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Book reviews     
America's Secret Power: the CIA in a Democratic Society. By Loch K. Johnson. Oxford University Press, New York (1989), ISBN 0–19–505490–3, $24.95

The Bundeswehr and Western Security. Edited by Stephen F. Szabo. Houndmills, Basingstoke, and Macmillan, London (1990), ISBN 0–333–49880–1, £45.00

Symbolic Defense: the Cultural Significance of the Strategic Defense Initiative. By Edward Tabor Linenthal. University of Illinois Press, Chicago, IL (1989), ISBN 0–252–01619‐X, $19.95

Rethinking European Security. Edited by Furio Cerutti and Rodolfo Ragionieri. Crane Russak, New York (1990), £29.00

Alternative Conventional Defense Postures in the European Theater, Vol. 1: The Military Balance and Domestic Constraints. Edited by Hans Günter Brauch and Robert Kennedy, Crane Russak, New York (1990), £32.00

The Gulf War. Edited by Hanns Maull and Otto Pick. Pinter, London (1989), ISBN 0–86187–763–2, £36.00  相似文献   

The problem considered in this article is a generalization of the familiar makespan problem, in which n jobs are allocated among m parallel processors, so as to minimize the maximum time (or cost) on any processor. Our problem is more general, in that we allow the processors to have (a) different initial costs, (b) different utilization levels before new costs are incurred, and (c) different rates of cost increase. A heuristic adapted from the bin-packing problem is shown to provide solutions which are close to optimal as the number of iterations is allowed to increase. Computational testing, over a large number of randomly generated problem instances, suggests that heuristic errors are, on average, very small.  相似文献   
We consider a generalized minmax programming problem, and establish, under certain weaker convexity assumptions, the Fritz John sufficient optimality conditions for such a problem. A dual program is introduced and using those optimality conditions duality theorems are proved relating the dual and the primal. Duality for the generalized fractional programming problem is considered as an application of the results proved.  相似文献   
In this article we present a stochastic model for determining inventory rotation policies for a retail firm which must stock many hundreds of distinctive items having uncertain heterogeneous sales patterns. The model develops explicit decision rules for determining (1) the length of time that an item should remain in inventory before the decision is made on whether or not to rotate the item out of inventory and (2) the minimum sales level necessary for retaining the item in inventory. Two inventory rotation policies are developed, the first of which maximizes cumulative expected sales over a finite planning horizon and the second of which maximizes cumulative expected profit. We also consider the statistical behavior of items having uncertain, discrete, and heterogeneous sales patterns using a two-period prediction methodology where period 1 is used to accumulate information on individual sales rates and this knowledge is then used, in a Bayesian context, to make sales predictions for period 2. This methodology assumes that over an arbitrary time interval sales for each item are Poisson with unknown but stationary mean sales rates and the mean sales rates are distributed gamma across all items. We also report the application of the model to a retail firm which stocks many hundreds of distinctive unframed poster art titles. The application provides some useful insights into the behavior of the model as well as some interesting aspects pertaining to the implementation of the results in a “real-world” situation.  相似文献   
A carrier battle group is operating in an area where it is subject to attack by enemy aircraft. It is anticipated that air raids will occur in large waves. The uncertain time between raids is available for the replenishment of supplies. We consider the problem of how best to schedule ammunition replenishment during this period. The theory of Gittins indices provides the technical background to the development of a range of models which yield a hierarchy of index-based heuristics for replenishment. One such heuristic is assessed computationally in a more realistic scenario than is explicitly allowed for by the models.  相似文献   
We consider a routing policy that forms a dynamic shortest path in a network with independent, positive and discrete random arc costs. When visiting a node in the network, the costs for the arcs going out of this node are realized, and then the policy will determine which node to visit next with the objective of minimizing the expected cost from the current node to the destination node. This paper proposes an approach, which mimics the classical label-correcting approach, to compute the expected path cost. First, we develop a sequential implementation of this approach and establish some properties about the implementation. Next, we develop stochastic versions of some well-known label-correcting methods, including the first-in-first-out method, the two-queue method, the threshold algorithms, and the small-label-first principle. We perform numerical experiments to evaluate these methods and observe that fast methods for deterministic networks can become very slow for stochastic networks. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 45: 769–789, 1998  相似文献   
This paper models a k-unit service system (e.g., a repair, maintenance, or rental facility) with Poisson arrivals, exponential service times, and no queue. If we denote the number of units that are busy as the state of the system, the state-dependent pricing model formalizes the intuitive notion that when most units are idle, the price (i.e., the service charge per unit time) should be low, and when most units are busy, the price should be higher than the average. A computationally efficient algorithm based on a nonlinear programming formulation of the problem is provided for determination of the optimal state-dependent prices. The procedure ultimately reduces to the search on a single variable in an interval to determine the unique intersection point of a concave increasing function and a linear decreasing function. The algorithm takes, on the average, only about 1/2 second per problem on the IBM 360/65 (FORTRAN G Compiler). A discrete optimal-control approach to the problem is shown to result in essentially the same procedure as the nonlinear-programming formulation. Several properties of the optimal state-dependent prices are given. Comparisons of the optimal values of the objective function for the state-dependent and state-independent pricing policies show that the former is on the average, only about 0.7% better than the latter, which may explain partly why state-dependent pricing is not prevalent in many service systems. Potential generalizations of the model are discussed.  相似文献   
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