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根据小规模坦克火力对抗中所具有的马尔可夫性特点,将该过程视为离散状态、离散时间的马尔可夫随机过程(马尔可夫链),由此建立了坦克与反坦克武器系统之间一对一对抗的随机格斗模型,并给出双方获胜概率和平均对抗回合数的计算公式。最后通过实例验证了模型的有效性。该模型克服了轮流对抗不符合战场实际的缺点,为分队指挥员在射击策略的选择和分队火力运用上的快速决策提供了较为精确的量化依据。  相似文献   
为了解决传统的自适应均衡技术需发送训练序列的问题,采用盲均衡技术,利用接收信号本身的特征使均衡器收敛。提出了一种新的盲均衡算法(C&D算法),该算法将CRIMNO算法和判决引导(Decision Directed,DD)算法相结合,利用信号序列间的互不相关特性,从而使其具有全局收敛性能。实验结果表明:与CRIMNO算法相比,在相同的信噪比下,该算法具有收敛快速、运算量少和残留误差小的特点。  相似文献   
军事总体设计是技术总体设计的基础,是模拟训练系统设计的首要任务.对于战术互联网模拟训练系统军事总体设计中的有关问题,采用对比和比较法,对系统军事总体需求和框架进行了研究,明确了战术互联网模拟训练系统的训练方式、使用流程、功能体系等内容,为下一步系统的技术总体方案设计以及实现奠定了良好基础.  相似文献   
Capacity expansion models typically minimize the discounted cost of acquisition and operation over a given planning horizon. In this article we generalize this idea to one in which a capital supply curve replaces the usual discount rate. A capital supply curve is a means to model financial outlook, investment limits, and risk. We show that when such a curve is included in a capacity expansion model, it will, under certain conditions, provide a less capital intensive solution than one which incorporates a discount rate. In this article, we also provide an algorithm that solves capacity expansion models that incorporate a capital supply curve. The attractive feature of this algorithm is that it provides a means to utilize the “discount rate” models efficiently. Throughout, we give applications in power generation planning and computational experience for this application is also presented.  相似文献   
影响图建模算法的改进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
影响图建模方法是一种规范化的复杂系统建模方法,其实质是将表征复杂系统的参量及参量间的耦合关系进行分类,并以此为基础建立系统的数学模型.影响图建模算法就是将系统的参量及参量间的耦合关系进行分类的算法.目前使用的算法是James R.Burns于1979年提出的.该算法仅考虑了最小的反馈回路,而没有考虑影响图中存在的一般反馈回路,且一些操作造成了不必要的循环.在分析该算法的基础上,考虑了一般的反馈回路,并对原算法的操作步骤进行了优化重组.  相似文献   
对钢丝绳联轴器进行了动刚度性能实验 ,在此基础上建立了数学模型 ,并进行了参数辨识 ,指出钢丝绳联轴器具有强非线性 ,对减小轴系扭转振动具有良好的效果  相似文献   
Consider a project during the life cycle of which there are cash payouts and in‐flows. To better meet his financial commitments, the project owner would like to meet all deadlines without running out of cash. We show that the cash availability objective is similar to the total weighted flowtime used to measure work‐in‐progress performance in the scheduling and inventory control literatures. In this article we provide several specialized solution methods for the problem of minimizing total weighted flowtime in an arbitrary acyclic project network, subject to activity release times and due dates, where the activity weights may be positive or negative and represent cash in‐ and out‐flows. We describe the structure of an optimal solution and provide several efficient algorithms and their complexity based on mincost and maxflow formulations. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2006  相似文献   
Observations from inspection by a “test” method and a standard method are combined to provide estimators of population proportion, and of probabilities of misclassification for the test method. Results of Hochberg and Tenenbein [3] and of Albers and Veldman [1] are extended to the case where the standard method is not perfect, but its misclassification probabilities have known values. Both moment and maximum-likelihood estimators are considered and some asymptotic properties of the resulting estimators are compared.  相似文献   
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