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As a relevant topic in reliability theory, the preservation of aging properties under the formation of various coherent structures contributes to improving system performance through better structure design and more effective system maintenance. The classical research in this line usually focuses upon coherent systems with independent component lifetimes. Recently, some authors discussed the preservation of IFR, NBU, and DMRL in the setting of dependent component lifetimes. This paper further investigates sufficient conditions for coherent systems with dependent component lifetimes to preserve aging properties including NBUC, NBU (2), DMRL, and their dual versions. Some examples are presented to illustrate coherent structures and typical copula functions fulfilling the present sufficient conditions as well.  相似文献   
Reactive Materials (RMs), a new material with structural and energy release characteristics under shock-induced chemical reactions, are promising in extensive applications in national defense and military fields. They can increase the lethality of warheads due to their dual functionality. This paper focuses on the energy release characteristics of RM casings prepared by alloy melting and casting process under explosive loading. Explosion experiments of RM and conventional 2A12 aluminum alloy casings were conducted in free field to capture the explosive fireballs, temperature distribution, peak overpressure of the air shock wave and the fracture morphology of fragments of reactive material (RM) warhead casings by using high-speed camera, infrared thermal imager temperature and peak overpressure testing and scanning electron microscope. Results showed that an increase of both the fireball temperature and air shock wave were observed in all RM casings compared to conventional 2A12 aluminum ally casings. The RM casings can improve the peak overpressure of the air shock wave under explosion loading, though the results are different with different charge ratios. According to the energy release characteristics of the RM, increasing the thickness of RM casings will increase the peak overpressure of the near-field air shock wave, while reducing the thickness will increase the peak overpressure of the far-field air shock wave.  相似文献   
安史之乱爆发,使华北陷入战争的泥潭,特别是安史之乱后期,中央和安史叛军主要在华北一带争夺,这里的经济发展受到了严重的破坏,"人烟断绝,千里萧条".有些学者认为安史乱后,华北经济从此便衰落下去,也有些学者不赞成此说.那么,华北平原是否由于安史战乱而一蹶不振呢?  相似文献   
针对“双经纬仪法”检测调炮精度中随机布站使测量系统达不到最佳测量精度的问题,提出了一种优化布站方法.根据火炮调炮范围确定了调炮精度检测中的测量区域,推导出了双经纬仪测量系统对于该测量区域的平均测量不确定度公式.结合某型火炮设计了基于遗传算法的具体优化过程,对测量系统的3个位置参数进行优化,得到最佳测量布局,并通过仿真试...  相似文献   
灭火兵力部署的计算机图形标识旨在用计算机图形标识的方法模拟消防力量部署。本文通过程序设计对图标进行选择、移动、删除、位置记录等操作 ,将灭火力量标识到火场的适当位置 ,从而实现对消防力量决策、消防兵力实时部署的计算机模拟 ,可应用于计算机灭火指挥模拟训练系统中。  相似文献   
都市圈石漠化区域采石场的生态恢复方法与措施探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
都市圈石漠化区域采石场往往由于过度开发且未采取有效的恢复措施,致使生态环境破坏严重,严重影响了都市圈的生态环境和经济发展.在分析都市圈石漠化区域采石场生态恢复特点的基础上,论述了其生态恢复的基本方法及工程技术措施,指出都市圈石漠化区域采石场生态恢复应依据都市圈发展总体规划和景观生态学、景观建筑学及美学原理,采用开发性治理方法,综合运用多种工程技术措施恢复植被、整治水土流失并进行景观再造,从而满足都市圈对于景观的要求,提高土地利用价值,促进都市圈社会经济发展和城市生态环境建设.  相似文献   
We consider a make‐to‐order production–distribution system with one supplier and one or more customers. A set of orders with due dates needs to be processed by the supplier and delivered to the customers upon completion. The supplier can process one order at a time without preemption. Each customer is at a distinct location and only orders from the same customer can be batched together for delivery. Each delivery shipment has a capacity limit and incurs a distribution cost. The problem is to find a joint schedule of order processing at the supplier and order delivery from the supplier to the customers that optimizes an objective function involving the maximum delivery tardiness and the total distribution cost. We first study the solvability of various cases of the problem by either providing an efficient algorithm or proving the intractability of the problem. We then develop a fast heuristic for the general problem. We show that the heuristic is asymptotically optimal as the number of orders goes to infinity. We also evaluate the performance of the heuristic computationally by using lower bounds obtained by a column generation approach. Our results indicate that the heuristic is capable of generating near optimal solutions quickly. Finally, we study the value of production–distribution integration by comparing our integrated approach with two sequential approaches where scheduling decisions for order processing are made first, followed by order delivery decisions, with no or only partial integration of the two decisions. We show that in many cases, the integrated approach performs significantly better than the sequential approaches. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2005  相似文献   
越肩发射的两种方式   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
首先介绍了越肩发射的两种发射方式及其原理,然后对这两种方式的性能优劣进行了详细的比较和分析,最后讨论了越肩发射与以往攻击方式的不同和对未来空战所产生的影响及其应用情况,并得出了一些有益的结论。  相似文献   
防空导弹武器系统目标分配的多种算法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
叙述了防空导弹武器系统目标分配的一般数学模型。在此基础上,建立了防空导弹的5种目标分配数学优化算法,并讨论了数学模型的求解问题。最后,对这5种数学优化算法进行了比较。  相似文献   
瓦解敌军是我军政治工作三大原则之一。抗战中瓦解敌军的工作,得到了极大的丰富和发展。其主要经验和启示是:客观分析作战对象特点,确定瓦解敌军工作的新方针;建立健全各级组织,加强瓦解敌军工作的统一领导;广泛深入开展宣传,发动瓦解敌军的政治攻势;实行优待俘虏政策,增强瓦解敌军工作的效果。  相似文献   
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