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This paper describes a method of solving aircraft service life problems. The particular application concerns aircraft in the Naval Advanced Jet Training Command. The method of solution is comparative present value analysis of alternative replacement policies. The likely risks of estimation errors are reflected in the comparisons of present values. Differences are noted in the benefits associated with each policy, but external to Naval Aviation. Since the values of these benefits can be determined only at a higher level of decision-making, the result of the study is not a conclusive selection among policies, but a schedule of present values on the basis of which, together with values of the external benefits, a decision can be reached. This paper discusses replacement policies for aircraft used in the Naval Advanced Jet Pilot Training mission. Taking engineering technology and the training syllabus as given, four feasible plans for introducing replacement aircraft into service are evaluated in terms of the present values of differential costs associated with the plans and in terms of the likely errors in cost estimates used in calculation of the present values. The trade-off between present value of costs and planning flexibility is emphasized in choosing a recommended time pattern of aircraft replacement. The specific aircraft mixes considered are the TF–9J/TAF–9J and the TA–4F/A–4B. The first is the currently employed mix; the second is the proposed replacement. The problem is to select an optimal time-pattern of replacement of F–9's by A–4's, given technological differences favoring the A–4 and increasing costs of maintaining squadrons of F–9's. Replacements by aircraft types other than the A–4 are considered impractical. Four feasible plans for introducing A–4's through a 5-year period are evaluated in terms of current best estimates of the related costs of the plans and in terms of the flexibility of modifying each plan given future better information concerning the relevant costs. The method of analysis is comparative present value of expected costs.  相似文献   
The system to be controlled produces n products simultaneously in fixed proportions every time it is activated. Demands for the products in any period are components of an n dimensional vector random variable with known distribution function. Cases of excess demands backlogged and excess demands lost are considered. In the former the notion of k convexity can be generalized to guarantee relatively simple form for the optimal policy in an n decision problem. In the latter, this generalization was not successful although when there is no setup cost, a convexity argument can be used to show that the optimal policy has a simple form.  相似文献   
We first present a survey on the theory of semi-infinite programming as a generalization of linear programming and convex duality theory. By the pairing of a finite dimensional vector space over an arbitrarily ordered field with a generalized finite sequence space, the major theorems of linear programming are generalized. When applied to Euclidean spaces, semi-infinite programming theory yields a dual theorem associating as dual problems minimization of an arbitrary convex function over an arbitrary convex set in n-space with maximization of a linear function in non-negative variables of a generalized finite sequence space subject to a finite system of linear equations. We then present a new generalization of the Kuhn-Tucker saddle-point equivalence theorem for arbitrary convex functions in n-space where differentiability is no longer assumed.  相似文献   
A common problem in life testing is to demonstrate that the mean time to failure, θ, exceeds some minimum acceptable value, say θ1, with a given confidence coefficient γ. When this is true, it is said that “θ1 has been demonstrated with a confidence γ”. In this paper a Sequential Bayes Procedure (SBP) for demonstrating (by means of. a probability statement) that θ exceeds θ1 is presented. The SBP differs from the classical procedure in the sense that a prior distribution is assumed on the parameter θ, calling for a Bayesian approach. The procedure is based on the sequence of statistics.  相似文献   
This paper deals with techniques applicable to predicting spare parts demand for military helicopters. The military helicopter is a distinct weapons system, whose unique configuration may preclude the direct application of forecasting techniques which have proved successful for other weapon systems. Furthermore, although the military helicopter has become extremely important tactically in modern warfare, it has received scant attention in terms of research concerning its supply support. Specifically, this paper summarizes research done to measure and compare the forecasting accuracy of six mathematical models, as they were applied to three prominent military helicopters. In addition, the paper describes attempts that were made to define, where possible, the conditions under which a specific forecasting technique might be applicable. In general, it is shown that the most accurate set of helicopter spare parts demand forecasts are produced by a second order polynomial exponential smoothing model. This model is observed to have most accurately described the highly volatile, and upward-trended demand time series which were the subject of the study.  相似文献   
According to “interference theory” of reliability, a component fails if the maximum stress exceeds the component's strength. Assuming that both these quantities are random and their distributions are normal, we obtain in this paper some point and interval estimates of reliability when the stress distribution is known and a few observations exist on component strengths.  相似文献   
This paper presents an algorithm for determining where to place intercepting units in order to maximize the probability of preventing an opposing force from proceeding from one particular node in an undirected network to another. The usual gaming assumptions are invoked; namely, the strategy for placing the units is known to the opponent and he will choose a path through the network which, based on this knowledge, maximizes his probability of successful traverse. As given quantities, the model requires a list of the arcs and nodes of the network, the number of intercepting units available to stop the opposing force, and the probabilities for stopping the opposition at the arcs and nodes as functions of the number of intercepting units placed there. From these quantities, the algorithm calculates the probabilities for placing the unit at the arcs and nodes when one intercepting unit is available, and the expected numbers of units to place at the arcs and nodes when multiple intercepting units are available.  相似文献   
This paper is concerned with the optimum decision variables found using order quantity, reorder point (Q, R) inventory models. It examines whether the optimum variables (Q* and R*) are necessarily monotonic functions of the backorder cost parameter (or equivalently of the performance objective). For a general class of models it is proved that R* must increase as the performance objective is raised, and an inequality condition is derived which governs how Q* will change. Probability distributions of lead time demand are cited or found for which Q* increases, Q* decreases, and Q* is independent of increases in performance objectives or backorder cost parameter.  相似文献   
Under certain conditions, the re-supply capability of a combatant force may be limited by the characteristics of the transportation network over which supplies must flow. Interdiction by an opposing force may be used to reduce the capacity of that network. The effects of such efforts vary for differing missions and targets. With only a limited total budget available, the interdictor must decide which targets to hit, and with how much effort. An algorithm is presented for determining the optimum interdiction plan for minimizing network flow capacity when the minimum capacity on an arc is positive and the cost of interdiction is a linear function of arc capacity reduction.  相似文献   
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