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在超长钢筋混凝土结构施工中,为防止混凝土受温度应力和干缩应力而引起开裂,通常采用设置后浇带的方法加以处理.一般每30~40 m设一道后浇带,40~50 d后再浇筑膨胀混凝土.这种常规的后浇带施工,工序复杂,施工时间长,质量不易保证.东莞商业中心三期B区H-6项目工程施工中,结合超长混凝土结构的具体特点,采用超长混凝土结...  相似文献   
正确利用监视和侦察设备的战场感知能力已成为C4ISR系统作战能力倍增的重要因素,首先建立了战场感知能力的量化模型,然后利用改进的Lanchester方程建立了反应战场感知能力的C4ISR系统量化模型,通过仿真实例验证了模型的有效性,说明战场感知能力在现代战争中争取到主动权,大大提高部队的综合战斗能力.  相似文献   
孙中山16年间流亡海外,远离斗争前线,曾为革命党的起义募得大量资金.组织者的衣食住行,购置武器装备及运送,雇募起义人员,抚恤牺牲烈士,安置收容失散人员等无一不依赖资金.革命党的资金来源多元化,以多种劝捐方法并用,获得多寡视劝捐力度而丰欠不同.由于孙中山及革命党未能建立后方根据地,后勤供应完全依赖他援,终至左支右绌.  相似文献   
全面分析了轻型机械化部队装备发展事关我军战略转变成败的大局, 事关我军机械化和信息化双重历史任务的实现,事关陆军在未来军队建设和维护国家安全中的地位和作用。重点阐释了轻型机械化部队装备发展的指导原则、基本思路和把握的关键问题。  相似文献   
In order to study the influences of confining pressure and strain rate on the mechanical properties of the Nitrate Ester Plasticized Polyether (NEPE) propellant, uniaxial tensile tests were conducted using the self-made confining pressure system and material testing machine. The stress-strain responses of the NEPE propellant under different confining pressure conditions and strain rates were obtained and analyzed. The results show that confining pressure and strain rate have a remarkably influence on the mechanical responses of the NEPE propellant. As confining pressure increases (from 0 to 5.4 MPa), the maximum tensile stress and ultimate strain increase gradually. With the coupled effects of confining pressure and strain rate, the value of the maximum tensile stress and ultimate strain at 5.4 MPa and 0.0667 s−1 is 2.03 times and 2.19 times of their values under 0 MPa and 0.00333 s−1, respectively. Afterwards, the influence mechanism of confining pressure on the NEPE propellant was analyzed. Finally, based on the viscoelastic theory and continuous damage theory, a nonlinear constitutive model considering confining pressure and strain rate was developed. The damage was considered to be rate-dependent and pressure-dependent. The constitutive model was validated by comparing experimental data with predictions of the constitutive model. The whole maximum stress errors of the model predictions are lower than 4% and the corresponding strain errors are lower than 7%. The results show that confining pressure can suppress the damage initiation and evolution of the NEPE propellant and the nonlinear constitutive model can describe the mechanical responses of the NEPE propellant under various confining pressure conditions and strain rates. This research can lay a theoretical foundation for analyzing the structural integrity of propellant grain accurately under working pressure loading.  相似文献   
Tracking maneuvering target in real time autonomously and accurately in an uncertain environment is one of the challenging missions for unmanned aerial vehicles(UAVs).In this paper,aiming to address the control problem of maneuvering target tracking and obstacle avoidance,an online path planning approach for UAV is developed based on deep reinforcement learning.Through end-to-end learning powered by neural networks,the proposed approach can achieve the perception of the environment and continuous motion output control.This proposed approach includes:(1)A deep deterministic policy gradient(DDPG)-based control framework to provide learning and autonomous decision-making capa-bility for UAVs;(2)An improved method named MN-DDPG for introducing a type of mixed noises to assist UAV with exploring stochastic strategies for online optimal planning;and(3)An algorithm of task-decomposition and pre-training for efficient transfer learning to improve the generalization capability of UAV's control model built based on MN-DDPG.The experimental simulation results have verified that the proposed approach can achieve good self-adaptive adjustment of UAV's flight attitude in the tasks of maneuvering target tracking with a significant improvement in generalization capability and training efficiency of UAV tracking controller in uncertain environments.  相似文献   
软件复用是在软件开发过程中避免重复劳动的解决方案。通过构件的形式来实现软件复用,可以提高开发的效率和质量。以核侦察处理模块的实现和集成为例,介绍了基于构件的复用技术在目前信息化建设中的使用手段和方法。  相似文献   
在OPCW第18次水平考试土样中检测到一未知化合物,经多种分析技术测定,判断可能是甲基三硫代膦酸二乙酯.对合成甲基三硫代膦酸二乙酯的反应液进行了气相色谱一质谱测定,并对此反应液中的部分产物进行了质谱解析.  相似文献   
陈毅素有“一代儒将”,“元帅诗人”之美誉,他的诗作多达350余篇,在社会上广为流传,其作品以大气磅礴的风格和正直不阿的人格著称。本文撷取陈毅军旅诗的名篇,从坚贞不渝的革命气节、不畏艰险的英雄气概、爱憎分明的坦荡胸怀等三个方面阐发陈毅诗词的人格魅力。  相似文献   
分析了非线性评估中权重的敏感性问题,给出了分析的思路和计算方法,并得出判断权重敏感的方法,定义了多维权重的敏感度,并由算例说明评价值的敏感性和权重的关系.  相似文献   
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