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Consider a single-server exponential queueing loss system in which the arrival and service rates alternate between the paris (γ1, γ1), and (γ2, μ2), spending an exponential amount of time with rate i in (γi, μi), i = 1.2. It is shown that if all arrivals finding the server busy are lost, then the percentage of arrivals lost is a decreasing function of c. This is in line with a general conjecture of Ross to the effect that the “more nonstationary” a Poisson arrival process is, the greater the average customer delay (in infinite capacity models) or the greater the precentage of lost customers (in finite capacity models). We also study the limiting cases when c approaches 0 or infinity.  相似文献   
Consider a system consisting of n separately maintained independent components where the components alternate between intervals in which they are “up” and in which they are “down”. When the ith component goes up [down] then, independent of the past, it remains up [down] for a random length of time, having distribution Fi[Gi], and then goes down [up]. We say that component i is failed at time t if it has been “down” at all time points s ?[t-A.t]: otherwise it is said to be working. Thus, a component is failed if it is down and has been down for the previous A time units. Assuming that all components initially start “up,” let T denote the first time they are all failed, at which point we say the system is failed. We obtain the moment-generating function of T when n = l, for general F and G, thus generalizing previous results which assumed that at least one of these distributions be exponential. In addition, we present a condition under which T is an NBU (new better than used) random variable. Finally we assume that all the up and down distributions Fi and Gi i = l,….n, are exponential, and we obtain an exact expression for E(T) for general n; in addition we obtain bounds for all higher moments of T by showing that T is NBU.  相似文献   
From an original motivation in quantitative inventory modeling, we develop methods for testing the hypothesis that the service times of an M/G/1 queue are exponentially distributed, given a sequence of observations of customer line and/or system waits. The approaches are mostly extensions of the well-known exponential goodness-of-fit test popularized by Gnedenko, which results from the observation that the sum of a random exponential sample is Erlang distributed and thus that the quotient of two independent exponential sample means is F distributed.  相似文献   
The segregated storage problem involves the optimal distribution of products among compartments with the restriction that only one product may be stored in each compartment. The storage capacity of each compartment, the storage demand for each product, and the linear cost of storing one unit of a product in a given compartment are specified. The problem is reformulated as a large set-packing problem, and a column generation scheme is devised to solve the associated linear programming problem. In case of fractional solutions, a branch and bound procedure is utilized. Computational results are presented.  相似文献   
Suppose that we have enough computer time to make n observations of a stochastic process by means of simulation and would like to construct a confidence interval for the steady-state mean. We can make k independent runs of m observations each (n=k.m) or, alternatively, one run of n observations which we then divide into k batches of length m. These methods are known as replication and batch means, respectively. In this paper, using the probability of coverage and the half length of a confidence interval as criteria for comparison, we empirically show that batch means is superior to replication, but that neither method works well if n is too small. We also show that if m is chosen too small for replication, then the coverage may decrease dramatically as the total sample size n is increased.  相似文献   
For a service provider facing stochastic demand growth, expansion lead times and economies of scale complicate the expansion timing and sizing decisions. We formulate a model to minimize the infinite horizon expected discounted expansion cost under a service‐level constraint. The service level is defined as the proportion of demand over an expansion cycle that is satisfied by available capacity. For demand that follows a geometric Brownian motion process, we impose a stationary policy under which expansions are triggered by a fixed ratio of demand to the capacity position, i.e., the capacity that will be available when any current expansion project is completed, and each expansion increases capacity by the same proportion. The risk of capacity shortage during a cycle is estimated analytically using the value of an up‐and‐out partial barrier call option. A cutting plane procedure identifies the optimal values of the two expansion policy parameters simultaneously. Numerical instances illustrate that if demand grows slowly with low volatility and the expansion lead times are short, then it is optimal to delay the start of expansion beyond when demand exceeds the capacity position. Delays in initiating expansions are coupled with larger expansion sizes. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2009  相似文献   
In this article we explore how two competing firms locate and set capacities to serve time‐sensitive customers. Because customers are time‐sensitive, they may decline to place an order from either competitor if their expected waiting time is large. We develop a two‐stage game where firms set capacities and then locations, and show that three types of subgame perfect equilibria are possible: local monopoly (in which each customer is served by a single firm, but some customers may be left unserved), constrained local monopoly (in which firms serve the entire interval of customers but do not compete with each other), and constrained competition (in which firms also serve the entire interval of customers, but now compete for some customers). We perform a comparative statics analysis to illustrate differences in the equilibrium behavior of a duopolist and a coordinated monopolist. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2008  相似文献   
We consider how a merger between two naturally differentiated dealers affects their interactions with a common supplier and identify conditions under which the merger can increase or decrease the combined net worth of the two firms. Among other things, we find that the attractiveness of merging depends upon the extent to which end demand can be stimulated by either an upstream supplier or the dealers. Specifically, the greater the supplier's ability to invest in stimulating end demand, the more likely it is that the naturally differentiated firms will be better off operating independently than merging. On the other hand, if the greatest opportunities for stimulating demand are through the service that is provided by the dealers, then merging their operations will be more attractive. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2007  相似文献   
We examine the problem of adaptively scheduling perfect observations and preventive replacements for a multi‐state, Markovian deterioration system with silent failures such that total expected discounted cost is minimized. We model this problem as a partially observed Markov decision process and show that the structural properties of the optimal policy hold for certain non‐extreme sample paths. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2007  相似文献   
Revenue management is the process of actively managing inventory or capacity to maximize revenues. The active management typically occurs through managerial levers such as price, promotion, or availability. We present a novel real options approach to revenue management that is specifically suited to the car rental business. We illustrate the concept with actual car rental data. The model produces minimally acceptable prices and inventory release quantities (number of cars available for rent at a given price) as a function of remaining time and available inventory. The pricing and inventory release recommendations of the developed model confirm earlier empirical analysis that suggested current practises discount too deeply early in the booking cycle. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2004  相似文献   
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