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In peacetime, base stock levels of spares are determined on the assumption of normal resupply from the depot. In the event of war, however, a unit must be prepared to operate from stock on hand for a period of time without being resupplied from the depot. This paper describes a mathematical model for determining such war reserve spares (WRS) requirements. Specifically, the model solves the following kind of optimization problem: find the least-cost WRS kits that will keep the probability of a stockout after K cannibalizations less than or equal to some target objective α. The user of the model specifies the number of allowable cannibalizations, and the level of protection that the kit is supposed to provide. One interesting feature of this model is that in the probability computation it takes into account the possiblility of utilizing normal base operating assets. Results of a sensitivity analysis indicate that if peacetime levels were explicitly taken into account when designing a WRS kit, a cost saving of nearly 40 percent could be effected without degrading base supply performance in wartime.  相似文献   
The location-allocation problem for existing facilities uniformly distributed over rectangular regions is treated for the case where the rectilinear norm is used. The new facilities are to be located such that the expected total weighted distance is minimized. Properties of the problem are discussed. A branch and bound algorithm is developed for the exact solution of the problem. Computational results are given for different sized problems.  相似文献   
In this study, a simple and efficient cyclic coordinate search procedure is used to optimize penalty functions. Since the contours of the penalty function are very ill-behaved, an accurate line search is very difficult to achieve. Due to accumulated errors in line search, this makes “simple-minded” search directions just as good as more sophisticated directions, and actually better since they require a smaller effort per iteration. Of course this is only true if the search procedure is able to “ride” along steep ridges, and meanwhile move an appreciable distance towards the optimal, if at all possible. Computational results on the cyclic coordinate method seems to support this point of view, and shows robustness, reliability, and efficiency of the method.  相似文献   
We consider a denumerable state Markovian sequential control process. It is well known that when we consider the expected total discounted income as a criterion, there exists a nonrandomized stationary policy that is optimal. It is also well known that when we consider the expected average income as a criterion, an optimal nonrandomized stationary policy exists when a certain system of equations has a solution. The problem considered here is: if there exist two optimal nonrandomized stationary policies, will a randomization of these two policies be optimal? It is shown that in the discounted case the answer is always yes, but in the average income case, the answer is yes only under certain additional conditions.  相似文献   
Constrained multi-item inventory models have long presented signifcant computational problems. This article presents a general algorithm to obtain simultaneous solutions for order quantities and safety stocks for each line item in an inventory, while satisfying constraints on average inventory investment and reordering workload. Computational experience is presented that demonstrates the algorithm's efficiency in handling large-scale applications. Decision rules for several customer service objectives are developed, with a discussion of the characteristics of the inventory systems in which each objective would be most appropriate. The decision rules are approximations, based on the assumptions commonly used in practice.  相似文献   
This article examines a version of the machine repair problem where failures may be irreparable. Since the number of machines in the system keeps decreasing, we impose a fixed state-dependent ordering policy of the type often encountered in inventory models. Although the system is Markovian, the number of states becomes very large. The emphasis of the article, therefore, is on deriving computationally tractable formulas for the steady-state probabilities, the long-run average cost per unit time, and the vector of expected discounted costs. When the state space is so large that exact computations may be infeasible, we propose approximations which are relatively quick and simple to compute and which yield very accurate results for the test problems examined.  相似文献   
This paper is designed to treat (a) the problem of the determination of the absolute minimum cost, with the associated assignments, when there is no limit, N, on the number of parcels available for shipment in a modified Hitchcock problem. This is accomplished with the use of a transformed cost matrix. C*, to which the so-called transportation paradox does not apply. The general Hitchcock solution using C* gives the cost T*, which is the absolute minimum cost of the original problem, as well as sets of assignments which are readily transformed to give the general assignments of the original problem. The sum of these latter assignments gives the value of Nu, the unbounded N for minimum cost. In addition, this paper is designed to show (b) how the method of reduced matrices may be used, (c) how a particular Hitchcock solution can be used to determine a general solution so that one solution using C* can provide the general answer, (d) how the results may be modified to apply to problems with fixed N, and hence (e) to determine the function of the decreasing T as N approaches Nu, and finally (f) to provide a treatment when the supplies at origin i and/or the demands at destination j, are bounded.  相似文献   
The loading problem involves the optimal allocation of n objects, each having a specified weight and value, to m boxes, each of specified capacity. While special cases of these problems can be solved with relative ease, the general problem having variable item weights and box sizes can become very difficult to solve. This paper presents a heuristic procedure for solving large loading problems of the more general type. The procedure uses a surrogate procedure for reducing the original problem to a simpler knapsack problem, the solution of which is then employed in searching for feasible solutions to the original problem. The procedure is easy to apply, and is capable of identifying optimal solutions if they are found.  相似文献   
A modification to the Dantzig and Fulkerson Tanker Scheduling Problem is described. An insufficient number of vehicles and a utility associated with each vehicle delivery are assumed. The new problem is shown to be equivalent to a Transshipment Problem, the solution of which is the same as the maximal utility solution of the modified Tanker Scheduling Problem. An example is given.  相似文献   
One approach to the evaluation of the performance of multiprogranmed computer systems includes the development of Monte Carlo simulations of transitions of programs within such systems, and their strengthening by control variable and concomitant variable methods. An application of such a combination of analytical, numerical, and Monte Carlo approaches to a model of system overhead in a paging machine is presented.  相似文献   
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