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D. P. Heyman, M. Sobel, and M. J. Magazine among others have shown existence of an optimal policy for control of single server queuing systems. For queues under periodic review existence of an analogous rule is established for multi-server systems. Formulation as a dynamic programming problem is given and proofs for existence are presented for finite horizon, infinite horizon and average cost criteria.  相似文献   
For a young science and even for most old ones, the intensity and variety of activities involved in computer science are unsurpassed. In an effort to provide the extremely varied training needed in the field, curriculum planners have tended to slight probability and statistics. Rarely has it been a requisite and only occasionally a desired elective However, not only is an adequate foundation in probability and statistics necessary for such external computer applications as tracking and other data reduction, Monte Carlo techniques, gaming, operations research, traffic analyses, etc., but it also plays an important role in internal applications to computer science and technology This effort in Rand's continuing study of computational mathematics and its applications offers a number of examples in various areas of computational mathematics and computing machine arithmetic-to say nothing of computer design, time sharing, and the like-to support the thesis that probability and statistics should be a requisite, not simply an elective or, even worse, ignored, at any institution offering a program in computer science. Further more, a potentially profitable source of research problems can be found in the interface between probability and statistics and computer science.  相似文献   
The first problem considered in this paper is concerned with the assembly of independent components into parallel systems so as to maximize the expected number of systems that perform satisfactorily. Associated with each component is a probability of it performing successfully. It is shown that an optimal assembly is obtained if the reliability of each assembled system can be made equal. If such equality is not attainable, then bounds are given so that the maximum expected number of systems that perform satisfactorily will lie within these stated bounds; the bounds being a function of an arbitrarily chosen assembly. An improvement algorithm is also presented. A second problem treated is concerned with the optimal design of a system. Instead of assembling given units, there is an opportunity to “control” their quality, i.e., the manufacturer is able to fix the probability, p, of a unit performing successfully. However, his resources, are limited so that a constraint is imposed on these probabilities. For (1) series systems, (2) parallel systems, and (3) k out of n systems, results are obtained for finding the optimal p's which maximize the reliability of a single system, and which maximize the expected number of systems that perform satisfactorily out of a total assembly of J systems.  相似文献   
This paper presents the details for applying and specializing the work of Ellis Johnson [10] and [11] to develop a primal code for the well-known capacitated transportation problem. The code was developed directly from the work of Johnson, but is similar to codes developed by Glover, Karney, Klingman, and Napier [6] and Srinivasan and Thompson [14]. The emphasis in the presentation is the use of the graphical representation of the basis to carry out the revised simplex operations. This is a means of exploiting the special structure and sparseness of the constraint matrix to minimize computational effort and storage requirements. We also present the results of solving several large problems with the code developed.  相似文献   
A duality theory is developed for mathematical programs with strictly quasi-concave objective functions to be maximized over a convex set. This work broadens the duality theory of Rockafellar and Peterson from concave (convex) functions to quasi-concave (quasi-convex) functions. The theory is closely related to the utility theory in economics. An example from economic planning is examined and the solution to the dual program is shown to have the properties normally associated with market prices.  相似文献   
This note consists of developing a method for enforcing additional constraints to linear fractional programs and showing its usefulness in solving integer linear fractional programs.  相似文献   
The paper deals with bilinear programming problems and develops a finite algorithm using the “piecewise strategy” for large-scale systems. It consists of systematically generating a sequence of expanding polytopes with the global optimum within each polytope being known. The procedure then stops when the final polytope contains the feasible region.  相似文献   
This paper obtains the uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimates of two indices of performance of a system which alternates between two states “up” or “down” in accordance with a Markov process. The two indices are (1) operational readiness, which measures the probability that the system will be up when needed; and (2) operational reliability, which measures the probability that the system will be up during the entire time of need. For the purpose of obtaining these estimates, two types of observations are considered: (a) those which reveal only the state of system at isolated time-points, and (b) those which continuously record the duration of the “up” and “down” times of the system.  相似文献   
The present study is concerned with the determination of a few observations from a sufficiently large complete or censored sample from the extreme value distribution with location and scale parameters μ and σ, respectively, such that the asymptotically best linear unbiased estimators (ABLUE) of the parameters in Ref. [24] yield high efficiencies among other choices of the same number of observations. (All efficiencies considered are relative to the Cramér-Rao lower bounds for regular unbiased estimators.) The study is on the asymptotic theory and under Type II censoring scheme. For the estimation of μ when σ is known, it has been proved that there exists a unique optimum spacing whether the sample is complete, right censored, left censored, or doubly censored. Several tables are prepared to aid in the numerical computation of the estimates as well as to furnish their efficiencies. For the estimation of σ when μ is known, it has been observed that there does not exist a unique optimum spacing. Accordingly we have obtained a spacing based on a complete sample which yields high efficiency. A similar table as above is prepared. When both μ and σ are unknown, we have considered four different spacings based on a complete sample and chosen the one yielding highest efficiency. A table of the efficiencies is also prepared. Finally we apply the above results for the estimation of the scale and/or shape parameters of the Weibull distribution.  相似文献   
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