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80年来,人民军队后勤工作在党的领导下,经过几代人的艰苦奋斗,从无到有,由弱到强,创造了后勤史上的无数奇迹,取得了举世瞩目的伟大成就,也积累了一系列极其宝贵的历史经验.这些经验,既有不同历史时期的经验,各级各类部队的经验,也有各种作战样式的保障经验,各个专业、各种事业的建设经验,以及各项后勤改革的经验等等,精彩纷呈,无比丰富,已经成为人民军队后勤的宝贵精神财富.  相似文献   
There are given k (? 2) univariate cumulative distribution functions (c.d.f.'s) G(x; θi) indexed by a real-valued parameter θi, i=1,…, k. Assume that G(x; θi) is stochastically increasing in θi. In this paper interval estimation on the ith smallest of the θ's and related topics are studied. Applications are considered for location parameter, normal variance, binomial parameter, and Poisson parameter.  相似文献   
This article investigates the optimal inventory and admission policies for a “Clicks‐and‐Bricks” retailer of seasonal products that, in addition to selling through its own physical and online stores, also sells through third‐party websites by means of affiliate programs. Through postings on partners' webpages, an affiliate program allows a retailer to attract customers who would otherwise be missed. However, this retailer needs to pay a commission for each sale that originates from the website operators participating in the program. The retailer may also refer online orders to other sources (such as distributors and manufacturers) for fulfillment through a drop‐shipping agreement and thus earns commissions. This would be an option when, for example, the inventories at the physical stores were running low. Therefore, during the selling horizon, the retailer needs to dynamically control the opening/closing of affiliate programs and decide on the fulfillment option for online orders. On the basis of a discrete‐time dynamic programming model, the optimal admission policy of the retailer is investigated in this paper, and the structural properties of the revenue function are characterized. Numerical examples are given to show the revenue impact of optimal admission control. The optimal initial stocking decisions at the physical stores are also studied. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 2009  相似文献   
为解决专用数字下变频芯片价格昂贵、灵活性不强的问题,研究了如何基于FPGA实现数字下变频的功能。本设计结合硬件资源从数字下变频的系统各模块的主要功能,以及从彼此间的性能制约上考虑,先通过MATLAB仿真选择合适的参数,然后在Xilinx公司ISES.2开发环境下,使用Verifog语言编程实现。最后对基于FPGA实现的数字下变频系统调用Modelsim进行仿真测试,验证了设计的正确性。  相似文献   
Manufacturer rebates are commonly used as price discount tools for attracting end customers. In this study, we consider a two‐stage supply chain with a manufacturer and a retailer, where a single seasonal product faces uncertain and price‐sensitive demand. We characterize the impact of a manufacturer rebate on the expected profits of both the manufacturer and the retailer. We show that unless all of the customers claim the rebate, the rebate always benefits the manufacturer. Our results thus imply that “mail‐in rebates,” where some customers end up not claiming the rebate, particularly when the size of the rebate is relatively small, always benefit the manufacturer. On the other hand, an “instant rebate,” such as the one offered in the automotive industry where every customer redeems the rebate on the spot when he/she purchases a car, does not necessarily benefit the manufacturer. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2007  相似文献   
在定性分析现有火灾等级标准的基础上,做出了火灾等级标准的数量化探讨。将D-S证据理论方法应用到火灾等级的综合评价中,将死亡人数、重伤人数、直接财产损失三个重要指标作为评定证据进行信息汇集,将汇集结果作为评定标准,针对中国消防年鉴中530起重、特大火灾进行实例计算,并做出总体分析、特例分析和边界值分析。结果表明该方法克服了单因素评价的不足,使评价更加科学、合理。  相似文献   
Plug‐in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), upon market penetration, will create additional recharging loads to the electric power systems. This article considers different recharging scenarios and uses game theoretic models to study the potential impact of the recharging loads on locational marginal prices (wholesale electricity prices). Computational results from a Pennsylvania‐New Jersey‐Maryland Interconnection case study show that, under the existing recharging infrastructures, even a small magnitude of load increase caused by PHEV recharging could have a significant undesirable impact on locational marginal prices. The impact could be mitigated to a varying extent by the availability of possible future recharging infrastructures, including realtime pricing recharging meters, battery stations, or vehicle‐to‐grid technology.© 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2010  相似文献   
自觉加强党性修养,是新形势下保持共产党员先进性的必然要求和必由之路.要注重贯彻理论和实践相结合的原则,突出四个重点,充分发挥主观能动性,引导广大党员着眼履行军队神圣使命,紧密联系思想和本职岗位实际,自觉把开展先进性教育的过程作为加强党性修养、实践先进性要求、塑造先进性形象的过程.  相似文献   
《孙子兵法》具有强烈而深厚的忧患意识,其忧患意识具有进步性与局限性、现实性与理想性的特点。这种忧患意识,对于推动民族自强、国家发展以及文明演进,促使个体塑造理想人格、提升生活质量与精神境界,具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   
美军军官能力建设是美军现代化建设的一个重要环节,其基本情况表现为在军官能力建设的目标上突出信息化、知识化;在军官能力建设的起点上,坚持军官来源的高标准、严要求,严把入口关;在军官能力的培养方面,坚持层次分明、重点突出的院校培训体系。  相似文献   
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