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The problem considered is that of finding the set of efficient sequences of jobs on a single machine with respect to the total flow time and the number of tardy jobs. We present some properties of an existing algorithm and the problem itself.  相似文献   
The provision of Military Assistance to the Civil Powers (MACP) encapsulates the traditional approach towards countering terrorism on the British mainland, which emphasises minimum force, proportionality, police primacy and the rule of law, with the military retained as a supporting instrument, being employed only as a measure of last resort. Recent terrorist incidents in major urban centres do, however, question the effectiveness of these established methods. This analysis initially codifies the conceptual issues that underscore the tensions between civil policing and military anti-terrorist approaches in the UK, and proceeds to evaluate and compare a number of operations that indicate the nature of the challenges facing the MACP apparatus. In particular, potential shortcomings in the MACP provisions are identified in the form of threat perception and deployment and enforcement gaps. The assessment finds that there are facets of MACP that are of enduring relevance in the current era, yet a continuing need persists to reconcile police and military imperatives toward serious civil disorder contingencies and conditions of emergency.  相似文献   
Silverman's game on (1, B) × (1, B) was analyzed by R. J. Evans, who showed that optimal strategies exist (and found them) only on a set of measure zero in the parameter plane. We examine the corresponding game on (1, B) × (1, D) with D > B, and show that optimal strategies exist in about half the parameter plane. Optimal strategies and game value are obtained explicitly. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
A search is conducted for a target moving in discrete time among a finite number of cells according to a known Markov process. The searcher must choose one cell in which to search in each time period. The set of cells available for search depends upon the cell chosen in the last time period. The problem is to find a search path, i.e., a sequence of search cells, that either maximizes the probability of detection or minimizes the mean number of time periods required for detection. The search problem is modelled as a partially observable Markov decision process and several approximate solutions procedures are proposed. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
We examine the problem of estimating the item fill rate in a periodic inventory system. We show that the traditional expressions for line item fill rate, found in many operations management textbooks, perform well for high fill rates (above 90%), but they consistently underestimate the true fill rate. The problem of underestimation becomes significant as the fill rate falls below 90% and is greatly amplified in cases with very low fill rates (below 50%). We review other more accurate expressions for fill rate, discussing their relative merits. We then develop an exact fill rate expression that is robust for both high and low fill rates. We compare the new expression to others found in the literature via an extensive set of simulation experiments using data that reflect actual inventory systems found at Hewlett-Packard. We also examine the robustness of the expressions to violations in the underlying assumptions. Finally, we develop an alternative fill rate expression that is robust for cases of high demand variability where product returns are allowed. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
We consider a multiperiod resource allocation problem, where a single resource is allocated over a finite planning horizon of T periods. Resource allocated to one period can be used to satisfy demand of that period or of future periods, but backordering of demand is not allowed. The objective is to allocate the resource as smoothly as possible throughout the planning horizon. We present two models: the first assumes that the allocation decision variables are continuous, whereas the second considers only integer allocations. Applications for such models are found, for example, in subassembly production planning for complex products in a multistage production environment. Efficient algorithms are presented to find optimal allocations for these models at an effort of O(T2). Among all optimal policies for each model, these algorithms find the one that carries the least excess resources throughout the planning horizon. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
The facility location and capacity acquisition decisions are intertwined, especially within the international context where capacity acquisition costs are location dependent. A review of the relevant literature however, reveals that the facility location and the capacity acquisition problems have been dealt with separately. Thus, an integrated approach for simultaneous optimization of these strategic decisions is presented. Analytical properties of the arising model are investigated and an algorithm for solving the problem is devised. Encouraging computational results are reported. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
We consider the problem of scheduling orders on identical machines in parallel. Each order consists of one or more individual jobs. A job that belongs to an order can be processed by any one of the machines. Multiple machines can process the jobs of an order concurrently. No setup is required if a machine switches over from one job to another. Each order is released at time zero and has a positive weight. Preemptions are not allowed. The completion time of an order is the time at which all jobs of that order have been completed. The objective is to minimize the total weighted completion time of the orders. The problem is NP‐hard for any fixed number (≥2) of machines. Because of this, we focus our attention on two classes of heuristics, which we refer to as sequential two‐phase heuristics and dynamic two‐phase heuristics. We perform a worst case analysis as well as an empirical analysis of nine heuristics. Our analyses enable us to rank these heuristics according to their effectiveness, taking solution quality as well as running time into account. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2006  相似文献   
The (standard) randomization method is an attractive alternative for the transient analysis of continuous time Markov models. The main advantages of the method are numerical stability, well‐controlled computation error, and ability to specify the computation error in advance. However, the fact that the method can be computationally very expensive limits its applicability. In this paper, we develop a new method called split regenerative randomization, which, having the same good properties as standard randomization, can be significantly more efficient. The method covers reliability‐like models with a particular but quite general structure and requires the selection of a subset of states and a regenerative state satisfying some conditions. For a class of continuous time Markov models, model class C2, including typical failure/repair reliability‐like models with exponential failure and repair time distributions and deferred repair, natural selections are available for both the subset of states and the regenerative state and, for those natural selections, theoretical results are available assessing the efficiency of the method in terms of “visible” model characteristics. Those results can be used to anticipate when the method can be expected to be competitive. We illustrate the application of the method using a large class C2 model and show that for models in that class the method can indeed be significantly more efficient than previously available randomization‐based methods. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2006  相似文献   
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