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依据Patankar提出的差分方程稳定性判断的4项基本法则,对可压缩流动的压力修正方程进行了分析,得出压力修正方程系数为正的条件.指出在每一次求解压力修正方程时必须提高解的收敛程度,以保证下一次迭代的差分方程矩阵接近主对角占优.分析了速度离散方程的欠松驰因子对可压缩流压力修正方程的影响.  相似文献   
设Z是一致光滑Banach空间,T:X→X是次连续强增生算子,{an}、{βn}是两个实数列且满足0≤an≤1,及an→0(n→∞),令Mann迭代序列{Xn}定义为证明了迭代序列{xn}强收敛于S的不动点q的充要条件是||Txn||有界。  相似文献   
研究了形如X'(t)∈-Ax(t)+F(t,x(t)),0≤t≤T,X(0)=x0的微分包含解的存在的局部性和整体性的结果,并在某种条件下研究了解的稳定性。  相似文献   
网络图式军用文书是战时通用装备保障文书中通常采用的文书形式之一,给出装备保障文书辅助生成系统的总体结构,将网络分析方法引入通用装备保障文书辅助生成系统的研究,在此基础上阐述了网络图式文书生成子系统的功能、数学模型及网络计算、网络优化的部分算法。  相似文献   
给出了严格集压缩场的拓扑度在非球域上的度为零的结果,改进了孙经先1987年相应的结果。  相似文献   
电子战仿真系统中防空武器作战效能研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
介绍了电子战仿真系统总体结构,研究了空中拦截、地对空导弹及高炮等模块的作战效能模型,并用Monte Carlo 试验方法分析了系统的电子对抗作战效能  相似文献   
We consider a single-machine scheduling model in which the job processing times are controllable variables with linear costs. The objective is to minimize the sum of the cost incurred in compressing job processing times and the cost associated with the number of late jobs. The problem is shown to be NP-hard even when the due dates of all jobs are identical. We present a dynamic programming solution algorithm and a fully polynomial approximation scheme for the problem. Several efficient heuristics are proposed for solving the problem. Computational experiments demonstrate that the heuristics are capable of producing near-optimal solutions quickly. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 45: 67–82, 1998  相似文献   
提出了一种利用陀螺与星敏感器进行组合定姿的方案.为了避免状态及量测向量选取不当而造成的误差,首先采用四元数法对卫星的姿态进行描述;接着分析了陀螺与星敏感器系统的误差源,选取误差四元数及陀螺的系统误差作为组合系统的状态,获得了系统状态方程;同时采用星敏感器的量测作为系统量测,并利用新的数学变换构得到更为准确的量测方程;最...  相似文献   
This study investigates the statistical process control application for monitoring queue length data in M/G/1 systems. Specifically, we studied the average run length (ARL) characteristics of two different control charts for detecting changes in system utilization. First, the nL chart monitors the sums of successive queue length samples by subgrouping individual observations with sample size n. Next is the individual chart with a warning zone whose control scheme is specified by two pairs of parameters, (upper control limit, du) and (lower control limit, dl), as proposed by Bhat and Rao (Oper Res 20 (1972) 955–966). We will present approaches to calculate ARL for the two types of control charts using the Markov chain formulation and also investigate the effects of parameters of the control charts to provide useful design guidelines for better performance. Extensive numerical results are included for illustration. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2011  相似文献   
贯彻落实<军队基层建设纲要>,扎实做好抓基层打基础的工作,要按照新时期基层建设特点和规律的要求,进一步确立依靠官兵、依靠制度、依靠创新、依靠激励打基础建基层的意识和工作方法,努力把基层建设提高到一个新水平,为提升部队战斗力奠定坚实的基础.  相似文献   
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