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This paper is concerned with assigning and sequencing a set of activities for some or all members of a crew of operators so that the completion time of all such operations is minimized. It is assumed that each of the operators in the crew possesses, initially, certain tasks that only he can perform. A branch-and-bound scheme is proposed to treat the problem, and suitable computational experience is provided.  相似文献   
The historic max-min problem is examined as a discrete process rather than in its more usual continuous mode. Since the practical application of the max-min model usually involves discrete objects such as ballistic missiles, the discrete formulation of the problem seems quite appropriate. This paper uses an illegal modification to the dynamic programming process to obtain an upper bound to the max-min value. Then a second but legal application of dynamic programming to the minimization part of the problem for a fixed maximizing vector will give a lower bound to the max-min value. Concepts of optimal stopping rules may be applied to indicate when sufficiently near optimal solutions have been obtained.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the effect on the optimum solution of a capacitated generalized transportation problem when certain data of the problem are continuously varied as a linear function of a single parameter. First the rim conditions, then the cost coefficients, and finally the cell upper bounds are varied parametrically and the effect on the optimal solution, the associated change in costs and the dual changes are derived. Finally the effect of simultaneous changes in both cost coefficients and rim conditions are investigated. Bound operators that effect changes in upper bounds are shown to be equivalent to rim operators. The discussion in this paper is limited to basis preserving operators for which the changes in the data are such that the optimum bases are preserved.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the effect on the optimum solution of a capacitated generalized transportation problem when any coefficient of any row constraint is continuously varied as a linear function of a single parameter. The entire analysis is divided into three parts. Results are derived relative to the cases when the coefficient under consideration is associated, to a cell where the optimal solution in that cell attains its lower bound or its upper bound. The discussion relative to the case when the coefficient under consideration is associated to a cell in the optimal basis is given in two parts. The first part deals with the primal changes of the optimal solution while the second part is concerned with the dual changes. It is shown that the optimal cost varies in a nonlinear fashion when the coefficient changes linearly in certain cases. The discussion in this paper is limited to basis-preserving operators for which the changes in the data are such that the optimum bases are preserved. Relevant algorithms and illustrations are provided throughout the paper.  相似文献   
Military Standard 105D has been almost universally adopted by government and private consumers for the lot-by-lot sampling inspection of product which may be inspected on a dichotomoun basis The plan specifies, for each lot size, a random sample size and set of acceptance numbers (maximum allowable number of defectives in each sample). The acceptance numbers are based upon the binomial distribution and depend upon the quality required by the purchaser. Where several consecutive lots are submitted, a shift to less severe (“reduced”) inspection or more severe (“tightened”) inspection is specified when the ongoing quality is very high or low. Further experience permits a return to normal sampling from either of these states This paper examines the long range costs of such a sampling scheme. The three inspection types are considered as three distinct Markov chains, with periodic transitions from chain to chain. The expected sample size and the expected proportion of rejected product are determined as a function of the two parameters under control of the manufacturer, lot size and product quality. Some numerical examples are given which illustrate how to compute the overall cost of sampling inspection. Suggestions are made concerning the choice of parameters to minimize this cost.  相似文献   
In the present paper, we solve the following problem: Determine the optimum redundancy level to maximize the expected profit of a system bringing constant returns over a time period T; i. e., maximize the expression \documentclass{article}\pagestyle{empty}\begin{document}$ P\int_0^T {Rdt - C} $\end{document}, where P is the return of the system per unit of time, R the reliability of this system, C its cost, and T the period for which the system is supposed to work We present theoretical results so as to permit the application of a branch and bound algorithm to solve the problem. We also define the notion of consistency, thereby determining the distinction of two cases and the simplification of the algorithm for one of them.  相似文献   
This paper deals with the sequencing problem of minimizing linear delay costs with parallel identical processors. The theoretical properties of this m-machine problem are explored, and the problem of determining an optimum scheduling procedure is examined. Properties of the optimum schedule are given as well as the corresponding reductions in the number of schedules that must be evaluated in the search for an optimum. An experimental comparison of scheduling rules is reported; this indicates that although a class of effective heuristics can be identified, their relative behavior is difficult to characterize.  相似文献   
In this article we present some advanced basis or block-pivoting, relaxation, and feasible direction methods for solving linear programming problems. Preliminary computational results appear to indicate that the former two types of simplex-based procedures may hold promise for solving linear programming problems, unlike the third type of scheme which is shown to be computationally unattractive.  相似文献   
A modification to the Dantzig and Fulkerson Tanker Scheduling Problem is described. An insufficient number of vehicles and a utility associated with each vehicle delivery are assumed. The new problem is shown to be equivalent to a Transshipment Problem, the solution of which is the same as the maximal utility solution of the modified Tanker Scheduling Problem. An example is given.  相似文献   
Research and development activities in a business firm or government laboratory are portrayed as a multi-stage information generation and conversion process. A “basic research” phase generates opportunities, in the form of findings in a set of scientific disciplines, which are available for subsequent exploitation. It is assumed that increments to information in a subject area are stochastic, proportional to the amount of knowledge which already exists in the area, and have values which are randomly distributed. An “exploratory development” phase is viewed as a process of selecting a subset of alternative research opportunities, improving each opportunity in the direction of its applications, estimating the value of the improved opportunity and using these estimates to choose the exploratory development results to be implemented in engineering development. The “engineering development” phase makes the value of exploratory results realizable without changing value or risk. Engineering development costs are assumed to increase as value increases. If exploratory development is not successful, additional costs in engineering development must be incurred to bring the design up to a minimum desirable level. The model is intended as a step toward formulating and analyzing problems in management planning and control of the several interrelated stages of the research and development process.  相似文献   
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