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加强非战争与战争军事行动装备保障能力相互融合与转化研究是促进装备保障能力建设的重要举措.首先阐述了非战争与战争军事行动装备保障能力相互融合与转化的内涵,进而明确了非战争与战争军事行动装备保障能力相互融合与转化的目标,最后制定了非战争与战争军事行动装备保障能力相互融合与转化的战略规划,为新时期军队遂行多样化军事任务的装备保障能力建设奠定了理论基础.  相似文献   
<正>《林教头风雪山神庙》(见高中语文第四册)的“风雪”描写向来为人称道,其中关于“酒”的细节描写,却为人所忽视;至于“火”的描写,论者虽不少,但也只是在分析情节时一笔带过.笔者认为,“酒”、“火”同“风雪”一样,都是施耐庵苦心经营且独具匠心的象征物.本文试略作分析,以祈向同行请教.  相似文献   
考虑了攻防双方兵力部署和交战过程中的随机因素,建立了野战防空导弹武器系统攻防对抗作战效能模型。基于典型作战想定进行了仿真,分析了关键战技指标对作战效能的影响,为武器系统的研制提供了一定的参考。  相似文献   
本文根据军事运筹学的有关理论,以现装备的高射炮作为主要的防空武器,针对实施区域掩护时为取得良好的掩护效果,从数量上对兵力兵器作了系统分析。  相似文献   
本文应用灰色系统预测的理论与方法,建立了射击精度的子系统与系统的预测模型,为从微观、宏观上控制误差,提高射击效果,提出了一种科学的预测方法。  相似文献   
通过对典型的教育评估模式的探讨,论述了课程评估的概念、地位和作用,提出了包括确定评估模式,建立指标体系,实施评估在内的全部课程评估工作应遵循的原则,在综合性评估模式中加入了课程制定评估,使评估模式更趋于完整、科学、合理。  相似文献   
本文首先介绍单片机控制的指挥仪航路产生系统的原理及组成,重点讨论了目标现在点坐标由数字量到指挥仪所需要的模拟信号的转换方法,最后对该系统的误差结果进行了分析。  相似文献   
为了探索研究实艇的流水孔方案设计,基于滑移网格和内外域交互的计算方法,以含上层建筑流水孔的局部艇体模型为研究对象,对不同缩比的方形流水孔在不同吃水下的溢流进行了数值模拟,并对比分析了不同缩比的方形流水孔的上层建筑余水容积、余水高度、孔口流量以及流量系数等参数的变化规律.研究结果表明:流水孔的缩比越小,即流水孔的尺寸越大...  相似文献   
The quick response (QR) system that can cope with demand volatility by shortening lead time has been well studied in the literature. Much of the existing literature assumes implicitly or explicitly that the manufacturers under QR can always meet the demand because the production capacity is always sufficient. However, when the order comes with a short lead time under QR, availability of the manufacturer's production capacity is not guaranteed. This motivates us to explore QR in supply chains with stochastic production capacity. Specifically, we study QR in a two-echelon supply chain with Bayesian demand information updating. We consider the situation where the manufacturer's production capacity under QR is uncertain. We first explore how stochastic production capacity affects supply chain decisions and QR implementation. We then incorporate the manufacturer's ability to expand capacity into the model. We explore how the manufacturer determines the optimal capacity expansion decision, and the value of such an ability to the supply chain and its agents. Finally, we extend the model to the two-stage two-ordering case and derive the optimal ordering policy by dynamic programming. We compare the single-ordering and two-ordering cases to generate additional managerial insights about how ordering flexibility affects QR when production capacity is stochastic. We also explore the transparent supply chain and find that our main results still hold.  相似文献   
We study the competition problem of purchase and multiretrieval of perishable seasonal produce, where wholesalers purchase and stock their products in the first period, and then retrieve and sell them in subsequent periods. We first consider the duopoly case and assume that the prices are exogenous and fluctuate. In each period, after the price realization, the wholesalers retrieve some stock from their warehouses to satisfy their demands. One wholesaler's unsatisfied customers can switch to another and be satisfied by its left retrieved products. Any unsold retrieved stock has no salvage value and any unsatisfied demand is lost. The unretrieved stock is carried to the next period at a perishable rate. The wholesalers compete for the substitute demand by determining their own purchase and retrieval quantities. We show the existence and uniqueness of a pure-strategy Nash equilibrium, and that the Nash equilibrium strategy has the simple “sell-down-to” structure. We also consider the general N-person game and show the existence of the Nash equilibrium, and characterize the structure of the equilibrium strategy for the symmetric case. In addition, we consider the case with endogenous prices, and show that the problem reduces to a repeated newsvendor game with price and inventory competition. We derive the conditions under which a unique Nash equilibrium exists and characterize the equilibrium strategy. Finally, we conduct numerical studies to examine the impacts of the model parameters on the equilibrium outcomes and to generate managerial insights.  相似文献   
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