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The mitigation of blast shock with water has broad application prospects. Understanding the mitigation effects on the reflected overpressure of the explosion shock with water surrounding an explosive in a confined space is of great significance for military explosives safety applications. To estimate the effects of the parameters on the reflected overpressure of blasted shock wave, a series of experiments were carried out in confined containers with spherical explosives immersed in a certain thickness of water, and numerical simulations were conducted to explore the corresponding mechanisms. The results reveal that the reflected overpressure is abnormally aggravated at a small scaled distance. This aggravation is due to the high impulse of the bulk accelerated water shell converted from the explosion. With increasing scaled distance, the energy will be gradually dissipated. The mitigation effects will appear with the dispersed water phase front impacting at a larger scaled distance, except in the case of a dense water phase state. A critical scaled distance range of 0.7—0.8 m/kg1/3 for effective mitigation was found. It is suggested that the scaled distance of space walls should be larger than the critical value for a certain water-to-explosive weight ratio range (5—20).  相似文献   
In this paper, based on a bidirectional parallel multi-branch feature pyramid network (BPMFPN), a novel one-stage object detector called BPMFPN Det is proposed for real-time detection of ground multi-scale targets by swarm unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). First, the bidirectional parallel multi-branch convolution modules are used to construct the feature pyramid to enhance the feature expression abilities of different scale feature layers. Next, the feature pyramid is integrated into the single-stage object detection framework to ensure real-time performance. In order to validate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, experiments are conducted on four datasets. For the PASCAL VOC dataset, the proposed algorithm achieves the mean average precision (mAP) of 85.4 on the VOC 2007 test set. With regard to the detection in optical remote sensing (DIOR) dataset, the proposed algorithm achieves 73.9 mAP. For vehicle detection in aerial imagery (VEDAI) dataset, the detection accuracy of small land vehicle (slv) targets reaches 97.4 mAP. For unmanned aerial vehicle detection and tracking (UAVDT) dataset, the proposed BPMFPN Det achieves the mAP of 48.75. Compared with the previous state-of-the-art methods, the results obtained by the proposed algorithm are more competitive. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can effectively solve the problem of real-time detection of ground multi-scale targets in aerial images of swarm UAVs.  相似文献   
封建专制时代的将领,建功立业不仅要有非凡的军事才能,还要有高超的人事协调艺术。否则,非但功业难成,身家性命也难保全。本文以唐代名将郭子仪为蓝本,通过对郭子仪为臣、为将、为人三方面处世之道的深入分析,廓清了封建专制时代武将建功立业不得不具备的人格因素。  相似文献   
以某大型复杂装备远程测试系统为例,给出了基于DCOM的分布式网络化虚拟仪器测试系统的体系结构.该网络化测试系统体系结构采用DS技术作为客户端和测试端连接的中间件,并采用C/S、B/S混合模式使系统各COM/DCOM组件通过网络实现"无缝"连接.DCOM技术的应用使得各网络测试节点成为服务的本体,可以响应不同客户的测试需求,实现了良好的数据传输、安全管理和远程仪器控制.DS技术的使用进一步简化了计算机和测试应用之间的数据交换,达到了良好的实时传输效果.  相似文献   
本文给出了频谱有限信号外推的一个新算法,首先考虑了问题的不适定性,然后用正则化方法构造一个稳定算法,因本文把噪音η(t)看成是L~2〔-T,T〕(T > 0)中的函数,且当integral from n=-T to T (|η(t)|~2dt→0时,外推在(-∞, ∞)上一致逼近准确信号,所以有较强的应用价值.最后还给出了外推的误差估计.  相似文献   
本文提出了“容错局域网”的设计思想,并详述了其设计方法.该系统的设计成功,解决了网络实时通信过程中的有关技术问题.  相似文献   
本文研究非线性传热Qo∝(△T) ̄n条件下的内可逆卡诺制冷机,给出可逆与不可逆循环的制冷量之间的关系式,由此建立了制冷机生态学的优化目标F,并求得F与制冷系数的最优关系,最后讨论制冷机生态学的工作优域,为更有效地利用能量和保护自然资源提供新的依据。  相似文献   
美军军官能力建设是美军现代化建设的一个重要环节,其基本情况表现为在军官能力建设的目标上突出信息化、知识化;在军官能力建设的起点上,坚持军官来源的高标准、严要求,严把入口关;在军官能力的培养方面,坚持层次分明、重点突出的院校培训体系。  相似文献   
在考虑工质与热源间热阻损失的内可逆热机模型基础上,用一常数项表示热漏损失,用一常系数项表示循环中除热阻和热漏外的其余不可逆性(如摩擦、涡流、非平衡等),建立了一个不可逆定常态能量转换卡诺热机模型,并对其进行有限时间热力学分析,导出循环的最佳功率与效率关系,并得到了最大功率及其相应的效率和最大效率及其相应的功率。由此模型可准确描述各种不可逆性对热机性能的影响。由此得到的热机功率效率特性与实际热机特性相同。  相似文献   
本文提出了基于电流传输器、MOS场效应管和电容构成的全集成有源元件,包括GIC、模拟电感和频变负电阻(FONR)元件电路,这些电路使用4个匹配晶体管组达到特性的线性化。  相似文献   
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