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Does the United Nations naming and shaming of specific violations of human rights decrease government repression? In this article, we argue that international shaming of specific human rights violations can weaken the target government, bringing new challenges and making the government cessation of repression less feasible. When international naming and shaming campaigns target specific repressive tactics, they increase the costs of some – but not all – means of repression. Using original data on naming and shaming by the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC), we show that the shaming of one physical integrity violation is jointly associated with decreases in that violation and increases in other violations of human rights.  相似文献   
We study stochastic clearing systems with a discrete-time Markovian input process, and an output mechanism that intermittently and instantaneously clears the system partially or completely. The decision to clear the system depends on both quantities and delays of outstanding inputs. Clearing the system incurs a fixed cost, and outstanding inputs are charged a delay penalty, which is a general increasing function of the quantities and delays of individual inputs. By recording the quantities and delays of outstanding inputs in a sequence, we model the clearing system as a tree-structured Markov decision process over both a finite and infinite horizon. We show that the optimal clearing policies, under realistic conditions, are of the on-off type or the threshold type. Based on the characterization of the optimal policies, we develop efficient algorithms to compute parameters of the optimal policies for such complex clearing systems for the first time. We conduct a numerical analysis on the impact of the nonlinear delay penalty cost function, the comparison of the optimal policy and the classical hybrid policy (ie, quantity and age thresholds), and the impact of the state of the input process. Our experiments demonstrate that (a) the classical linear approximation of the cost function can lead to significant performance differences; (b) the classical hybrid policy may perform poorly (as compared to the optimal policies); and (c) the consideration of the state of the input process makes significant improvement in system performance.  相似文献   
The malaise that the United States, and the West, have experienced in recent campaigns stems in large part from unclear thinking about war, its political essence, and the strategies needed to join the two. Instead, analysis and response are predicated on entrenched theoretical concepts with limited practical utility. The inadequacy of understanding has spawned new, and not so new, terms to capture unanticipated trends, starting with the re-discovery of “insurgency” and “counterinsurgency” and leading to discussion of “hybrid threats” and “gray-zone” operations. New terminology can help, but the change must go deeper. Challenging analytical orthodoxy, this article sets out a unifying approach for the study of political violence, or more accurately: violent politics. It provides a conceptual foundation that helps to make sense of recent shifts in warfare. In effect, it offers sorely needed theoretical insights into the nature of strategy and guides the process of responding to nontraditional threats.  相似文献   
This article presents a recoverable spares model for performance evaluation in a multiechelon inventory environment. This model explicitly incorporates the phenomenon known as multiple failures, in which more than one part can require replacement or repair when an end-item reaches a maintenance base. The model is shown to be computationally intractable, and an approximation scheme is presented to estimate system performance. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
This article analyzes a model of a multiechelon inventory system. The exogenous demands form Markov-modulated Poisson processes. That is, the demand rates are functions of an underlying Markov chain. Each location follows a base-stock policy which is independent of the state of the underlying Markov chain. We employ the exogenous transit mechanism introduced by Zipkin [7] and Svoronos and Zipkin [6]. The transit times between locations have phase-type distributions. An exact procedure to compute steady-state performance measures is presented. © 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Hollander, Park, and Proschan define a survival function S of a positive random variable X to be new better than used at age t0 (NBU-{t0}) if S satisfies $ \begin{array}{*{20}c} {\frac{{S(x + t_0)}}{{S\left({t_0} \right)}} \le S\left(x \right),} & {{\rm for}\,{\rm all}\,x\, \ge \,0,} \\ \end{array}$ where S(x) = P(X > x). The NBU-{t0} class is a special case of the NBU-A family of survival distributions, where A is a subset of [0, ∞). These families introduce a variety of modeling possibilities for use in reliability studies. We treat problems of nonparametric estimation of survival functions from these classes by estimators which are themselves members of the classes of interest. For a number of such classes, a recursive estimation technique is shown to produce closed-form estimators which are strongly consistent and converge to the true survival distribution at optimal rates. For other classes, additional assumptions are required to guarantee the consistency of recursive estimators. As an example of the latter case, we demonstrate the consistency of a recursive estimator for S ∈ NBU-[t0, ∞) based on lifetime data from items surviving a preliminary “burn-in” test. The relative precision of the empirical survival curve and several recursive estimators of S are investigated via simulation; the results provide support for the claim that recursive estimators are superior to the empirical survival curve in restricted nonparametric estimation problems of the type studied here.  相似文献   
This article deals with the statistical analysis of an N-component series system supported by an active standby and one repair facility. Assuming that the life and repair times of the components are independent exponential random variables, the probability distribution of the first passage to the system failure time is shown to be a convolution of two independent exponential distributions. Three observation schemes are considered to obtain the maximum likelihood estimates of the survival function. Information matrices are supplied. Numerical results based on Monte Carlo simulation are presented. It is noted that component level information (failure rate, repair rate) is not necessary for estimating the survival function of the system.  相似文献   
This article presents a mathematical model for manpower scheduling for unbalanced production lines in order to minimize in-process inventory cost. The model extends prior work by adding workers' skill limitations to the system. The model is formulated for a one-period schedule and then extended for multiperiod schedules. An example problem is solved for both single and multiperiods. A heuristic algorithm is also presented for multiperiod and large-scale problems, and computational experiences are reported.  相似文献   
A retailer or distributor of finished goods, or the manager of a spare-parts inventory system, must generally forecast the major portion of demand. A specific customer-service level p (fraction of replenishment intervals with no stockout) implies two challenges: achieve the service within a small interval plus or minus, and do so with a minimum-cost investment in inventory. The pth fractile of lead-time demand (LTD) is the reorder point (ROP) for this service measure, and is often approximated by that fractile of a normal distribution. With this procedure, it is easy to set safety stocks for an (s, Q) inventory system. However, Bookbinder and Lordahl [2] and others have identified cases where the normal approximation yields excessive costs and/or lower service than desired. This article employs an order-statistic approach. Using available LTD data, the ROP is simply estimated from one or two of the larger values in the sample. This approach is sufficiently automatic and intuitive for routine implementation in industry, yet is distribution free. The order-statistic method requires only a small amount of LTD data, and makes no assumptions on the form of the underlying LTD distribution, nor even its parameters μ and ρ. We compare the order-statistic approach and the normal approximation, first in terms of customer service and then using a model of expected annual cost. Based upon characteristics of the available LTD data, we suggest a procedure to aid a practitioner in choosine between the normal and order-statistic method. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
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