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采用刀具耐用度、切削里程、材料去除总量对同一组难加工材料进行正交试验,结果表明:采用刀具耐用度作为评价指标进行优化时,其结果往往是对应于最小的切削用量,高的刀具耐用度并不对应于高的切削能力和切削效率,优化结果存在较大的局限性;切削里程和材料去除总量在实际生产中分别代表已加工表面的形成量和总切削量,可以较好地反映切削参数与应用效果之间的关系,作为评价指标时,两者较刀具耐用度的评价更为有效。不同指标的评价结果不同,应用时需根据实际情况进行有针对性的选择。  相似文献   
对舰炮对海射击测量偏差法存在的误差进行了分析,并对误差与航向变化的关系进行了仿真研究,给出了使误差达到最小时的射击航向值,为实际射击航向的选择提供了依据.同时将导航定位技术应用于舰炮对海射击测量偏差法,使舰炮对海射击过程不受舰艇机动影响,对提高舰炮对海射击精度和机动性具有重要意义.  相似文献   
In this study, the anti-penetration performance of polyurea/ASTM1405-steel composite plate subjected to high velocity projectile was analyzed. Two kinds of modified polyurea material (AMMT-053 and AMMT-055) were selected and a ballistic impact testing system including speed measuring target system and high-speed camera was designed. This experiment was conducted with a rifle and 5.8 mm projectile to explore the effects by the polyurea coating thickness, the polyurea coating position and the glass-fiber cloth on the anti-penetration performance of polyurea/ASTM1405-steel composite plate. The result showed that the effects of polyurea coating position were different between two types of polyurea, and that the effects of glass-fiber position were disparate between two types of polyurea as well. For AMMT-053 polyurea material, it was better to be on front face than on rear face; whereas for AMMT-055 pol-yurea, it was better to be on rear surface although the difference was very subtle. Additionally, formulas had been given to describe the relationship between the effectiveness of polyurea and the thickness of polyurea coating. In general, AMMT-055 had better anti-penetration performance than AMMT-053. Furthermore, five typical damage modes including self-healing, crack, local bulge, spallation and local fragmentation were defined and the failure mechanism was analyzed with the results of SHPB test. Additionally, the bonding strength played an important role in the anti-penetration performance of polyurea/steel composite plate.  相似文献   
魏龙  刘乐  刘吉吉  马群 《国防科技》2021,42(4):69-75
传统固体火箭发动机无损检测图像判读工作存在人工识别效率低、图像数据分散及数据利用率低等问题。本文借助机器学习算法与计算机视觉技术,利用大量发动机无损检测图像数据开展无损检测图像数据预处理、边缘检测以及数据模型训练和应用等技术研究,探索快速、准确获得发动机无损检测图像数据特征的方法,深入挖掘固体发动机无损检测数据的内在联系,找到潜在规律。本研究不仅为固体发动机无损检测图像判读提供了一种准确、高效的手段,同时,能够为发动机无损检测图像识别、测量、判读和发动机相关故障模式分析与故障诊断提供数据和决策支持,也能够为未来机器学习在固体发动机无损检测图像判读领域的深入应用提供实践探索和理论研究方面的参考。  相似文献   
运用weibull分布推导出任意可靠性指标下滚动轴承的寿命和强度计算公式,给出了多列轴承和轴承系统的可靠性计算方法和公式,并按照工程的方法加以简化处理。  相似文献   
The cultural and creative industries (CCIs) in Taiwan have gradually contributed to the national economy under the impetus of government policies. We employ a two‐stage data envelopment analysis model with an additive efficiency decomposition approach to measure the profitability and marketability of 22 Taiwanese cultural and creative companies. Furthermore, we employ the network‐based ranking approach to identify benchmark inputs/outputs, and the strengths and weakness of each company. Our empirical results show that the profitability of the cultural and creative companies is better than their marketability. Companies in the industries of publishing, creative life, popular music, and cultural content averagely perform better than those in the other three types of CCIs in terms of profitability. Companies in the creative life industry are on average more efficient than those in the other five types of CCIs in terms of marketability. The profitability/marketability matrix of cultural and creative companies is also presented.  相似文献   
分析总结了外军野营净水装备的系列化、高技术化、野战化等特点,提出了我军应从水源、供水规模和使用气候条件等方面成系列研制净水装备,并用高新技术对供水安全、降低能耗等关键技术进行攻关研究,以适应现代战争需要。  相似文献   
提出一种光电二级稳定粗、精控制通道融合新方案,并与现有粗、精控制通道相互独立二级稳定方案相比较。仿真结果表明,粗、精控制融合方案无论在成本、体积、性能和精度上,都优于现有二级稳定方案。新方案的可行性已通过原理样机得到验证。  相似文献   
遵义会议是实事求是思想路线的胜利。从毛泽东提出“实事求是” ,到邓小平强调“解放思想、实事求是” ,江泽民强调“解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进” ,再到胡锦涛强调“求真务实” ,清晰地反映了党的历代领导集体在革命、建设和改革实践中 ,对思想路线的不断丰富和发展 ,展示了我们党不懈追求真理的科学态度 ,也标志着党对马克思主义思想路线的认识达到了一个新的高度。新世纪新阶段要自觉坚持和贯彻好党的思想路线 ,就必须有新的思路、新的举措。  相似文献   
在武警部队院校的网络信息化水平迅速发展的今天,由于各功能模块缺少统一的接口规范和能够协调各部门信息共享的机制,使得建成的各个功能模块之间无法共享信息,造成了数据库中信息的大量冗余和重复。结合数据融合技术的基本原理、发展现状和应用前景,对数据融合技术进行了介绍;针对武警院校信息融合的需求,提出了改进型JDL模型,分析了武警院校信息融合网络的服务架构层次,对信息融合网络中的核心问题信息共享、接口规范、数据融合进行了研究;利用模块化设计的思路,对原型系统进行了分析,对实验数据进行了重组,并提出了数据优化方案。  相似文献   
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