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An algorithm is given for the conditional p-center problem, namely, the optimal location of one or more additional facilities in a region with given demand points and one or more preexisting facilities. The solution dealt with here involves the minimax criterion and Euclidean distances in two-dimensional space. The method used is a generalization to the present conditional case of a relaxation method previously developed for the unconditional p-center problems. Interestingly, its worst-case complexity is identical to that of the unconditional version, and in practice, the conditional algorithm is more efficient. Some test problems with up to 200 demand points have been solved. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
The United States military frequently has difficulty retaining enlisted personnel beyond their initial enlistment. A bonus program within each service, called a Selective Reenlistment Bonus (SRB) program, seeks to enhance reenlistments and thus reduce personnel shortages in critical military occupational specialties (MOSs). The amount of bonus is set by assigning “SRB multipliers” to each MOS. We develop a nonlinear integer program to select multipliers which minimize a function of deviations from desired reenlistment targets. A Lagrangian relaxation of a linearized version of the integer program is used to obtain lower bounds and feasible solutions. The best feasible solution, discovered in a coordinate search of the Lagrangian function, is heuristically improved by apportioning unexpended funds. For large problems a heuristic variable reduction is employed to speed model solution. U.S. Army data and requirements for FY87 yield a 0-1 integer program with 12,992 binary variables and 273 constraints, which is solved within 0.00002% of optimality on an IBM 3033AP in less than 1.7 seconds. More general models with up to 463,000 binary variables are solved, on average, to within 0.009% of optimality in less than 1.8 minutes. The U.S. Marine Corps has used a simpler version of this model since 1986. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
An inventory model in which future demand is affected by stockouts has been considered recently by B. L. Schwartz. Some generalizations of Schwartz's model are presented in this paper and properties of the optimal policies are determined. In the case of deterministic demand, a set-up cost is included and a mixture of backlogged and nonbacklogged orders is allowed during stockout. It is proved that the optimal policy entails either no stockout or continual stockout, depending on the values of three parameters. For stochastic demand, the effect of stockouts on demand density is postulated, the resulting optimal inventory policy is discussed, and an example involving an exponential density function is then analyzed in detail.  相似文献   
The problem of determining multicommodity flows over a capacitated network subject to resource constraints may be solved by linear programming; however, the number of potential vectors in most applications is such that the standard arc-chain formulation becomes impractical. This paper describes an approach—an extension of the column generation technique used in the multicommodity network flow problem—that simultaneously considers network chain selection and resource allocation, thus making the problem both manageable and optimal. The flow attained is constrained by resource availability and network capacity. A minimum-cost formulation is described and an extension to permit the substitution of resources is developed. Computational experience with the model is discussed.  相似文献   
In military situations of sharply increasing combat activity the Marine Corps is faced with training problems in its expanding aviator corps. Additional training aircraft are required, and procurement decisions must be made. In view of the significant costs involved in procurement and operation of new high performance aircraft, it is very desirable to buy and operate an efficient mix of aircraft necessary for training the pilots to make the Marine Aircraft Wings essentially 100-percent tactically qualified. The mathematical model presented here enables computation of a least-cost mix of training aircraft which satisfies certain specified training requirements. The basic element allowing tradeoffs is the commonality of training available in the F4, RF4, A6, and EA6 types of aircraft. Both airframe oriented and mission oriented training are necessary, but the airframe oriented training can be conducted in either of the aircraft possessing the commonality. Training requirements over a five year period are considered, and the mix of training aircraft has the minimum five year procurement and operating cost.  相似文献   
This study presents power‐of‐two policies for a serial inventory system with constant demand rate and incremental quantity discounts at the most upstream stage. It is shown that an optimal solution is nested and follows a zero‐inventory ordering policy. To prove the effectiveness of power‐of‐two policies, a lower bound on the optimal cost is obtained. A policy that has a cost within 6% of the lower bound is developed for a fixed base planning period. For a variable base planning period, a 98% effective policy is provided. An extension is included for a system with price dependent holding costs. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2007  相似文献   
In this article, we introduce the capacitated warehouse location model with risk pooling (CLMRP), which captures the interdependence between capacity issues and the inventory management at the warehouses. The CLMRP models a logistics system in which a single plant ships one type of product to a set of retailers, each with an uncertain demand. Warehouses serve as the direct intermediary between the plant and the retailers for the shipment of the product and also retain safety stock to provide appropriate service levels to the retailers. The CLMRP minimizes the sum of the fixed facility location, transportation, and inventory carrying costs. The model simultaneously determines warehouse locations, shipment sizes from the plant to the warehouses, the working inventory, and safety stock levels at the warehouses and the assignment of retailers to the warehouses. The costs at each warehouse exhibit initially economies of scale and then an exponential increase due to the capacity limitations. We show that this problem can be formulated as a nonlinear integer program in which the objective function is neither concave nor convex. A Lagrangian relaxation solution algorithm is proposed. The Lagrangian subproblem is also a nonlinear integer program. An efficient algorithm is developed for the linear relaxation of this subproblem. The Lagrangian relaxation algorithm provides near‐optimal solutions with reasonable computational requirements for large problem instances. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2008  相似文献   
The objective of this article is to describe heuristic solutions to the problem of modeling inventories at each node of a large network in the context of a computer simulation model of that network. The heuristic solutions are compared with the mathematical solution which is too unwieldy for use in a simulation model. The Weibull cumulative distribution is used as an approximation for the heuristic models. We question whether the good performance of the Weibull is coincidence or perhaps mathematically justifiable.  相似文献   
This paper discusses the operations analysis in the underwater search for the remains of the submarine Scorpion The a priori target location probability distribution for the search was obtained by monte-carlo procedures based upon nine different scenarios concerning the Scorpion loss and associated credibility weights. These scenarios and weights were postulated by others. Scorpion was found within 260 yards of the search grid cell having the largest a priori probability Frequent computations of local effectiveness probabilities (LEPs) were carried out on scene during the search and were used to determine an updated (a posteriori) target location distribution. This distribution formed the basis for recommendation of the current high probability areas for search The sum of LEPs weighted by the a priori target location probabilities is called search effectiveness probability (SEP) and was used as the overall measure of effectiveness for the operation. SEP and LEPs were used previously in the Mediterranean H-bomb search On-scene and stateside operations analysis are discussed and the progress of the search is indicated by values of SEP for various periods during the operation.  相似文献   
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