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潜在故障状态可测的一种故障检查模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从系统的功能故障状态和潜在故障状态两方面讨论了故障检查模型,基于延迟时间模型推导了系统的期望可用度模型并对其适用性进行了讨论与验证。  相似文献   
Passenger prescreening is a critical component of aviation security systems. This paper introduces the Multilevel Allocation Problem (MAP), which models the screening of passengers and baggage in a multilevel aviation security system. A passenger is screened by one of several classes, each of which corresponds to a set of procedures using security screening devices, where passengers are differentiated by their perceived risk levels. Each class is defined in terms of its fixed cost (the overhead costs), its marginal cost (the additional cost to screen a passenger), and its security level. The objective of MAP is to assign each passenger to a class such that the total security is maximized subject to passenger assignments and budget constraints. This paper shows that MAP is NP‐hard and introduces a Greedy heuristic that obtains approximate solutions to MAP that use no more than two classes. Examples are constructed using data extracted from the Official Airline Guide. Analysis of the examples suggests that fewer security classes for passenger screening may be more effective and that using passenger risk information can lead to more effective security screening strategies. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2006  相似文献   
This article introduces the Doubly Stochastic Sequential Assignment Problem (DSSAP), an extension of the Sequential Stochastic Assignment Problem (SSAP), where sequentially arriving tasks are assigned to workers with random success rates. A given number of tasks arrive sequentially, each with a random value coming from a known distribution. On a task arrival, it must be assigned to one of the available workers, each with a random success rate coming from a known distribution. Optimal assignment policies are proposed for DSSAP under various assumptions on the random success rates. The optimal assignment algorithm for the general case of DSSAP, where workers have distinct success rate distribution, has an exponential running time. An approximation algorithm that achieves a fraction of the maximum total expected reward in a polynomial time is proposed. The results are illustrated by several numerical experiments. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 63: 124–137, 2016  相似文献   
The warehouse problem with deterministic production cost, selling prices, and demand was introduced in the 1950s and there is a renewed interest recently due to its applications in energy storage and arbitrage. In this paper, we consider two extensions of the warehouse problem and develop efficient computational algorithms for finding their optimal solutions. First, we consider a model where the firm can invest in capacity expansion projects for the warehouse while simultaneously making production and sales decisions in each period. We show that this problem can be solved with a computational complexity that is linear in the product of the length of the planning horizon and the number of capacity expansion projects. We then consider a problem in which the firm can invest to improve production cost efficiency while simultaneously making production and sales decisions in each period. The resulting optimization problem is non‐convex with integer decision variables. We show that, under some mild conditions on the cost data, the problem can be solved in linear computational time. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 63: 367–373, 2016  相似文献   
The bivariate negative binomial distribution of Mitchell and Paulson [17] for the case b = c = 0 is shown to be equivalent to the accident proneness model of Edwards and Gurland [4] and Subrahmaniam [19,20]. The diagonal series expansion of its joint probability function is then derived. Two other formulations of this distribution are also considered: (i) as a mixture model, which showed how it arises as the discrete analogue to the Wicksell-Kibble bivariate gamma distribution, and (ii) as a consequence of the linear birth-and-death process with immigration.  相似文献   
In the framework of a discrete Markov decision process with state information lag, this article suggests a way for selecting an optimal policy using the control limit rule. The properties sufficient for an optimal decision rule to be contained in the class of control limit rules are also studied. The degradation in expected reward from that of the perfect information process provides a measure of the potential value of improving the information system.  相似文献   

The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) need to bridge a gap in their understanding of service members’ health outcomes and the issues involved in treatment, such as cost. In addition, clinicians and policy analysts must overcome existing knowledge barriers. Clinicians need to be aware of policy changes that will affect their patient load in numbers and in treatment needs. Policy analysts need to be aware of issues relevant to clinical treatment, such as quality and timeliness of care. Given the need for services and support to military personnel and families, and the fact that the fastest growing expenses in defense are health care costs, a multi-disciplinary line of research will help lawmakers understand the most efficient and effective resource use across the health care services.  相似文献   
How do we understand combat effectiveness – soldiers’ performance in battle? Despite the broad consensus that understanding combat effectiveness is important both for scholars and policymakers, there is widespread disagreement about what combat effectiveness is. More specifically, studies of effectiveness tend to focus on either the skill of soldiers in battle, or their will to fight. Yet both skill and will are essential components of an effective fighting force. This article argues that understanding combat effectiveness requires understanding both of these key components of effectiveness. In other words, combat effectiveness requires both the skill and will to engage the enemy in an organized manner. It then demonstrates the usefulness of this conceptualization by applying it to the cases of British, Indian, and Australian forces fighting the Japanese during the Second World War. Only when scholars are talking about the same concept will our understanding of the conditions under which militaries are effective in battle progress. By comparing different units fighting the same opponent under the same material conditions, I demonstrate that units vary both in their combat skill and their will to fight, and that understanding their effectiveness in battle requires analyzing both of these key factors.  相似文献   
In this paper we describe an approach to the scheduling and/or real-time control of sorting operations in the presence of deadlines. The problem arises in the postal service where mail has to be sorted by zip codes, and in the banking system where checks have to be sorted according to the bank on which they are drawn. In both applications losses are incurred if items miss their clearing deadlines. For example, in check-sorting an extremely important objective of the control system is to reduce the “float” i.e., the total dollar value of the checks which miss their deadlines. The proposed real-time control system utilizes a linear program which chooses between alternative sort-patterns and assigns the various processing steps to the time periods between deadlines.  相似文献   
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