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We address a single-machine scheduling problem in which penalties are assigned for early and tardy completion of jobs. These penalties are common in industrial settings where early job completion can cause the cash commitment to resources in a time frame earlier than needed, giving rise to early completion penalties. Tardiness penalties arise from a variety of sources, such as loss of customer goodwill, opportunity costs of lost sales, and direct cash penalties. Accounting for earliness cost makes the performance measure nonregular, and this nonregularity has apparently discouraged researchers from seeking solutions to this problem. We found that it is not much more difficult to design an enumerative search for this problem than it would be if the performance measure were regular. We present and demonstrate an efficient timetabling procedure which can be embedded in an enumerative algorithm allowing the search to be conducted over the domain of job permutations.© 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Previous studies criticize the general use of the normal approximation of lead-time demand on the grounds that it can lead to serious errors in safety stock. We reexamine this issue for the distribution of fast-moving finished goods. We first determine the optimal reorder points and quantities by using the classical normal-approximation method and a theoretically correct procedure. We then evaluate the misspecification error of the normal approximation solution with respect to safety stock, logistics-system costs, total costs (logistics costs, including acquisition costs), and fill rates. The results provide evidence that the normal approximation is robust with respect to both cost and service for seven major industry groups. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 44: 165–186, 1997  相似文献   
An efficient algorithm for determining the optimal arrival schedule for customers in a stochastic service system is developed. All customers arrive exactly when scheduled, and service times are modeled as iid Erlang random variables. Costs are incurred at a fixed rate per unit of time each customer waits for service, and an additional cost is incurred for every unit of time the server operates beyond a scheduled closing time. The objective is to minimize total operating cost. This type of problem arises in many operational contexts including transportation, manufacturing, and appointment‐based services. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 46: 549–559, 1999  相似文献   
The war that Portugal was obliged to fight in Africa began in 1961 and immediately stretched the resources of its armed forces. Nowhere was this thinness more apparent than in policing the vast territory of Angola. The east and southeast of Angola were particularly vulnerable, as the area was a vast, sparsely populated region characterised by enormous featureless plains or chanas covered in tall grass and broken by an extensive river system and mountainous forests. The only military solution to policing these immense spaces was aviation and specifically the helicopter that could carry troops into battle, protect them with a gunship and bring them home when the operation was concluded. The immediate problem for the Portuguese Air Force (Força Aérea Portuguesa or FAP) in Angola and elsewhere was a scarcity of helicopters. The solution was an alliance with South Africa, which had a strong inventory of Alouette IIIs, to help in policing the east. This move was likewise in the interest of South Africa, as its threat came from Zambia through south-eastern Angola. This article examines the strategic and tactical development of this unusual, cross-cultural alliance and the symbiotic relationship that resulted in destruction of the enemies of both in Angola.  相似文献   
The standard issue bayonet of the British Army immediately preceding and during the First World War was the Pattern 1907. This was manufactured at different times and in varying numbers during that period by one official body, the Royal Small Arms Factory at Enfield, and by five private contractors. These bayonets were made according to published official specifications issued by the War Department and based on a ‘pattern example’ provided by the Royal Small Arms Factory. The specifications indicate, inter alia, the quality of metal used in making the bayonets, methods of inspection and proofing, and the required maximum and minimum weight range of the completed bayonet. However, examination of a series of these bayonets in a private collection suggested that their weights varied considerably from the mid-point values of the allowed weight ranges in the original and amended specifications (16.5 oz. and 17 oz., respectively). To establish if this was a common feature among this class of bayonet as opposed to a chance factor, the weights of other surviving Pattern 1907 bayonets were determined and compared to establish the degree of variance from the official specifications as originally set out by the Royal Small Arms Factory. Seventy-six percent of the 142 bayonets surveyed were found to be above the mid-point of the allowed weight range given in the amended manufacturing specifications, with many being at the upper end of the allowed range. This is a statistically unusual result. It is speculated that the target weight may have been deliberately set higher by the individual manufacturers to eliminate the possibility of rejection of any underweight bayonets by the Royal Small Arms Factory inspectors and so a refusal of acceptance and payment for the work.  相似文献   
The use of conventional armed forces in a deterrent role merits close consideration. Instability in weak or failing states can have global ramifications, while efforts to build stability take time. In principle, conventional deterrence can be used to buy the time required for such stabilization efforts. Attempts at deterrence will, however, need to overcome credibility problems stemming from the technical limitations associated with conventional armed forces, and with the likely requirement for multiple external actors to deter multiple intrastate audiences. While deterrence might work under certain circumstances, it will not play as central a role in strategy as it did during the Cold War.  相似文献   
Book Reviews     
Strategic Views from the Second Tien The Nuclear Weapons Policies of France, Britain and China. Edited by J.C. Hopkins and W Hu, New Brunswick and London, Transaction Publishers, (1995) ISBN 1-56000-7907. $ 21.95

Multinational Military Forces: Problems and Prospects. By Roger H. Palin. Adelphi Paper 294, 11SS/Oxford University Press (1995) ISBN 0-19-828025-4 ISSN 0567 932X

South Africa in the Global Economy. Edited by Greg Mills, et al. South African Institute of International Affairs, Johannesburg, (1995) ISBN 1-874890-58-7. R. 45.60

The Limits of Air Powen The American Bombing of North Vietnam. By Mark Clodfelter, The Free Press. New York (1989). ISBN 0-02-905990-9. $22.95.

Guy Gibson. By Richard Morris with Colin Dobinson. Viking. London (1994). ISBN 0-670-82878-5. £18.00.

Dambuster: A Life of Guy Gibson VC. By Susan Ottway. Leo Cooper, London (1994). ISBN 0-85052-427. £16-95.  相似文献   
A natural extension of the bucket brigade model of manufacturing is capable of chaotic behavior in which the product intercompletion times are, in effect, random, even though the model is completely deterministic. This is, we believe, the first proven instance of chaos in discrete manufacturing. Chaotic behavior represents a new challenge to the traditional tools of engineering management to reduce variability in production lines. Fortunately, if configured correctly, a bucket brigade assembly line can avoid such pathologies. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 2009  相似文献   
In this article we present a stochastic model for determining inventory rotation policies for a retail firm which must stock many hundreds of distinctive items having uncertain heterogeneous sales patterns. The model develops explicit decision rules for determining (1) the length of time that an item should remain in inventory before the decision is made on whether or not to rotate the item out of inventory and (2) the minimum sales level necessary for retaining the item in inventory. Two inventory rotation policies are developed, the first of which maximizes cumulative expected sales over a finite planning horizon and the second of which maximizes cumulative expected profit. We also consider the statistical behavior of items having uncertain, discrete, and heterogeneous sales patterns using a two-period prediction methodology where period 1 is used to accumulate information on individual sales rates and this knowledge is then used, in a Bayesian context, to make sales predictions for period 2. This methodology assumes that over an arbitrary time interval sales for each item are Poisson with unknown but stationary mean sales rates and the mean sales rates are distributed gamma across all items. We also report the application of the model to a retail firm which stocks many hundreds of distinctive unframed poster art titles. The application provides some useful insights into the behavior of the model as well as some interesting aspects pertaining to the implementation of the results in a “real-world” situation.  相似文献   
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