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The fixed charge problem is a nonlinear programming problem of practical interest in business and industry. Yet, until now no computationally feasible exact method of solution for large problems had been developed. In this paper an exact algorithm is presented which is computationally feasible for large problems. The algorithm is based upon a branch and bound approach, with the additional feature that the amount of computer storage required remains constant throughout (for a problem of any given size). Also presented are three suboptimal heuristic algorithms which are of interest because, although they do not guarantee that the true optimal solution will be found, they usually yield very good solutions and are extremely rapid techniques. Computational results are described for several of the heuristic methods and for the branch and bound algorithm.  相似文献   
The discounted return associated with a finite state Markov chain X1, X2… is given by g(X1)+ αg(X2) + α2g(X3) + …, where g(x) represents the immediate return from state x. Knowing the transition matrix of the chain, it is desired to compute the expected discounted return (present worth) given the initial state. This type of problem arises in inventory theory, dynamic programming, and elsewhere. Usually the solution is approximated by solving the system of linear equations characterizing the expected return. These equations can be solved by a variety of well-known methods. This paper describes yet another method, which is a slight modification of the classical iterative scheme. The method gives sequences of upper and lower bounds which converge mono-tonely to the solution. Hence, the method is relatively free of error control problems. Computational experiments were conducted which suggest that for problems with a large number of states, the method is quite efficient. The amount of computation required to obtain the solution increases much slower with an increase in the number of states, N, than with the conventional methods. In fact, computational time is more nearly proportional to N2, than to N3.  相似文献   
Let be a basic solution to the linear programming problem subject to: where R is the index set associated with the nonbasic variables. If all of the variables are constrained to be nonnegative integers and xu is not an integer in the basic solution, the linear constraint is implied. We prove that including these “cuts” in a specified way yields a finite dual simplex algorithm for the pure integer programming problem. The relation of these modified Dantzig cuts to Gomory cuts is discussed.  相似文献   
The effect of round dependent hit probabilities in the fundamental stochastic duel are examined. The general solution and several specific examples are derived where one side's hit probabilities are improved from round to round. For these specific cases the advantages of round to round improvement are explicitly displayed.  相似文献   
The problem of minimizing mean flow time of two parallel processors is discussed. Prior results are briefly reviewed. A dynamic programming algorithm is presented which minimizes mean flow time for a set of n preordered jobs on two nonequivalent parallel processors. The algorithm is illustrated with an example problem. The computational experience is presented which illustrates the efficiency of the algorithm.  相似文献   
To solve linear fixed charge problems with Murty's vertex ranking algorithm, one uses a simplex algorithm and a procedure to determine the vertices adjacent to a given vertex. In solving fixed charge transportation problems, the simplex algorithm simplifies to the stepping-stone algorithm. To find adjacent vertices on transportation polytopes, we present a procedure which is a simplification of a more general procedure for arbitrary polytopes.  相似文献   
This paper considers the search for an evader concealed in one of an arbitrary number of regions, each of which is characterized by its detection probability. We shall be concerned here with the double-sided problem in which the evader chooses this probability secretly, although he may not subsequently move; his aim is to maximize the expected time to detection, while the searcher attempts to minimize it. The situation where two regions are involved has been studied previously and reported on recently. This paper represents a continuation of this analysis. It is normally true that as the number of regions increases, optimal strategies for both searcher and evader are progressively more difficult to determine precisely. However it will be shown that, generally, satisfactory approximations to each are almost as easily derived as in the two region problem, and that the accuracy of such approximations is essentially independent of the number of regions. This means that so far as the evader is concerned, characteristics of the two-region problem may be used to assess the accuracy of such approximate strategies for problems of more than two regions.  相似文献   
Detailed combat simulations can produce effectiveness tables which measure the effectiveness of each weapon class on one side of an engagement, battle, or campaign to each weapon class on the other. Effectiveness tables may also be constructed in other ways This paper assumes that effectiveness tables are given and shows how to construct from them a system of weapon weights each of which is a weighted average of the effects of a given weapon against each of the enemy's weapons. These weights utilize the Perron- Frobenius theory of eigenvectors of nonnegative matrices. Methods of calculation are discussed and some interpretations are given for both the irreducible and reducible cases.  相似文献   
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