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清末北方军事集团,前后有两个界定:一是洋务运动时期以李鸿章为首的“北洋海军军事集团”;二是新政时期至北洋前期以袁世凯为首的“新建陆军军事集团”。二者前后并没有直系的承接关系。但他们在创办军事教育方面都做出有目共睹的成就,促进了中国教育,尤其是军事科技教育的现代化发展,对中国近代社会产生重要影响。同时也应该看到,由于军事集团创办并掌握教育主导权,导致教育的集团化和教育的私人化,形成中国军队派系对立,是最终促成近代中国军阀割据局面出现的重要因素。  相似文献   
执行多样化军事任务事关国家安全和发展利益,紧系人民生命财产安全,要求我们必须有高度的政治责任意识;执行多样化军事任务参与力量多、协作任务重、工作范围广,要求我们必须建立健全联合高效的统一指挥机制;执行多样化军事任务往往事发突然,通讯交通受阻、信息采集难度大、新闻宣传制约因素多,要求我们必须注意信息掌握与管控;执行多样化军事任务艰巨繁重,任务转换节奏快,专业素质要求高,要求我们平时必须加强非战争军事行动的针对性训练;执行多样化军事任务条件艰苦、环境恶劣,不仅要连续作战,而且随时面临生命危险,要求我们必须大力培育部队的战斗精神;执行多样化军事任务对后勤补给、装备保障有着特殊要求,我们必须不断加强执行多样化军事任务的各项保障建设。  相似文献   
规范作战需求论证的组织实施,发挥作战需求的牵引作用,是确保武器装备建设综合效益的必然要求。本文界定并分析了武器装备作战需求论证标准体系的基本概念和构成,探讨了构建我军武器装备作战需求论证标准体系的现实意义和应遵循的主要原则,明确了建设中应把握和处理好的几个关系。  相似文献   
容差设计是健壮设计的重要组成部分,装备容差设计是复杂装备设计的重要内容之一。本文针对装备有寿件容差设计和低组装等级容差设计进行了初步探讨,给出了计算方法,并结合实例说明了计算过程。  相似文献   
王蜀宁 《国防科技》2008,29(5):66-68
现代战争是体系与体系的对抗,随着战场上的传感器网络、指挥控制网络、通信网络和火力打击网络的有机联结,并组成一个统一的作战体系。体系破袭已经成为敌对双方首要采取的作战方式。其作战目的明确,就是削弱对方的信息可达度和信息优裕度,使其作战能力始终处于平台中心区域而无法达到信息中心区域。应急作战背景下,可将网络破袭战作为对敌体系破袭的重要手段,以未来作战对手高度依赖的信息网络系统为打击重心,“断网毁链”,削弱敌整体作战能力。  相似文献   
We propose a dynamic escape route system for emergency evacuation of a naval ship. The system employs signals that adapt to the causative contingency and the crew's physical distribution about the ship. A mixed‐integer nonlinear programming model, with underlying network structure, optimizes the evacuation process. The network's nodes represent compartments, closures (e.g., doors and hatches) and intersections, while arcs represent various types of passageways. The objective function integrates two potentially conflicting factors: average evacuation time and the watertight and airtight integrity of the ship after evacuation. A heuristic solves the model approximately using a sequence of mixed‐integer linear approximating problems. Using data for a Spanish frigate, with standard static routes specified by the ship's designers, computational tests show that the dynamic system can reduce average evacuation times, nearly 23%, and can improve a combined measure of ship integrity by up to 50%. In addition, plausible design changes to the frigate yield further, substantial improvements. Published 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 2008  相似文献   
样条函数由于其计算简单,便于数字计算机进行数值计算而在各个工程领域内广泛地得到应用。在连续图像的离散化数字处理中,由于图像数据量非常巨大,使用样条函数进行内插和平滑可以得到计算简化的好处。本文初步讨论这方面应用的可能性。本文所述及的范围还比较小,只是试论用样条函数来估计图像离散化和再现过程中的误差;用样条函数进行数据压缩的一种简便方法;和用样条函数对图像随机噪声进行平滑处理等几个方面。  相似文献   
The dynamic lot-sizing problem with learning in setups is a variation of the Wagner-Whitin lot-sizing problem where the setup costs are a concave, nondecreasing function of the cumulative number of setups. This problem has been a subject of some recent research. We extend the previously studied model to include nonstationary production costs and present an O(T2) algorithm to solve this problem. The worst-case complexity of our algorithm improves the worst-case behavior of the algorithms presently known in the literature. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
新世纪新阶段对加强军队思想政治建设提出了新的更高要求。加强思想政治建设的开拓创新,就要始终坚持与时俱进,努力探索信息化条件下和社会主义市场经济环境中思想政治建设的特点和规律;努力在教育的针对性、实效性上下功夫,不断增强教育的吸引力、说服力和感染力;坚决克服形式主义、官僚主义,把求真务实精神贯彻到思想政治建设的全过程;真正坚持以人为本,心系基层、情系官兵,真心实意地为基层办实事、解难事、做好事。  相似文献   
A single machine is available to process a collection of stochastic tasks. Processing is interrupted when the machine breaks down. We introduce a new model of breakdowns that more realistically incorporates the effects that job processing may have on the machine. This failure propagation model is equivalent to a Bayesian formulation in which learning about breakdown rates occurs as jobs evolve. Optimal scheduling policies are described in terms of Gittins indices and these indices are characterised in two special cases. For example, we obtain conditions which ensure that an optimal policy will only preempt a job's processing either at its completion or at a machine breakdown. We also bound the value lost by simplistic modelling which ignores the learning phenomenon. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
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