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We consider the problem of scheduling a set of n jobs on a single batch machine, where several jobs can be processed simultaneously. Each job j has a processing time pj and a size sj. All jobs are available for processing at time 0. The batch machine has a capacity D. Several jobs can be batched together and processed simultaneously, provided that the total size of the jobs in the batch does not exceed D. The processing time of a batch is the largest processing time among all jobs in the batch. There is a single vehicle available for delivery of the finished products to the customer, and the vehicle has capacity K. We assume that K = rD, where and r is an integer. The travel time of the vehicle is T; that is, T is the time from the manufacturer to the customer. Our goal is to find a schedule of the jobs and a delivery plan so that the service span is minimized, where the service span is the time that the last job is delivered to the customer. We show that if the jobs have identical sizes, then we can find a schedule and delivery plan in time such that the service span is minimum. If the jobs have identical processing times, then we can find a schedule and delivery plan in time such that the service span is asymptotically at most 11/9 times the optimal service span. When the jobs have arbitrary processing times and arbitrary sizes, then we can find a schedule and delivery plan in time such that the service span is asymptotically at most twice the optimal service span. We also derive upper bounds of the absolute worst‐case ratios in both cases. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 62: 470–482, 2015  相似文献   
在抗日战争胜利向解放战争过渡阶段,晋察冀军区在整军中复员了大约7万人,总兵力由25.7万人(不含冀热辽军区机关及直属队)减少到20.8万人,特别是能担负机动作战任务的野战军由11.7万人锐减到5.2万人。如此大规模的整军复员,不仅直接导致晋察冀军区部队数量少、不充实,还冲击了军事训练,加重了反蚕食斗争的困难,消耗了大量人力物力,成为全面内战爆发后影响晋察冀军区战局开展的重要因素。晋察冀整军复员的历史说明:准确判断形势是整军决策的基本前提;整军不能以牺牲军队战斗力为代价;整军必须严密组织、科学统筹。  相似文献   
以全军院校任职教育改革为背景,介绍了当前总装测控中级班综合演练的现状及特点,总结了装备学院光电装备系近几年组织实施测控综合演练的实践与经验,阐述了思路与方法,对未来综合演练提出了若干思考和改革建议,研究内容对测控中级班综合演练的组织实施具有一定的参考和借鉴意义。  相似文献   
本文在装备质量管理单一风险评估模型的基础上,量化了风险等级区间,运用线性插值法,给出了装备质量管理综合风险评估模型;结合装备质量管理风险的动态性,构建了基于灰色聚类分析的装备质量管理总风险评估模型。最后给出了实例分析。  相似文献   
针对面向任务的装备保障建模方法及其相关问题进行了研究,建立了面向任务的装备保障需求模型的基本结构,并从装备、弹药、油料、维修备件、维修人员这五方面讨论了模型的具体流程和算法。使用本文构建的装备保障模型,根据任务装备损坏数量和保障需求的关联关系,在已知装备战损、修复率和分布情况的基础上,结合装备弹药基数等信息,可以计算获得相关装备的保障需求信息,最后通过一个作战任务想定案例说明该模型的合理性和可行性。  相似文献   
Technology products often experience a life‐cycle demand pattern that resembles a diffusion process, with weak demand in the beginning and the end of the life cycle and high demand intensity in between. The customer price‐sensitivity also changes over the life cycle of the product. We study the prespecified pricing decision for a product that exhibits such demand characteristics. In particular, we determine the optimal set of discrete prices and the times to switch from one price to another, when a limited number of price changes are allowed. Our study shows that the optimal prices and switching times show interesting patterns that depend on the product's demand pattern and the change in the customers' price sensitivity over the life cycle of the product. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2012  相似文献   
存储设施是军事物流基地主要组成实体和有效运行载体,在规划军事物流基地时,需准确估算存储设施的规模。为寻求军事物流基地存储设施规模的定量计算方法,基于存储设施与所储物资应保持时空资源供需平衡的时空消耗原理,建立了存储设施规模数学模型。为提高模型的实用性,对模型中相关参数的具体作用和取值方法进行了解释和分析。最后以xx综合仓库改建xx军事物流基地为例具体说明了该模型的应用。  相似文献   
为了找到传感器稳定性最好时的脉冲周期,对传感器检测系统进行优化,实验研究了传感器检测饮用水中大肠杆菌时,脉冲周期对传感器稳定性的影响。传感器的构成属于三电极系统,采用常规脉冲伏安法进行检测。结果显示:脉冲周期为20,40,80 ms时传感器稳定性较好,基本不会影响检测结果;脉冲周期为100 ms时稳定性很差,对检测结果有较大影响。实验表明,选择合适的脉冲周期,加以硬件和软件补偿,可以使传感器获得较好的稳定性。  相似文献   
为减小遥控武器站炮口扰动以提高射击精度,建立了遥控武器站部分机构参数化三维模型、有限元模型和刚柔耦合动力学模型。基于多学科集成优化软件ModelCenter进行了系统集成,以减小炮口扰动为目标,建立了遥控武器站总体结构参数优化模型。采用多目标遗传算法对总体结构参数进行了优化,优化后炮口振动状况明显改善,与位移相关的起始撼动和与速度相关的起始扰动分别较原方案降低了17.05%和19.04%。  相似文献   
基于案例的RCM分析系统研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出了利用基于案例的推理(CBR)技术开发以可靠性为中心的维修(RCM)分析系统的设想。提出了基于案例的RCM分析系统的结构,讨论了在开发系统原型机的过程中所采用的RCM案例的表示和组织,同类案例优先的检索策略,利用规则组合及调整案例等主要技术。  相似文献   
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