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The Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission was established by the Congress in 2013 to perform a systematic review of military compensation to address rising costs and other trends. Their recommendation for reforming the TRICARE health care program was sweeping, and differed greatly from earlier proposals that focused on increasing beneficiary cost shares. Specifically, the commission proposed overhauling the current benefit delivery model and replacing it with a premium-based insurance model offering a menu of DoD-sponsored private health plans. The analysis presented here is based on work that supported the commission by estimating the budgetary impact of its proposed reforms. Results indicate that movement towards the premium-based model would produce an annual budgetary cost savings in the $2 billion to $4 billion range, with a best savings estimate of $3.2 billion.  相似文献   
We study a stochastic scenario‐based facility location problem arising in situations when facilities must first be located, then activated in a particular scenario before they can be used to satisfy scenario demands. Unlike typical facility location problems, fixed charges arise in the initial location of the facilities, and then in the activation of located facilities. The first‐stage variables in our problem are the traditional binary facility‐location variables, whereas the second‐stage variables involve a mix of binary facility‐activation variables and continuous flow variables. Benders decomposition is not applicable for these problems due to the presence of the second‐stage integer activation variables. Instead, we derive cutting planes tailored to the problem under investigation from recourse solution data. These cutting planes are derived by solving a series of specialized shortest path problems based on a modified residual graph from the recourse solution, and are tighter than the general cuts established by Laporte and Louveaux for two‐stage binary programming problems. We demonstrate the computational efficacy of our approach on a variety of randomly generated test problems. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2010  相似文献   
This article explores the relationship between ethnic representation in security sector institutions and perceptions of safety. While most studies on post-conflict institutional reform focus on national institutions and outcomes, this article argues that a more nuanced view on ethnic representation is fruitful in order to account for the everyday perceptions of local people. Drawing on post-conflict Kosovo, the article analyzes how the representation of ethnic minorities in security institutions affects perceptions of safety among individuals across Kosovo’s municipalities. It also analyzes original interview data collected in the Pristina and Mitrovica municipalities that are typical cases of our sample. Both approaches validate that those municipalities that have ethnically representative security institutions also have higher levels of perceived safety.  相似文献   
Component grouping problems, a type of set-partitioning problem, arise in a number of different manufacturing and material logistics application areas. For example, in circuit board assembly, robotic work cells can be used to insert components onto a number of different types of circuit boards. Each type of circuit board requires particular components, with some components appearing on more than one type. The problem is to decide which components should be assigned to each work cell in order to minimize the number of visits by circuit boards to work cells. We describe two new heuristics for this problem, based on so-called greedy random adaptive search procedures (GRASP). With GRASP, a local search technique is replicated many times with different starting points. The starting points are determined by a greedy procedure with a probabilistic aspect. The best result is then kept as the solution. Computational experiments on problems based on data from actual manufacturing processes indicate that these GRASP methods outperform, both in speed and in solution quality, an earlier, network-flow-based heuristic. We also describe techniques for generating lower bounds for the component grouping problem, based on the combinatorial structure of a problem instance. The lower bounds for our real-world test problems averaged within 7%-8% of the heuristic solutions. Similar results are obtained for larger, randomly generated problems. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons. Inc.  相似文献   
Nonviable network models have edges which are forced to zero flow simply by the pattern of interconnection of the nodes. The original nonviability diagnosis algorithm [4] is extended here to cover all classes of network models, including pure, generalized, pure processing, nonconserving processing, and generalized processing. The extended algorithm relies on the conversion of all network forms to a pure processing form. Efficiency improvements to the original algorithm are also presented.  相似文献   
The purpose of this paper and the accompanying tables is to facilitate the calculation of constrained optimum order quantities and reorder points for an inventory control system where the criterion of optimality is the minimization of expected inventory holding, ordering, and time-weighted backorder costs. The tables provided in the paper allow the identification of the optimal solution when order quantities and/or reorder points are restricted to a set of values which do not include the unconstrained optimal solution.  相似文献   
Johnson [2] in 1954 solved the two machine flow shop problem by giving an argument for a sufficient condition of optimality and by stating an efficient algorithm which produces a solution via satisfaction of the sufficient condition. Moreover, Johnson solved two special cases of the corresponding three machine flow shop problem. Since that time, six other special cases have been solved, two contributed by Arthanari and Mukhopadhyay [1], two by Smith, Panwalkar, and Dudek [3], and two of a different nature by Szwarc [5]. This paper contributes an extension to one of the classes described by Szwarc.  相似文献   
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