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Bayes adaptive control policies are developed in the present paper for the special case of a one-station lower echelon: a Poisson distribution of demand, whose mean is assumed to have a prior gamma distribution. The cost structure is of a common type. The ordering policy for the upper echelon, which minimizes expected cost, is replaced by a new type of policy, called Bayes prediction policy. This policy does not require tedious computations, of the sort required by dynamic programming solutions. The characteristics of the policies are studied by Monte Carlo simulation, and supplemented by further theoretical development.  相似文献   
Consider an auction in which increasing bids are made in sequence on an object whose value θ is known to each bidder. Suppose n bids are received, and the distribution of each bid is conditionally uniform. More specifically, suppose the first bid X1 is uniformly distributed on [0, θ], and the ith bid is uniformly distributed on [Xi?1, θ] for i = 2, …?, n. A scenario in which this auction model is appropriate is described. We assume that the value θ is un known to the statistician and must be esimated from the sample X1, X2, …?, Xn. The best linear unbiased estimate of θ is derived. The invariance of the estimation problem under scale transformations in noted, and the best invariant estimation problem under scale transformations is noted, and the best invariant estimate of θ under loss L(θ, a) = [(a/θ) ? 1]2 is derived. It is shown that this best invariant estimate has uniformly smaller mean-squared error than the best linear unbiased estimate, and the ratio of the mean-squared errors is estimated from simulation experiments. A Bayesian formulation of the estimation problem is also considered, and a class of Bayes estimates is explicitly derived.  相似文献   
This article provides formulas for estimating the parameters to be used in the basic EOQ lot-size model. The analysis assumes that the true values of these parameters are unknown over known ranges and perhaps nonstationary over time. Two measures of estimator “goodness” are derived from EOQ sensitivity analysis. Formulas are given for computing the minimax choice and the minimum expected value choice for the parameter estimates using both measures of estimator “goodness”. A numerical example is included.  相似文献   
This paper discusses a class of queueing models in which the service time of a customer al a single server facility is dependent on the queue size at the onset of its service. The Laplace transform for the wait in queue distribution is derived and the utilization of the server is given when the arrival is a homogeneous Poisson process.  相似文献   
We consider the problem of assigning alternatives evaluated on several criteria into ordered categories C1,C2,…,Cp. This problem is known as the multi‐criteria sorting problem and arises in many situations such as classifying countries into different risk levels based on economical and socio‐political criteria, evaluating credit applications of bank customers. We are interested in sorting methods that are grounded on the construction of outranking relations. Among these, the Electre Tri method requires defining multidimensional profiles that represent the “frontier” separating consecutive categories Ch and Ch+1, and assigns an alternative to categories according to how it compares to each of the profiles. The explicit specification of the profiles of consecutive categories can be difficult for decision makers. We develop a new outranking based sorting method that does not require the explicit definition of profiles. We instead require the decision maker to assign a subset of reference alternatives to the categories. To assign the remaining alternatives, each such alternative is compared to reference alternatives, and assigned to categories accordingly. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 2009  相似文献   
Industrial situations exist where it is necessary to estimate the optimum number of parts to start through a manufacturing process in order to obtain a given number of completed good items. The solution to this problem is not straightforward when the expected number of rejects from the process is a random variable and when there are alternative penalties associated with producing too many or too few items. This paper discusses various aspects of this problem as well as some of the proposed solutions to it. In addition, tables of optimum reject allowances based on a comprehensive model are presented.  相似文献   
Classical inventory models generally assume either no backlogging of demands or unlimited backlogging. This paper treats the case wherein backlogged customers are willing to wait for a random period of time for service. A broad class of such models is discussed, with a more complete analysis performed on a simple subclass. Steady state equations are derived and solved assuming exponentially distributed interarrival times of customers, order delivery lead times, and customer patience.  相似文献   
This paper calls attention to an experimental design which enhances the efficiency of the technique described by B. F. Houston and R. A. Huffman [3]. This alternative design is a modification of the simplex lattice design developed by Scheffé [6] for the mixture problem. While not possessing the optimal statistical properties of the central composite design proposed in [3], such as minimum bias and minimum variance, this modified design is optimum with respect to the number of design points employed; hence, it is the minimum cost design. Further, the design proposed in this note is excellent for use in multiple-block experimentation, which is very often required with constrained systems.  相似文献   
A Student's t-test proposed by Ogawa is considered for the hypothesis Ho: σ=σo against the alternative hypothesis H1: σ ≠ σo, where σ is the scale parameter of the Extremevalue distribution of smallest values with known location parameter μ. The test is based on a few sample quantiles chosen from a large sample so as to give asymptotically maximum power to the test when the number of sample quantiles is fixed. A table which facilitates the computation of the test statistic is given. Several schemes for determining the ranks of the sample quantiles by the optimal spacings are compared and the effect of the bias of the estimate of σ on the test is investigated through a Monte Carlo study.  相似文献   
Since the global war on terror began, the pursuit of Al Qaeda is widely considered as warfare and not the pursuit of criminals. In light of counter-terrorism being redefined as war, the criteria applied for tracking militaries of conventional enemies may also be applicable to Al Qaeda. Intelligence analysts have long used the nine order-of-battle (OB) criteria as part of the estimative process for conventional, or nation-state, enemies. Applying OB criteria to Al Qaeda may assist intelligence analysts in knowing the enemy and identifying changes that will allow for predictive analysis. Many elements of Al Qaeda's OB prior to the events of 11 September were viewed as clutter and not significant changes that might have otherwise alerted intelligence analysts to the impending attack. This essay suggests how one might go about applying the nine OB criteria to analysis of Al Qaeda. Although more difficult and requiring modification, using an analytical procedure that has been tested successfully over many years is a logical step in the war on Al Qaeda. If all OB changes are tracked and analyzed using a systematic approach as outlined in this essay, Al Qaeda attacks may be predicted and/or curtailed in the future.  相似文献   
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