other than the A–4 are considered impractical. Four feasible plans for introducing A–4's through a 5-year period are evaluated in terms of current best estimates of the related costs of the plans and in terms of the flexibility of modifying each plan given future better information concerning the relevant costs. The method of analysis is comparative present value of expected costs.  相似文献   
In the temporarily isolated situation in which a warship finds itself during a mission. not only spare parts, but also “spare” crewmen in various categories of specialization must he on board. Mathematical models for the probabilities of mission survival for personnel and for personnel and materiel jointly are proposed. A practical example is worked out: the optimal allocation of spare crewmen to different categories of specialization is calculated.  相似文献   
The component placement problem is a specialization of the quadratic assignment problem that has been extensively studied for a decade and which is of considerable practical value. Recently, interest in component placement algorithms has risen primarily as a result of increased activity in the field of computer-aided design automation. This paper deals with the methodology of component placement and is based on the results of considerable operational experience. A tutorial presentation of tree search placement algorithms is provided, and an improved placement procedure is described which is demonstrated to be effective in generating near optimal solutions to the component placement problem. These solutions are completely reproducible and are obtained at an acceptable expenditure of computational resources. An additional objective is an assessment of performance of the class of near optimal algorithms. In particular, the question- how close to optimal are the near optimal solutions- is examined.  相似文献   
Chen and Bhattacharyya [Exact confidence bounds for an exponential parameter under hybrid censoring, Commun Statist Theory Methods 17 (1988), 1857–1870] considered a hybrid censoring scheme and obtained the exact distribution of the maximum likelihood estimator of the mean of an exponential distribution along with an exact lower confidence bound. Childs et al. [Exact likelihood inference based on Type‐I and Type‐II hybrid censored samples from the exponential distribution, Ann Inst Statist Math 55 (2003), 319–330] recently derived an alternative simpler expression for the distribution of the MLE. These authors also proposed a new hybrid censoring scheme and derived similar results for the exponential model. In this paper, we propose two generalized hybrid censoring schemes which have some advantages over the hybrid censoring schemes already discussed in the literature. We then derive the exact distribution of the maximum likelihood estimator as well as exact confidence intervals for the mean of the exponential distribution under these generalized hybrid censoring schemes. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2004  相似文献   
This paper attempts to resolve the existing confusion concerning missing operations. Scheduling problems are classified in two groups: (i) null-continuous (NC)—comprising the problems where an optimal schedule remains optimal on replacement of arbitrarily small processing times (existing operations) with zeros (missing operations); (ii) null-discontinuous (NDC)—comprising those problems which are not null-continuous.  相似文献   
Cumulative search-evasion games (CSEGs) are two-person zero-sum search-evasion games where play proceeds throughout some specified period without interim feedback to either of the two players. Each player moves according to a preselected plan. If (Xt, Yt,) are the positions of the two players at time t, then the game's payoff is the sum over t from 1 to T of A(Xt, Yt, t). Additionally, all paths must be “connected.” That is, the finite set of positions available for a player in any time period depends on the position selected by that player in the previous time period. One player attempts to select a mixed strategy over the feasible T-time period paths to maximize the expected payoff. The other minimizes. Two solution procedures are given. One uses the Brown-Robinson method of fictitious play and the other linear programming. An example problem is solved using both procedures.  相似文献   
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