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In this paper, the ballistic impact experiments, including impact test chamber and impact double-spaced plates, were conducted to study the reaction behaviors of a novel functionally graded reactive material (FGRM), which was composed of polytetrafluoroethylene/aluminum (PTFE/Al) and PTFE/Al/bismuth trioxide (Bi2O3). The experiments showed that the impact direction of the FGRM had a significant effect on the reaction. With the same impact velocity, when the first impact material was PTFE/Al/Bi2O3, compared with first impact material PTFE/Al, the FGRM induced higher overpressure in the test chamber and larger damaged area of double-spaced plates. The theoretical model, which considered the shock wave generation and propagation, the effect of the shock wave on reaction efficiency, and penetration behaviors, was developed to analyze the reaction behaviors of the FGRM. The model predicted first impact material of the FGRM with a higher shock impedance was conducive to the reaction of reactive materials. The conclusion of this study provides significant information about the design and application of reactive materials.  相似文献   
装甲车辆润滑油监测数据关联分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用灰色关联分析方法对装甲车辆变速箱润滑油监测数据进行了分析,说明了油样中铁谱磨粒浓度和油液污染度之间的关联性,为润滑油不同监测参数间的相互验证提供了一种方法。  相似文献   
认知无线电能够智能地感知频谱并在授权用户没有使用的时候伺机(opportunistic)利用其频段,从而提高频谱的利用率。频谱检测是认知无线电系统需要首先解决的问题。协同检测可以更有效地利用整个网络的资源,获得高的分集增益,使网络性能更稳定。文中简述了协同检测的基本原理,并对协同频谱检测技术进行了讨论。仿真结果表明协同可以提高检测概率、提供捷变增益(agility gain),对频谱利用率的提高有很大的贡献。  相似文献   
<孙子兵法>战后"修功"思想的含义是指在对敌完成"战胜攻取"任务后,必须做好争取民心、巩固和扩大战果,达成控制局势,使之迅速走上正常轨道的工作,它是对春秋末期吴国争霸战争教训深刻而精辟的总结.战后"修功"是一项事关能否真正打赢的系统性的、特殊的危机管理工程.这项工程是攻取一方战前"庙算"极为重要的内容.美英等国入侵伊拉克的战争,俄罗斯境内发生的车臣战争,都因在战前"庙算"中对这项工程"算"得不够"多"而在战后付出了惨重的代价,这从反面证明了<孙子兵法>这一思想至今仍具有重大理论价值和实践价值,对我们谋划今后可能进行的军事斗争将不无启迪意义.综观古今中外战后"修功"的经验教训,"战胜攻取"者欲要取得最后胜利,而不至半途而废,至少必须做到乘势追歼,彻除残敌;广施德政,严格纪律;速建政权,"因俗而治";恢复经济,密切联系;增强认同,发展教育;留兵镇守,抚顺伐逆;六者兼施,九九归一.  相似文献   
包含工作流的Web信息系统是目前较为流行的一种系统应用模式。针对现有TRBAC模型在此类系统应用中存在的控制数据冗余、效率低下等不足改进提出了一种新的访问控制模型,该模型将RBAC与TRBAC进行结合,并按操作级别对角色与权限进行划分,通过引入流程历史信息等约束条件实现动态授权中操作权限与执行上下文的紧密关联,较好地实现了动、静态授权的分离,在保证系统安全的同时降低了访问控制策略的复杂度,为此类系统访问控制策略的制定提供了一个基本的参考性框架。最后以基于Web的办公自动化系统为例描述了模型在应用中的实现方案。  相似文献   
抗日战争爆发后,国民政府鉴于战争的发展,计划疏散南京城市人口。但实际仅秘密疏散了公务人员眷属。上海沦陷前后,国民政府将南京公职人员作为重点对象进行疏散,对普通居民则发布了"战时妇孺迁移办法",而实际对其缺乏有效的疏散组织。究其原因,国民政府企图通过稳定首都南京社会秩序,向外界展示抗日的决心;所统制的交通工具,忙于军事输送及国府西迁,无暇顾及平民百姓的疏散。南京城陷后,大量市民滞留南京,日军大屠杀得以上演。嗣后,国民政府吸取了教训,在重点城市开展了人口疏散工作。  相似文献   
This article investigates the firms' optimal quality information disclosure strategies in a supply chain, wherein the supplier may encroach into the retail channel to sell products directly to end consumers. We consider two disclosure formats, namely, retailer disclosure (R-C) and supplier disclosure (S-C), and examine the optimal disclosure format from each firm's perspective. We show that either firm prefers to delegate the disclosure option to its partner when the supplier cannot encroach. However, the threat of supplier encroachment dramatically alters the firm's preference of disclosure. The supplier may prefer the S-C format to the R-C format when the entry cost is low and the disclosure cost is high to achieve a higher quality information transparency. Meanwhile, the retailer may prefer the R-C format to the S-C format when the entry cost is intermediate to deter the possible encroachment of the supplier. In this sense, the firms' preferences of disclosure format can be aligned due to the threat of supplier encroachment. The consumer surplus is always higher under the S-C format while either disclosure format can lead to a higher social welfare. We also consider an alternative scenario under which the supplier encroaches after the product quality information is disclosed. An interesting observation appears that the supplier may encroach when the product quality is low but foregoes encroachment when the product quality gets higher.  相似文献   
针对基于信息系统的装甲兵体系作战中的协同问题,在综合分析装甲机械化部队体系作战协同过程及信息流程的基础上,构建了基于精确性、有序性、灵活性、时效性等原则的协同效果评估指标体系,采用基于人工神经网络的多指标综合评价方法,建立基于BP神经网络的综合评价模型,并结合实证分析,利用MATLAB软件进行仿真计算,为装甲兵体系作战协同效果评估提供了较好的途径,为装甲兵指挥员更加合理地组织信息化条件下体系作战协同提供决策依据.  相似文献   
基于电导率原理的倾角传感器,常被用于测量被测物的倾角值,为系统的角度解算提供倾斜角度值.通常安装倾角传感器时,使其敏感轴向与被测物的横倾轴、纵倾轴平行.则认为传感器的输出即为观测得到对应轴的倾斜角度值.然而,通过分析,发现两轴观测角度之间存在某种耦合关系.为了使输出观测值更接近于真实倾角值,提出一种基于电导率原理双轴倾角传感器的解耦模型,并利用几何方法得到用于补偿观测角度的公式.通过对测量数据的计算,证明补偿后的倾斜角度观测值更加接近对应轴所倾斜的角度真值.  相似文献   
首先介绍 P_MUL组播协议,给出了P_MUL组播实现的一个具体例子;总结了3G HF网络的主要协议,分析了网络支持 P_MUL组播协议需要满足的条件;在此基础上,给出一种通过在 3G HF原有协议族上增加一个组播数据链路协议从而支持 P_MUL在 3G HF网络中应用的方法;最后,指出在 3G HF网络中实现组播业务需要进一步解决的问题.  相似文献   
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