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阐述了随机游走粒子一烟团模式(RPPM)的基本思想,并结合野外试验验证了该模式在烟幕扩散数值模拟中的应用效果。  相似文献   
N+1式高频电力开关电源设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
探讨了N+1式高频电力开关电源的组成和工作原理。开关电源由监控模块和整流模块组成,重点研究了均流技术和开关电源的抗干扰措施,论述了整流模块数量N+1的选择。实际运行证明,N+1式高频电力开关电源工作可靠,达到了预期效果。  相似文献   
A melt-cast Duan-Zhang-Kim (DZK) mesoscopic reaction rate model is developed for the shock initiation of melt-cast explosives based on the pore collapse hot-spot ignition mechanism. A series of shock initiation experiments was performed for the Comp B melt-cast explosive to estimate effects of the loading pressure and the particle size of granular explosive component, and the mesoscopic model is validated against the experimental data. Further numerical simulations indicate that the initial density and formula proportion greatly affect the hot-spot ignition of melt-cast explosives.  相似文献   
To study the thermal decomposition of Al/ZrH2/PTFE with different Al particle size as well as mechanical strength and impact sensitivity under medium and low strain rates, molding-vacuum sintering was adopted to prepare four groups of power materials and cylindrical specimens with different Al particle size. The active decomposition temperature of ZrH2 was obtained by TG-DSC, and the quasi-static me-chanics/reaction characteristics as well as the impact sensitivity of the specimen were studied respec-tively by quasi-static compression and drop-hammer test. The results show that the yield strength of the material decreased with the increase of the Al particle size, while the compressive strength, failure strain and toughness increased first and then decreased, which reached the maximum values of 116.61 MPa, 191%, and 119.9 MJ/m respectively when the Al particle size is 12—14μm because of particle size grading. The specimens with the highest strength and toughness formed circumferential open cracks and reacted partly when pressed. Those with developmental cracks formed inside did not react. It is considered that fracture of specimens first triggered initial reaction between Al and PTFE to release an amount of heat. Then ZrH2 was activated and decomposed, and participated in subsequent reaction to generate ZrC. The impact sensitivity of the specimens decreased with the increase of Al particle size.  相似文献   
气动测量仪以其精度较高、工作可靠和操作维护方便等特点被广泛应用于精密测量中.但由于其测量范围小,制约了它的进一步发展.为此,观研制了一种具有微电脑补偿的数字式气动测量仪.本文介绍了其工作原理及软硬件设计,并且对补偿值修正模型和扩大测量范围进行了理论分析,给出了测量仪与其它仪器的对比试验数据.研究结果表明,具有微电脑补偿的数字式气动测量仪与其它类型的气动测量仪相比,在保证同等精度的情况下,其测量范围成倍增加.  相似文献   
基于传统的光学传递函数测试方法的缺陷,提出视频信号傅里叶变换测量法,给出了该测量法的理论依据和测试系统模型.该方法利用计算机技术,将常规的用硬件完成的傅式变换,改用计算机软件完成.  相似文献   
首先介绍了综合火力/飞行控制系统和变结构控制的基本原理及其特点,然后对如何应用变结构控制理论进行火飞控制器设计进行了探讨。  相似文献   
为提高电子装备模拟印制板电路故障诊断的速度,本文使用直流故障字典法原理,运用区域性故障定位方法,改进器件模型和电路描述程序,设计了模拟印制板电路故障自动诊断系统。  相似文献   
针对CARACaS(Control Architecture for Robotic Agent Command and Sensing)无人自主框架、核心组件、示范验证和应用发展情况进行综述.首先,简要描述了自主框架的组成及其软件架构的设计原则和思路,对行为、动态规划和感知三类引擎的技术特征进行分析,讨论了世界模型的...  相似文献   
火炮身管直线度检测方法及测量元件选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
火炮身管弯曲,轻则降低射击精度,重则阻碍弹丸运动,以致产生膨胀、炸膛事故,直至火炮身管报废。为了发挥火炮的作战效能,提高装备的技术保障能力,该文介绍了可用于检测火炮身管直线度误差的四种方法:量规检验法、杠杆法、指示器法和光轴法,并对其优缺点进行了比较,认为光轴法是一种比较好的轴线直线度测量方法。还根据火炮身管直线度的检测原理,分析了三种非接触直线度测量方法:四象限光电池法、CCD法和PSD法,认为位置敏感探测器(PSD)具有更为显著的优点,是非接触式位置检测的理想接受器件。  相似文献   
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