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Whenever n demand points are located on a hemisphere, spherical location problems can be solved easily using geometrical methods or mathematical programming. A method based on a linear programming formulation with four constraints is presented to determine whether n demand points are on a hemisphere. The formulation is derived from a modified minimax spherical location problem whose Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions are the constraints of the linear program. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
基于RDC模块的角度测量仪的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设计了一种便携式的角度测量仪.介绍了自整角机/旋转变压器信号处理原理,设计了信号量程放大电路.通过单片机控制,将角度信息显示在测量仪上并将数据传输显示在PC机,实现了角度监测.测试验证表明:该设计方法测量精度高、电压信号输入范围宽、可靠性好,完全可以满足角度测量及实时监测的要求.  相似文献   
压制干扰下基于融合规则的雷达网威力仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对压制干扰对雷达网的威胁描述问题,研究了雷达网的探测威力模型.根据雷达基本方程和压制干扰下的雷达方程,结合单部雷达的检测概率模型,研究了一种基于融合规则的雷达网探测范围及探测威力的绘制算法,并用MATLAB进行仿真实现,结果表明,基于融合规则的雷达网探测范围和探测威力均较融合前增大,更好地体现了雷达组网的优势,该算法亦为衡量雷达网的融合能力及抗干扰能力提供了参考.  相似文献   
根据小规模坦克火力对抗中所具有的马尔可夫性特点,将该过程视为离散状态、离散时间的马尔可夫随机过程(马尔可夫链),由此建立了坦克与反坦克武器系统之间一对一对抗的随机格斗模型,并给出双方获胜概率和平均对抗回合数的计算公式。最后通过实例验证了模型的有效性。该模型克服了轮流对抗不符合战场实际的缺点,为分队指挥员在射击策略的选择和分队火力运用上的快速决策提供了较为精确的量化依据。  相似文献   
为了解决传统的自适应均衡技术需发送训练序列的问题,采用盲均衡技术,利用接收信号本身的特征使均衡器收敛。提出了一种新的盲均衡算法(C&D算法),该算法将CRIMNO算法和判决引导(Decision Directed,DD)算法相结合,利用信号序列间的互不相关特性,从而使其具有全局收敛性能。实验结果表明:与CRIMNO算法相比,在相同的信噪比下,该算法具有收敛快速、运算量少和残留误差小的特点。  相似文献   
The provision of Military Assistance to the Civil Powers (MACP) encapsulates the traditional approach towards countering terrorism on the British mainland, which emphasises minimum force, proportionality, police primacy and the rule of law, with the military retained as a supporting instrument, being employed only as a measure of last resort. Recent terrorist incidents in major urban centres do, however, question the effectiveness of these established methods. This analysis initially codifies the conceptual issues that underscore the tensions between civil policing and military anti-terrorist approaches in the UK, and proceeds to evaluate and compare a number of operations that indicate the nature of the challenges facing the MACP apparatus. In particular, potential shortcomings in the MACP provisions are identified in the form of threat perception and deployment and enforcement gaps. The assessment finds that there are facets of MACP that are of enduring relevance in the current era, yet a continuing need persists to reconcile police and military imperatives toward serious civil disorder contingencies and conditions of emergency.  相似文献   
对钢丝绳联轴器进行了动刚度性能实验 ,在此基础上建立了数学模型 ,并进行了参数辨识 ,指出钢丝绳联轴器具有强非线性 ,对减小轴系扭转振动具有良好的效果  相似文献   
RBF网络用于战车火控系统弹道解算的方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
弹道解算问题对战车火控系统的性能有着直接的影响.传统的弹道解算方法在精度和实时性方面都存在一定的局限性.为了提高解算精度、战车首发命中率和解算的实时性,基于RBF网络的函数逼近及预测能力,将RBF网络用于弹道解算,对传统算法进行优化,得到了新的弹道解算方法.最后对所提方法进行了仿真,发现新方法在解算精度没有降低的条件下,大大提高了弹道解算的实时性.  相似文献   
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