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随着对结构化超精密部件需要的不断增加,出现了加工具有高的表面光洁度以及形状精度的非旋转对称镜片的新技术。根据现有的快速刀具伺服系统,研制出了最大行程为16mm的新型快速刀具伺服系统(图1)。以前的快速刀具伺服系统采用了弹性导向机构,而现在的快速刀具伺服系统则采用了空气轴承,并且用了一个高频直线电机来驱动这个系统。由于采用了一个新的功率放大器,使得这个系统能够最高达到100Hz的频率以及1mm的振动幅度。这篇文章给出了这种新型快速刀具伺服系统的技术细节。  相似文献   
Lobbyists may not share the same interests, but they usually agree to form a link in a network which could eventually be used to spread information, to search for potential partners, to speak with one voice to decision makers. In other words, social links represent value for lobbyists because they may ultimately facilitate access. In this article, we explore the network of the Security and Defense lobbies in the EU and we describe its structure.  相似文献   
The effort to degrade and defeat the Islamic State is like many other multilateral military efforts – characterized by widely varying contributions to the effort. This article seeks to understand the patterns of contributions. Three sets of explanations are applied: the lessons of Afghanistan and Libya, variations in how potential contributors feel the threat posed by the Islamic State, and domestic political dynamics. While there may be some political processes that overlap with the big lessons and with the threat of the Islamic State, the patterns of contributions thus far suggest that the key drivers of reactions to the Islamic State are the desire not to repeat Afghanistan combined with some impetus provided by Islamic State attacks in the various homelands. The conclusion suggests some policy implications as well as some ideas for future research.  相似文献   
In this article we try to identify appropriate solution procedures for different types of multiechelon production planning problems. We conduct an extensive computational study on uncapacitated multiechelon production planning problems with serial and assembly types of bill-of-material structures. Problems are formulated as both single-source fixed charge network problems and as multicommodity flow problems with fixed charges. Solution procedures considered are branch and cut, Lagrangean relaxation (for the network formulation), and branch and bound (for the multicommodity formulation). Three hundred problems with various problem structures are tested. Our conclusions suggest the best approach for each type of problem structure. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
The Joint Replenishment Problem (JRP) involves production planning for a family of items. The items have a coordinated cost structure whereby a major setup cost is incurred whenever any item in the family is produced, and an item-specific minor setup cost is incurred whenever that item is produced. This paper investigates the performance of two types of cyclical production schedules for the JRP with dynamic demands over a finite planning horizon. The cyclical schedules considered are: (1) general cyclical schedules—schedules where the number of periods between successive production runs for any item is constant over the planning horizon—and (2) power-of-two schedules—a subset of cyclical schedules for which the number of periods between successive setups must be a power of 2. The paper evaluates the additional cost incurred by requiring schedules to be cyclical, and identifies problem characteristics that have a significant effect on this additional cost. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 44: 577–589, 1997.  相似文献   
In order to examine the possibility to improve its camouflage properties standard cotton fabric with camouflage print was impregnated with poly(vinyl butyral), PVB and fullerene-like nanoparticles of tungsten disulfide, PVB/IF-WS2. FTIR analysis excluded any possible chemical interaction of IF-WS2 with PVB and the fabric. The camouflage behavior of the impregnated fabric has been examined firstly in the VIS part of the spectrum. Diffuse reflection, specular gloss and color coordinates were measured for three different shades (black, brown and dark green). Thermal imaging was applied to examine the camouflage abilities of this impregnation in IR part of the spectrum. The obtained results show that PVB/IF-WS2 impregnation system induced enhacement of the materials camouflage properties, i.e. that IF-WS2 have a positive effect on spectrophotometric characteristics of the fabric.  相似文献   
The present study deals with the experimental, finite element (FE) and analytical assessment of low ballistic impact response of proposedflexible'green' composite make use of naturally available jute and rubber as the constituents of the composite with stacking sequences namely jute/rubber/jute (JRJ), jute/rubber/rubber/jute (JRRJ) and jute/rubber/jute/rubber/jute (JRJRJ). Ballistic impact tests were carried out by firing a conical projectile using a gas gun apparatus at lower range of ballistic impact regime. The ballistic impact response of the proposed flexible composites are assesses based on energy absorption and damage mechanism. Results revealed that inclusion of natural rubber aids in better energy ab-sorption and mitigating the failure of the proposed composite. Among the three different stacking se-quences of flexible composites considered, JRJRJ provides better ballistic performance compared to its counterparts. The damage study reveals that the main mechanism of failure involved in flexible com-posites is matrix tearing as opposed to matrix cracking in stiff composites indicating that the proposedflexible composites are free from catastrophic failure. Results obtained from experimental, FE and analytical approach pertaining to energy absorption and damage mechanism agree well with each other. The proposed flexible composites due to their exhibited energy absorption capabilities and damage mechanism are best suited as claddings for structural application subjected to impact with an aim of protecting the main structural component from being failed catastrophically.  相似文献   
The effectiveness of a fire department is largely determined by its ability to respond to incidents in a timely manner. To do so, fire departments typically have fire stations spread evenly across the region, and dispatch the closest truck(s) whenever a new incident occurs. However, large gaps in coverage may arise in the case of a major incident that requires many nearby fire trucks over a long period of time, substantially increasing response times for emergencies that occur subsequently. We propose a heuristic for relocating idle trucks during a major incident in order to retain good coverage. This is done by solving a mathematical program that takes into account the location of the available fire trucks and the historic spatial distribution of incidents. This heuristic allows the user to balance the coverage and the number of truck movements. Using extensive simulation experiments we test the heuristic for the operations of the Fire Department of Amsterdam‐Amstelland, and compare it against three other benchmark strategies in a simulation fitted using 10 years of historical data. We demonstrate substantial improvement over the current relocation policy, and show that not relocating during major incidents may lead to a significant decrease in performance.  相似文献   

This article examines British responses to the Sino-Indian border war of 1962. It illustrates how, in the years leading up to the war, Britain’s colonial legacy in the Indian subcontinent saw it drawn reluctantly into a territorial dispute between Asia’s two largest and most powerful nations. It analyses disagreements in Whitehall between the Foreign Office and Commonwealth Relations Office over the relative strength of India and China’s border claims, and assesses how these debates reshaped British regional policy. It argues that the border war was instrumental in transforming Britain’s post-colonial relationship with South Asia. Continuing to filter relations with India through an imperial prism proved unsatisfactory, what followed was a more pragmatic Indo-British association.  相似文献   

The United States government has no organised way of thinking about war termination other than seeking decisive military victory. This implicit assumption is inducing three major errors. First, the United States tends to select military-centric strategies that have low probabilities of success. Second, the United States is slow to modify losing or ineffective strategies due to cognitive obstacles, internal frictions, and patron-client challenges with the host nation government. Finally, as the U.S. government tires of the war and elects to withdraw, bargaining asymmetries prevent successful transitions (building the host nation to win on its own) or negotiations.  相似文献   
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