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The problem is to protect a set of t targets by n perfect interceptors against an attack by m perfect weapons. If the defender solves for an optimal preallocated preferential defense and associated game value assuming m1 attackers, and the attacker knows the assumption of the defender and utilizes m2 attackers, he may be able to achieve significantly more damage than had the defender assumed that there would be m2 attackers. The article treats the robustness of preallocated preferential defense to assumptions about the size of the attack and presents results of an alternative approach.  相似文献   
The general problem we are concerned with here is the estimation of Pθ(C) where C is some fixed event and Pθ is unknown in some class. The various available estimation procedures seem to involve the choice of some random probability measure. In particular we consider this problem when C is a disk in R2 centered at o and Pθ is restricted to be bivariate normal. Details concerning the implementation of the estimation procedures and a Monte Carlo study are discussed for this case. This particular problem arises when we are concerned with assessing the accuracy of a targeting procedure.  相似文献   
A generalization of the equi-partitioning problem, termed the 2D-Partition Problem, is formulated. The motivation is an aircraft maintenance scheduling problem with the following characteristics. The complete maintenance overhaul of a single aircraft requires the completion of some 350 tasks. These tasks require a varying number of technicians working at the same time. For large subsets of these 350 tasks, the constraining resource is physical space—tasks must be completed in a physical space of limited size such as the cockpit. Furthermore, there is no precedence relationship among the tasks. For each subset, the problem is to schedule the tasks to minimize makespan. Let m denote the maximum number of technicians that can work at the same time in the physical area under consideration. We present optimization algorithms for m = 2 and 3. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
In an endeavor to broaden the application of scheduling models to decisions involving the use of a manager's time we use simulation to investigate the performance of a number of simple algorithms (including eight priority rules and a construction heuristic) in a dynamic setting with tasks arriving (randomly) and scheduling decisions being made, over time. We compare these simple methods relative to a bound that uses an adjacent pairwise interchange algorithm. We model uncertainty in task durations, and costs being incurred for early and tardy task completion (representative of JIT settings). In addition to evaluating the efficacy of the scheduling rules and various preemption strategies (using ANOVA), we highlight the managerial implications of the effects of eight environmental parameters. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
The goal of this article is to challenge the assumption of rationality in the behavior of decision-making units involved in security, defense, intelligence and warfare and to consider the influence of “motivated bias” in such instances. A review of motivational literature within international politics and a discussion of literature applying “motivated biases” to warfare and strategic surprise will offer an alternative view of the primacy of rationality in such decisions.  相似文献   
The paper explores terrorist choice by applying two well-known theoretical frameworks: stochastic dominance and prospect theory (PT). We analyse each pair of attack methods that can be formed from the RAND-MIPT database and the Global Terrorism Database. Instances of stochastic dominance are identified. PT orderings are computed. Attention is accorded to the identification of ‘trigger points’ and the circumstances that may lead to an increased likelihood that a terrorist will select an attack method associated with a higher expected number of fatalities, i.e. a potentially more damaging attack method.  相似文献   
Methodology for the optimal selection of a mixture of components for the attainment of a required performance level is developed. This accommodates both cost and stochastic variation and is applied to gasoline blending. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Let YiNi, σ), i = 1, …, p, be independently distributed, where θi and σ are unknown. A Bayesian approach is used to estimate the first two moments of the minimum order statistic, W = min (Y1, …, Yp). In order to compute the Bayes estimates, one has to evaluate the predictive densities of the Yi's conditional on past data. Although the required predictive densities are complicated in form, an efficient algorithm to calculate them has been developed and given in the article. An application of the Bayesian method in a continuous-review control model with multiple suppliers is discussed. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
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