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分析了不同的基线修正方法对系统精度的影响。分析表明:在稳定舰艇坐标系中进行基线修正会引入较大的射击误差,因此,在现代中、小口径舰炮火控系统中,应当在不稳定舰艇坐标系中进行精确的基线修正。  相似文献   
信号重构作为压缩感知理论的核心之一,是指从长度为m的测量向量Y重构长度为n(m n)的稀疏信号Θ的过程。由于测量次数远小于原始信号维度,信号重构成为欠定方程求解问题,一般没有确定解。然而,若Θ满足一定的稀疏性条件,问题有确定解。文章首先从解析几何角度出发,分析了压缩感知中稀疏信号重构的原理,并对已有的两大类重构算法分别进行介绍:一类是针对l0范数最小化的一系列贪婪算法,一类是针对l1范数最小化的凸优化算法。对前一类算法,选取了代表性的OMP、ROMP、CoSaMP和SAMP算法进行研究,并分析了它们的优缺点;对后一类算法,着重阐述了将BP问题转换为LP问题的推导过程,并介绍了两类经典的凸优化算法:BP-Simplex和BP-Interior。最后,展望了信号重构算法的研究前景。  相似文献   
提出利用当前国际先进专用开关稳压电源集成芯片,设计高效、低纹波的新型新波器的原理及电路实现,并在实验条件下证明了本设计的工程适用性。  相似文献   
从01#燃油调节器参加发动机150h长久试车时出现的异常现象入手,依据其工作原理和排故过程中所做的数次试验,分析了产生故障现象的机理;经过进一步工作,查清了导致“中间最大转速(NG)”下降的原因,为分析、排除燃油调节器的故障提供了经验,可有效预防该系列产品类似故障的发生。  相似文献   
自动武器谱系模块划分算法的研究与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据新产品快速设计要求,必须利用模块化方法提高设计知识的重用率和可重构性,针对某些特殊机械类产品,在保证模块接口的几何尺寸装配外,其模块的通用还需满足十分严格的技术指标条件,必须结合其物理性能分析评估进行合理分划,并考虑在特定的产品谱系平台上实现模块的通用化。将谱系法规应用于自动武器模块化设计,提出两种实用的模块划分算法,即参照点谱系模块划分和模式法谱系模块划分方法;并利用模式法思想进行模块分划,首先根据能量流物理效应,将其划分为初始模块集合,再构造相关性矩阵,对其中复杂部件的模块划分进行验算,实践结果验证了该模块划分算法的正确性与可行性,对其他机械产品具有普适意义。  相似文献   
A great number of visual simultaneous localization and mapping (VSLAM) systems need to assume static features in the environment. However, moving objects can vastly impair the performance of a VSLAM system which relies on the static-world assumption. To cope with this challenging topic, a real-time and robust VSLAM system based on ORB-SLAM2 for dynamic environments was proposed. To reduce the influence of dynamic content, we incorporate the deep-learning-based object detection method in the visual odometry, then the dynamic object probability model is added to raise the efficiency of object detection deep neural network and enhance the real-time performance of our system. Experiment with both on the TUM and KITTI benchmark dataset, as well as in a real-world environment, the results clarify that our method can significantly reduce the tracking error or drift, enhance the robustness, accuracy and stability of the VSLAM system in dynamic scenes.  相似文献   
The Cr-plated coating inside a gun barrel can effectively improve the barrel's erosion resistance and thus increase the service life.However,due to the cyclic thermal load caused by high-temperature gun-powder,micro-element damage tends to occur within the Cr coating/steel substrate interface,leading to a gradual deterioration in macro-mechanical properties for the material in the related region.In order to mimic this cyclic thermal load and,thereby,study the thermal erosion behavior of the Cr coating on the barrel's inner wall,a laser emitter is utilized in the current study.With the help of in-situ tensile test and finite element simulation results,a shear stress distribution law of the Cr coating/steel substrate and a change law of the interface ultimate shear strength are identified.Studies have shown that the Cr coating/steel substrate interface's ultimate shear strength has a significant weakening effect due to increasing temperature.In this study,the interfacial ultimate shear strength decreases from 2.57 GPa(no erosion)to 1.02 GPa(laser power is 160 W).The data from this experiment is employed to establish a Cr coating/steel substrate interface shear damage model.And this model is used to predict the flaking process of Cr coating by finite element method.The simulation results show that the increase of coating crack spacing and coating thickness will increase the service life of gun barrel.  相似文献   
This work provides a method to predict the three-dimensional equivalent elastic properties of the filament-wound composites based on the multi-scale homogenization principle.In the meso-scale,a representative volume element(RVE)is defined and the bridging model is adopted to establish a theoretical predictive model for its three-dimensional equivalent elastic constants.The results obtained through this method for the previous experimental model are compared with the ones gained respec-tively by experiments and classical laminate theory to verify the reliability of this model.In addition,the effects of some winding parameters,such as winding angle,on the equivalent elastic behavior of the filament-wound composites are analyzed.The rules gained can provide a theoretical reference for the optimum design of filament-wound composites.  相似文献   
In order to understand the mechanism of conoidal fracture damage caused by a high-speed fragment-simulating projectile in titanium alloy layer of a composite armor plate composed of titanium- and aluminum-alloy layers, the ballistic interaction process was successfully simulated based on the Tuler-Butcher and GISSMO coupling failure model. The simulated conoidal fracture morphology was in good agreement with the three-dimensional industrial-computed-tomography image. Further, three main damage zones (zones I, II, and III) were identified besides the crater area, which are located respectively near the crater area, at the back of the target plate, and directly below the crater area. Under the high-speed-impact conditions, in zone II, cracks began to form at the end of the period of crack formation in zone I, but crack formation in zone III started before the end of crack formation in zone II. Further, the damage mechanism differed for different stress states. The microcracks in zone I were formed both by void connection and shear deformation. In the formation of zone I, the stress triaxiality ranged from-2.0 to-1.0, and the shear failure mechanism played a dominant role. The microcracks in zone II showed the combined features of shear deformation and void connection, and during the for-mation process, the stress triaxiality was between 0 and 0.5 with a mixed failure mode. Further, the microcracks in zone III showed obvious characteristics of void connection caused by local melting. During the zone III formation, the triaxiality was 1.0-1.9, and the ductile fracture mechanism was dominant, which also reflects the phenomenon of spallation.  相似文献   
地杂波仿真技术对机载雷达的设计与研制有着重要影响.针对机载雷达地杂波仿真技术开展研究,提出了一种基于地表类型的地杂波快速仿真方法.该方法以数字地图和载机航线为两个重要输入,采用雷达波束照射区域的数字地图为有效先验地理环境信息进行仿真,提高了杂波仿真的逼真度;同时针对传统仿真方法中计算量较大的问题,优化了散射单元中天线功...  相似文献   
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