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随着诸军种联合作战的规模和频率不断增加,为改进联合作战能力,美军对联合作战指挥结构进行了改革,出台了联合军官管理制度,对联合军官的选拔、教育和晋升等作出了具体的规定.  相似文献   
国民党蒋介石集团退踞台湾之后的威权时代,在强烈危机意识的作用下,全面改造党组织和军队,党军关系呈现新的局面。国民党从思想和组织两方面对军队进行的有效控制,不仅确保了蒋家王朝在台湾统治的延续,也使军队的地位和影响力得到前所未有的提高,震慑了各种异己力量包括“台独”势力在岛内的恶性生长。  相似文献   
Unit‐load warehouses store and retrieve unit‐loads, typically pallets. When storage and retrieval operations are not coordinated, travel is from a pickup and deposit (P&D) point to a pallet location and back again. In some facilities, workers interleave storage and retrieval operations to form a dual‐command cycle. Two new aisle designs proposed by Gue and Meller (“Improving the unit‐load warehouse.” In Progress in Material Handling Research: 2006. Material Handling Industry of America, Charlotte, NC, 2006) use diagonal aisles to reduce the travel distance to a single pallet location by approximately 10 and 20[percnt] for the two designs, respectively. We develop analytical expressions for travel between pallet locations for one of these—the fishbone design. We then compare fishbone warehouses that have been optimized for dual‐command to traditional warehouses that have been optimized in the same manner, and show that an optimal fishbone design reduces dual‐command travel by 10–15%. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 54: 389–403, 2009  相似文献   
新中国成立以来,人民军队坚持独立自主原则,通过军事援助、派出军事专家、参与联合国维和行动,以及军事互访、实施联合军事演习等多种方式,积极开展对外军事交往,开阔了眼界,借鉴了经验,有力促进了国防和军队现代化建设.  相似文献   
PHM系统及其故障预测模型研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
PHM(Prognostic and Health Management)是装备实现自主保障的一项关键技术.通过对美军联合攻击机PHM系统功能和结构的分析,提出了一种基于扩展FMEA的PHM系统的实现方法,并阐明了其运作原理.在此基础上,引入模糊综合评判这一数学方法建立了PHM系统的故障预测模型.最后以飞机起落架的收放系统为例进行了实例分析.  相似文献   
战争与和平对立统一、相互交织,构成了人类生活的主题,因其与社会进步和人类发展休戚相关,成为古今中外人们关注的焦点.从某种程度上说,人类的历史就是一部战争史,战争因对社会发展的巨大推动作用和给人类带来的深重浩劫而成为一体两面的价值体.战争的暴烈使人们渴望和平,并以不同形式展开了对和平的追求.在人类历史上,和平要比战争成熟得晚.在和平与发展的历史条件下,维护和平、制止战争是全人类共同的责任.  相似文献   
新中国成立以来,在不同的历史时期,党和国家领导人对军事战略规划及相关问题作出过一系列指示和重要论述.这些重要论述,对全面和深入地了解军事战略规划发展演变的历程,指导人民军队在新的历史时期更好地规划国防和军队建设,有效应对未来面临的多种安全威胁、完成多样化军事任务,具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   
西藏和平解放后,西藏反动上层坚持分裂国家、维护封建农奴制度的反动立场,千方百计地阻挠、破坏和平解放西藏协议的实施,进行了一系列背叛和分裂祖国的活动.经过长期策划和准备,1959年3月10日,西藏上层反动分子借达赖喇嘛要到西藏军区机关驻地观看军区文工团演出之机,挑起事端,发动了全面武装叛乱.  相似文献   
The orienteering problem involves the selection of a path between an origin and a destination which maximizes total score subject to a time restriction. In previous work we presented an effective heuristic for this NP-hard problem that outperformed other heuristics from the literature. In this article we describe and test a significantly improved procedure. The new procedure is based on four concepts—center of gravity, randomness, subgravity, and learning. These concepts combine to yield a procedure which is much faster and which results in more nearly optimal solutions than previous procedures.  相似文献   
We consider the problem of scheduling n independent and simultaneously available jobs without preemption on a single machine, where the machine has a fixed maintenance activity. The objective is to find the optimal job sequence to minimize the total amount of late work, where the late work of a job is the amount of processing of the job that is performed after its due date. We first discuss the approximability of the problem. We then develop two pseudo‐polynomial dynamic programming algorithms and a fully polynomial‐time approximation scheme for the problem. Finally, we conduct extensive numerical studies to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithms. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 63: 172–183, 2016  相似文献   
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