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This study examines the relationship between alliance conflict and international trade. Two schools of thought exist on this issue: some prominent writers suggest that alliance conflict reduces trade between two countries (the externality cost argument), while others suggest that it increases trade between certain countries at the cost of others (the alignment incentive argument). The study empirically tests the two propositions by analyzing the data on trade and conflict during the post‐WWII period. It is found that the relationship between trade and alliance conflict is statistically significant. The externality cost phenomenon occurs to allies, whereas the alignment incentive argument is true of neutrals. In addition, the findings of this study support the fundamental assumptions and major results in the studies of trade and conflict at the dyadic level.  相似文献   
Currently,polarization visualization strategies are accomplished by mapping polarization information into a perceptually uniform color appearance model CAM02-UCS.However,the deviation of the CAM02-UCS space from the lightness prediction results in an inaccurate match between the polarization in-formation and the perceptual information.In this paper,we propose a novel polarization visualization strategy based on the perceptual uniform space Jzazbz.The polarization visualization be completed by placing the polarization information into the lightness Jz,colorfulness Cz and hue angle hz channels of the Jzazbz space.The experimental results show that the proposed method can significantly improve the lightness of the low irradiance and high polarization region,hence more polarization information can be sensed by human visual system.  相似文献   
Lightweight hybrid structures of Al MMCs and titanium alloy dissimilar materials have great prospect in the defence industry application. So, it is necessary to join Al MMCs with Ti metal to achieve this structural design. In this work, in-situ TiB2/7050 composite and TA2 were firstly attempted to join by TIG welding-brazing technique. The result was that the intact welding-brazing butt joint was successfully fabricated. The joint presents dual characteristics, being a brazing on TA2 side and a welding on TiB2/7050 side. At brazing joint side, ER4043 filler metal effectively wets on TA2 under TIG heating condition, and a continuous interfacial reaction layer with 1—3μm is formed at welded metal/TA2 interface. The whole interfacial reaction layers are composed of Ti(AlSi)3 intermetallic compounds (IMCs), but their morphologies at the different regions present obvious distinguishes. The microhardness of the reaction layers is as much as 141—190 HV. At welding joints side, the fusion zone appears the equixaed crystal structure, and the grain sizes are much smaller than those of welded metal, which is attributed to the effect of TiB2 particulates from the melted TiB2/7050 on acceleration formation and inhibiting growth for the new crystal nucleus. The tensile test results show that average tensile strength of the optimal welding-brazing joint is able to achieve 138 MPa. The failure of the tensile joint occurs by quasi-cleavage pattern, and the cracks initiate from the IMCs layer at the groove surface of TA2 and propagate into the welded metal.  相似文献   
围绕战斗建模中的作战Agent模型的实现问题,通过对坦克战斗过程的分析,提出了以属性建模、能力建模和行为机制建模为要点的作战Agent建模方法,并在此基础上建立了面向实际应用的作战Agent模型;通过推演实验和与兰切斯特方程的比较实验,验证了作战Agent模型在模拟和解释战斗活动时的可行性、有效性和可操作性。  相似文献   
根据汽油燃烧有可能生成复杂的多环芳烃的特点,对火场残留物中可能存在的微量汽油成分进行了提纯,并利用紫外分光光度计对样品进行分析,通过分析总结实验得出的数据及图谱,可以证明紫外光谱法分析火场残留物中可能存在的汽油成分是一种快速有效的鉴定分析方法。  相似文献   
战场环境对海上防空作战有着直接的影响,针对日益复杂的战场环境,从空中威胁环境、自然环境、电磁环境等方面深入分析了未来海上防空作战可能面临的战场环境及其对防空作战的影响,提出了未来海上防空武器和防空体系发展的几点建议。  相似文献   
政治体制改革思想是邓小平理论的重要组成部分。邓小平同志对我国政治体制改革的必要性、目标、内容、原则和评价标准等作了系统的阐述。  相似文献   
基于改进C-均值聚类算法的空中目标分类   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
空中目标的正确分类对防空作战效果有着重要的影响。在分析了空中目标类型和目标的表征方法之后,构建了动态聚类中的一种分类算法———改进C-均值算法。该算法改变了以前算法中只用一个聚类中心作为一类的代表的做法,而采用的是类核函数代替类心的方法。类核函数较一个聚类中心更能够表现出某一类的分布信息,从而提高分类的正确率。  相似文献   
通过对某新研坦克部署期故障情况进行具体而全面的统计分析,并采用基于随机点过程的可修系统理论中的威布尔过程模型(AMSAA模型),得出该型坦克部署期的可靠性特点与规律,对于研究新装备可靠性规律和提高新装备的部署保障水平,具有重要的借鉴作用.  相似文献   
以FH-GMSK(frequency hopping-gaussian filtered minimum shift keying)通信系统作为载体对跳频通信的干扰样式识别进行研究,从跳频通信接收信号中联合提取干扰的时域、频域和时频域特征,得到了一组稳定性好、对干信比不敏感的特征参数,在不需要干扰先验知识的情况下对FH-GMSK通信系统中常用的干扰样式进行了自动识别.仿真结果表明:该方法对跳频通信常见的干扰信号在不同干信比的情况下能获得很高的正确识别率.  相似文献   
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