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Boland, Proschan, and Tong [2] used the notion of criticality of nodes in a coherent system to study the optimal component arrangement of reliability structures. They also provided a sufficient minimal cut (path) based criterion for verifying the criticality ordering of two nodes. We develop a necessary and sufficient condition for two nodes to be comparable and provide specific examples illustrating our result's applicability. As a corollary, certain optimal arrangement properties of well-known systems are derived. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
A stochastic optimization model for capacity expansion for a service industry that incorporates uncertainty in future demand is developed. Based on a weighted set of possible demand scenarios, the model generates a recommended schedule of capacity expressions, and calculates the resulting sales under each scenario. The capacity schedule specifies the size, location, and timing of these expansions that will maximize the company's expected profit. The model includes a budget constraint on available resources. By using Lagrangian relaxation and exploiting the special nested knapsack structure in the sub-problems, an algorithm was developed for its solution. Based on the initial computational results, this algorithm appears to be more efficient than linear programming for this special problem. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
This article proposes an interactive paired comparison region elimination method for bicriterion integer mathematical programming problems. The new method isolates the best compromise solution by successively evaluating a pair of associated supported non-dominated solutions. The efficiency of the method is tested by solving randomly generated problems based on varying shapes of efficient frontiers. When compared with the existing branch-and-bound method, the method was effective in reducing the burden on the decision maker. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
A system undergoes minimal repair during [0, T] with a failure replacement on first failure during [T, a], or a planned replacement if the system is still functioning at elapsed time a. Repairs and replacements are not necessarily instantaneous. An expression is obtained for the asymptotic expected cost rate, and sufficient conditions are obtained for the optimum T* > 0. Several special cases are considered. A numerical investigation for a Weibull distributed time to first failure compares this elapsed-time policy with replacement on failure only, and also a policy based on system operating time or age. It is found that in many cases the elapsed-time-based policy is only marginally worse than one based on system age, and may therefore be preferred in view of its administrative convenience. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Component grouping problems, a type of set-partitioning problem, arise in a number of different manufacturing and material logistics application areas. For example, in circuit board assembly, robotic work cells can be used to insert components onto a number of different types of circuit boards. Each type of circuit board requires particular components, with some components appearing on more than one type. The problem is to decide which components should be assigned to each work cell in order to minimize the number of visits by circuit boards to work cells. We describe two new heuristics for this problem, based on so-called greedy random adaptive search procedures (GRASP). With GRASP, a local search technique is replicated many times with different starting points. The starting points are determined by a greedy procedure with a probabilistic aspect. The best result is then kept as the solution. Computational experiments on problems based on data from actual manufacturing processes indicate that these GRASP methods outperform, both in speed and in solution quality, an earlier, network-flow-based heuristic. We also describe techniques for generating lower bounds for the component grouping problem, based on the combinatorial structure of a problem instance. The lower bounds for our real-world test problems averaged within 7%-8% of the heuristic solutions. Similar results are obtained for larger, randomly generated problems. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons. Inc.  相似文献   

Insomnia is prevalent among Veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), it exacerbates PTSD symptoms, and it contributes to impaired functioning and quality of life. To improve treatment outcomes, it is important to identify risk factors for insomnia and sedative-hypnotic use. Classification and regression trees and logistic regression models were used to identify variables associated with insomnia or sedative-hypnotic use. Key findings include low insomnia diagnosis rates (3.5–5.6%) and high rates of sedative-hypnotics (44.2–49.0%). Younger Veterans and those without a breathing-related sleep disorder (BRSD) were more likely to receive an insomnia diagnosis. Veterans with greater service connection and those with an alcohol/substance use disorder were more likely to be prescribed sedative-hypnotics. Interaction terms may have identified potential groups at risk of being under-diagnosed with insomnia (i.e. non-black Veterans with psychiatric co-morbidity, black Veterans without psychiatric co-morbidity) as well as groups at risk for sedative-hypnotic use (i.e. younger Veterans without BRSD). In sum, Veterans with PTSD have high rates of sedative-hypnotic use despite minimal evidence they are effective. This is counter to recommendations indicating behavioral interventions are the first-line treatment. Policy changes are needed to reduce use of sedative-hypnotics and increase access to behavioral insomnia interventions.  相似文献   
We consider a general linear filtering operation on an autoregressive moving average (ARMA) time series. The variance of the filter output, which is an important quantity in many applications, is not known with certainty because it depends on the true ARMA parameters. We derive an expression for the sensitivity (i.e., the partial derivative) of the output variance with respect to deviations in the model parameters. The results provide insight into the robustness of many common statistical methods that are based on linear filtering and also yield approximate confidence intervals for the output variance. We discuss applications to time series forecasting, statistical process control, and automatic feedback control of industrial processes. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2010  相似文献   
In this article, we study threshold‐based sales‐force incentives and their impact on a dealer's optimal effort. A phenomenon, observed in practice, is that the dealer exerts a large effort toward the end of the incentive period to boost sales and reach the threshold to make additional profits. In the literature, the resulting last‐period sales spike is sometimes called the hockey stick phenomenon (HSP). In this article, we show that the manufacturer's choice of the incentive parameters and the underlying demand uncertainty affect the dealer's optimal effort choice. This results in the sales HSP over multiple time periods even when there is a cost associated with waiting. We then show that, by linking the threshold to a correlated market signal, the HSP can be regulated. We also characterize the variance of the total sales across all the periods and demonstrate conditions under the sales variance can be reduced. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2010  相似文献   
Extended warranties provide “piece of mind” to a consumer in that product failures which occur after the base warranty expires are rectified at little or no cost. They also provide an additional source of revenue for manufacturers or third‐party providers, such as retailers or insurance providers, and help cultivate consumer loyalty. In this article, we analyze a number of extended warranty contracts which differ in design, including restrictions on deferrals and renewals. With the use of dynamic programming, we compute the optimal strategy for a consumer with perfect information and determine the optimal pricing policy for the provider given the consumer's risk characterization. We also provide insight into when different contracts should be issued. Finally, we illustrate how profits can be dramatically increased by offering menus of warranty contracts, as opposed to stand alone contracts, with the use of integer programming. Surprisingly, risk‐taking consumers provide the greatest benefit to offering menus. These insights can help a company develop a comprehensive warranty planning strategy for given products or product lines. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 2009  相似文献   
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