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通过分析现代战争中雷达抗干扰的具体措施,建立了雷达抗干扰性能评估指标体系.采用多层次灰色评估方法对指标体系进行评估,并针对方法中线性白化函数在转折点处不能反应实际的问题,用了一种符合现实评估规律的Logistic函数代替传统的线性函数,从而使白化曲线更能符合实际.最后将改进后的评估模型应用于实例,结果表明改进后的方法可行,具有较高的科学性.  相似文献   
采用解析理论和有限元方法研究计算了圆柱壳体的固有频率与固有振型,发现环向封闭的圆柱壳具有同一节点形式的两种固有振型,对应两种固有振型的固有频率值相同。  相似文献   
以MRS-1J型四球摩擦磨损试验机为平台,提出了一种变转速条件下柴油抗磨性评定方法。利用VC++对试验机软件进行了改进,增加了负荷-转速程序控制功能,实现了试验机自由设置转速、负荷的变化范围、变化速率和变化模式。通过正交试验方法确定了最佳试验条件,发现试验时间3N1min,负荷11N2N,油温60℃,转速在1 min内由100 r/min线性上升至20N3r/min再线性下降至100 r/min并依次循环时,该试验方法具有良好的重复性和区分性。在与高频往复试验机法的对比中,发现该方法的磨斑直径变化率大于高频往复试验机法,证明变转速四球机法优于高频往复试验机法。  相似文献   
爱因斯坦的(α,β)-度量一直是一个重要问题,但由于其具体度量形式不确定,使得研究工作面临重重困难。主要研究了一类度量形式为F=αφ(β/α),φ(s)=1/p(s)的(α,β)-度量,这里p(s)是关于s的k(k≥1)次多项式,α是一个黎曼度量,β是一个1-形式。利用多项式方程和代数整除原理,并结合Maple程序运算,讨论了这类度量成为Einstein度量的充分必要条件,得出这类度量是爱因斯坦度量当且仅当它们是Ricci平坦的。  相似文献   
分析了柔性铰链放大机构的基本工作原理、放大能力与位移损失。通过ANSYS软件对传统单片柔性铰链放大机构和笔者所设计的十字交叉柔性铰链放大机构进行对比,通过实验验证了仿真的正确性,说明笔者设计的十字交叉柔性铰链放大机构的优越性。  相似文献   
When a penetrator with enhanced lateral effect (PELE) impacts on a reinforced concrete (RC) target, the target is damaged with a large opening. An understanding of how PELE projectile parameters affect the opening dimension, is essential for effective design of the PELE projectile. In this study, under the condition that the impact velocity and target parameters (strength and thickness) were fixed values, the important influence factors of the PELE (jacket wall thickness B, jacket material strength Y1, filling material strength Y2 and angle of monolithic jacketθ) were determined by a dimensional analysis. Tests and simulations of the PELE penetrating the RC target were conducted to analyze the influence of these factors on opening diameter ((D), an equivalent diameter under relative kinetic energy). Based on the test and simulation results, it is found that the influence of these factors B, Y1 andθon the deformation mode of the jacket shows a similar trend:as values of the three factors decrease, the jacket deforms from small bending deformation to large one, and then to curling deformation. This causes the opening diameter to first increase with the decrease of these three factors, and then decreases. It is well known that the bending resistance of the jacket is related to these factors B, Y1 andθ. Therefore, a plastic limit bending moment (M0) of the jacket was quoted to characterize the influence of these factors on the bending deformation of the jacket and the opening diameter of the target. The influence factor Y2 causes (D) to first increase with the increase of Y2, and then decreases. A formula was developed to predict the opening diameter, whose influence parameters were considered in a dimensionless way. It has been shown that the dimensionless opening diameter (D)/d1 is dependent on two dimensionless parameters Q = (d31fc/M0) and G = (fc/Y2), where d1 and fc are the outer diameter of the projectile and the compressive strength of the target, respectively.  相似文献   
This paper mainly studied the problem of energy conserving in wireless sensor networks for target tracking in defensing combats. Firstly, the structures of wireless sensor nodes and networks were illustrated; Secondly, the analysis of existing energy consuming in the sensing layer and its calculation method were provided to build the energy conserving objective function; What's more, the other two indicators in target tracking, including target detection probability and tracking accuracy, were combined to be regarded as the constraints of the energy conserving objective function. Fourthly, the three energy conserving approaches, containing optimizing the management scheme, prolonging the time interval between two adjacent observations, and transmitting the observations selectively, were introduced; In addition, the improved lion algorithm combined with the Logistic chaos sequence was proposed to obtain sensor management schemes. Finally, simulations had been made to prove the effectiveness of the proposed methods and algorithm.  相似文献   
运用定量和定性分析相结合的方法,对集团军反空袭战役空中威胁问题进行了分析,提出了评估的方法和步骤,建立了评估模型,并结合实例对评估方法、步骤、模型进行了分析验证。实例计算表明,利用该方法所实现的判断结果预见性好、可靠性强,对未来集团军反空袭作战有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   
针对高技术防空武器装备大量装备部队,旧有的装备面临着退役这一情况,对高炮武器装备退役的主要因素进行了分析,并给出了各因素的评估模型,运用模糊聚类方法对高炮武器的退役进行了量化分析。  相似文献   
加强和改进对军校学员献身国防教育,一要改革招生方式方法,把好质量关;二要加强思想政治教育,夯实思想根基;三要建立健全育才机制,提供政策制度保证;四要加强校园文化建设,营造良好环境;五要着眼未来发展,提供广阔舞台。  相似文献   
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