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This article studies (nQ, r) inventory policies, under which the order quantity is restricted to be an integer multiple of a base lot size Q. Both Q and r are decision variables. Assuming the one-period expected holding and backorder cost function is unimodal, we develop an efficient algorithm to compute the optimal Q and r. The algorithm is facilitated by simple observations about the cost function and by tight upper bounds on the optimal Q. The total number of elementary operations required by the algorithm is linear in these upper bounds. By using the algorithm, we compare the performance of the optimal (nQ, r) policy with that of the optimal (s, S) policy through a numerical study, and our results show that the difference between them is small. Further analysis of the model shows that the cost performance of an (nQ, r) policy is insensitive to the choice of Q. These results establish that (nQ, r) models are potentially useful in many settings where quantized ordering is beneficial.  相似文献   
对多目标识别技术的二进制搜索算法、时隙ALOHA算法进行了剖析,并对ALOHA算法用概率论和数理统计的方法进行了深入的理论分析,得出要根据所设计的射频识别系统的特点合理采用各种算法方可得到良好的效果.该算法的实现对提高高速公路上自动收费系统、人员和物流管理等各领域的工作效率具有一定的指导意义.  相似文献   
科学人才观是做好人才工作,落实人才强军战略的思想基础。全面理解和践行科学人才观,一要牢固树立人才资源是第一资源、人人都可以成才、以人为本的观念;二要始终坚持党管人才原则,加强各级党委对人才工作的领导;三要构建与科学人才观相适应的军事人才激励机制。  相似文献   
无人直升机辨识的一种新方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对无人直升机的辨识建模问题,提出了把频率响应辨识法和遗传算法相结合的一种新的辨识方法.该方法充分结合了频率响应辨识法抗噪声能力强、对输入信号通用性强、以及遗传算法的全局寻优特性的优点,极大地提高了辨识的准确性.与最小二乘法、Levy方法的对比仿真结果表明,这种方法辨识精度更高,具有重要的工程使用价值.  相似文献   
军队思想政治建设实现"三个确保",必须以强化中国特色社会主义理论体系武装为首要任务;以培育当代革命军人核心价值观为重要抓手;以全面提高完成多样化军事任务能力为实践平台;以加强各级党组织建设为关键环节;以改进创新思想政治工作为强大动力.  相似文献   
中央军委颁发实施的<党代表任期制实施办法(试行)>,具有很强的思想性、规范性和可操作性,是推进军队党内民主建设的重大举措.要充分认清重大意义,提高贯彻落实<党代表任期制实施办法>的自觉性;准确把握内容实质,增强贯彻落实的针对性;建立健全保障措施,确保贯彻落实的实效性.  相似文献   
在武器装备采办中对竞争与单一来源的选择应分析竞争的可行性与合意性。引入竞争必须要满足一些基本的必要条件,只有这样才会使竞争具有可行性。引入竞争还要分析竞争的合意性,即竞争是否值得,而这种合意与否的判断是建立在竞争的成本一收益分析基础之上的。只有同时满足“竞争可行”与“竞争合意”两个条件,武器装备采办才适宜引入竞争,否则应保持单一来源。  相似文献   
建立企业安全生产标准体系,是推动企业建立具有军工特色规范化和标准化的现代企业安全生产管理体系的有效途径。本文分析了军工企业安全生产标准体系建立必要性、原则和要求,阐述了体系结构层次及其建立方法,提出了正确处理与企业安全管理体系衔接和建立动态管理机制等要求。  相似文献   
日本06式枪榴弹采用新型材料,大幅降低了弹的质量和体积,提高了杀伤效能;采取分离一飞行方式,大大减小了后坐能量,增大了射程;运用弹头捕阱系统,减少了烟尘、碎屑等污染物,保证枪榴弹实弹发射时的安全。其设计思想和战术性能在步兵轻武器领域达到世界领先水平。  相似文献   
We consider a finite horizon periodic review, single product inventory system with a fixed setup cost and two stochastic demand classes that differ in their backordering costs. In each period, one must decide whether and how much to order, and how much demand of the lower class should be satisfied. We show that the optimal ordering policy can be characterized as a state dependent (s,S) policy, and the rationing structure is partially obtained based on the subconvexity of the cost function. We then propose a simple heuristic rationing policy, which is easy to implement and close to optimal for intensive numerical examples. We further study the case when the first demand class is deterministic and must be satisfied immediately. We show the optimality of the state dependent (s,S) ordering policy, and obtain additional rationing structural properties. Based on these properties, the optimal ordering and rationing policy for any state can be generated by finding the optimal policy of only a finite set of states, and for each state in this set, the optimal policy is obtained simply by choosing a policy from at most two alternatives. An efficient algorithm is then proposed. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2010  相似文献   
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