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The newest US Cabinet department is Homeland Security (DHS). One of the most controversial aspects in the process of developing this entity is the role of intelligence in providing information on the increasing terrorist threat. This article examines the intelligence challenges for homeland security. In doing so, it explores the problems of merging disparate cultures - law enforcement vs intelligence, civil entities vs military, federal vs state and local jurisdictions, and domestic focus vs international perspective. Given the nature of the globalized, asymmetric threat, the need for more and better intelligence sharing is obvious. Terrorists and other criminals do not respect international boundaries; in fact, they exploit them in an effort to prevent effective and timely countermeasures. This demands that robust multinational collaboration and interagency coordination be practiced.  相似文献   
An algorithm is given for solving minimum-cost flow problems where the shipping cost over an arc is a convex function of the number of units shipped along that arc. This provides a unified way of looking at many seemingly unrelated problems in different areas. In particular, it is shown how problems associated with electrical networks, with increasing the capacity of a network under a fixed budget, with Laplace equations, and with the Max-Flow Min-Cut Theorem may all be formulated into minimum-cost flow problems in convex-cost networks.  相似文献   
Models are formulated for determining continuous review (Q, r) policies for a multiitem inventory subject to constraints. The objective function is the minimization of total time-weighted shortages. The constraints apply to inventory investment and reorder workload. The formulations are thus independent of the normal ordering, holding, and shortage costs. Two models are presented, each representing a convex programming problem. Lagrangian techniques are employed with the first, simplified model in which only the reorder points are optimized. In the second model both the reorder points and the reorder quantities are optimized utilizing penalty function methods. An example problem is solved for each model. The final section deals with the implementation of these models in very large inventory systems.  相似文献   
Location of both public and private facilities has become an important consideration in today's society. Progress in solution of location problems has been impeded by difficulty of the fixed charge problem and the lack of an efficient algorithm for large problems. In this paper a method is developed for solving large-scale public location problems. An implicit enumeration scheme with an imbedded transportation algorithm forms the basis of the solution technique.  相似文献   
A pseudo-monotonic interval program is a problem of maximizing f(x) subject to x ε X = {x ε Rn | a < Ax < b, a, b ε Rm} where f is a pseudomonotonic function on X, the set defined by the linear interval constraints. In this paper, an algorithm to solve the above program is proposed. The algorithm is based on solving a finite number of linear interval programs whose solutions techniques are well known. These optimal solutions then yield an optimal solution of the proposed pseudo-monotonic interval program.  相似文献   
The optimization problem as formulated in the METRIC model takes the form of minimizing the expected number of total system backorders in a two-echelon inventory system subject to a budget constraint. The system contains recoverable items – items subject to repair when they fail. To solve this problem, one needs to find the optimal Lagrangian multiplier associated with the given budget constraint. For any large-scale inventory system, this task is computationally not trivial. Fox and Landi proposed one method that was a significant improvement over the original METRIC algorithm. In this report we first develop a method for estimating the value of the optimal Lagrangian multiplier used in the Fox-Landi algorithm, present alternative ways for determining stock levels, and compare these proposed approaches with the Fox-Landi algorithm, using two hypothetical inventory systems – one having 3 bases and 75 items, the other 5 bases and 125 items. The comparison shows that the computational time can be reduced by nearly 50 percent. Another factor that contributes to the higher requirement for computational time in obtaining the solution to two-echelon inventory systems is that it has to allocate stock optimally to the depot as well as to bases for a given total-system stock level. This essentially requires the evaluation of every possible combination of depot and base stock levels – a time-consuming process for many practical inventory problems with a sizable system stock level. This report also suggests a simple approximation method for estimating the optimal depot stock level. When this method was applied to the same two hypotetical inventory systems indicated above, it was found that the estimate of optimal depot stock is quite close to the optimal value in all cases. Furthermore, the increase in expected system backorders using the estimated depot stock levels rather than the optimal levels is generally small.  相似文献   
This paper reconsiders the classical model for selling an asset in which offers come in daily and a decision must then be made as to whether or not to sell. For each day the item remains unsold a continuation (or maintenance cost) c is incurred. The successive offers are assumed to be independent and identically distributed random variables having an unknown distribution F. The model is considered both in the case where once an offer is rejected it may not be recalled at a later time and in the case where such recall of previous offers is allowed.  相似文献   
We study via simulation an M/M/1 queueing system with the assumption that a customer's service time and the interarrival interval separating his arrival from that of his predecessor are correlated random variables having a bivariate exponential distribution. We show that positive correlation reduces the mean and variance of the total waiting time and that negative correlation has the opposite effect. By using spectral analysis and a nonparametric test applied to the sample power spectra associated with certain simulated waiting times we show the effect to be statistically significant.  相似文献   
In this paper we discuss the properties of a Bilinear Programming problem, and develop a convergent cutting plane algorithm. The cuts involve only a subset of the variables and preserve the special structure of the constraints involving the remaining variables. The cuts are deeper than other similar cuts.  相似文献   
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