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We use the matrix‐geometric method to study the MAP/PH/1 general preemptive priority queue with a multiple class of jobs. A procedure for obtaining the block matrices representing the transition matrix P is presented. We show that the special upper triangular structure of the matrix R obtained by Miller [Computation of steady‐state probabilities for M/M/1 priority queues, Oper Res 29(5) (1981), 945–958] can be extended to an upper triangular block structure. Moreover, the subblock matrices of matrix R also have such a structure. With this special structure, we develop a procedure to compute the matrix R. After obtaining the stationary distribution of the system, we study two primary performance indices, namely, the distributions of the number of jobs of each type in the system and their waiting times. Although most of our analysis is carried out for the case of K = 3, the developed approach is general enough to study the other cases (K ≥ 4). © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 50: 662–682, 2003.  相似文献   
党的十七大报告全面总结了改革开放的实践和经验,这些科学实践和宝贵经验引领着军事科学创新.改革开放30年来,作为改革开放事业重要组成部分的军事科学,沐浴着改革开放的春风,积极应对改革开放实践对国防和军队建设提出的新要求,充分吸纳借鉴改革开放的新经验,创新步伐明显加快,创新力度明显加大,推出了一大批有重大影响的创新成果,为推进军事力量的建设和运用发挥了重要的理论先导作用,为国家改革开放的发展作出了应有的贡献.  相似文献   
江泽民国防和军队建设思想是20世纪90年代至本世纪初中国国防和军队建设的经验总结与理论概括,是马列主义、毛泽东思想和邓小平新时期军队建设思想在当代的理论成果.本文具体划分了江泽民国防和军队建设思想发展的三个阶段,阐述了其军队建设、国防建设、作战研究三方面的基本内容,全局性、创新性、前瞻性三个主要特点和与时俱进、不断创新的理论品质.  相似文献   
多媒体技术在《热学》课程教学中的应用分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文阐述了在热学教学中应用多媒体技术的必要性,分析了多媒体教学的优势和在热学教学中容易带来的问题,探索了更好地发挥多媒体教学作用的方法。  相似文献   
当前,美军在培养联合作战指挥人才方面已走在世界前列,建立起比较完备的联合职业军官培养机制,具有不断更新的培养理念,贯穿全程的培养体系,成龙配套的培养构成,日臻完善的培养法规,培养了大批联合作战指挥军官和参谋军官。  相似文献   
说话人识别技术,即声纹识别技术,它做为一种身份识别的手段,是语音信号处理中的重要组成部分,具有独特的优势,近年来也逐渐成为国际上研究的热点,在军事上得到了广泛的应用。  相似文献   
本文介绍了我厂在编制与实施《×ד三大规范”》过程中,积累了相当丰富经验,固化了产品设计、制造、试验和管理中的经验,为后续型号研制减少“认识一失败一再认识”摸索过程,总结出适合企业标准化管理的“四项基本原则”、措施、方法,为降低研制风险,提高产品质量起到重要作用。建立以《三大规范》为核心的企业标准体系,充分发挥标准化在企业中的技术支撑和保障作用,为企业实现标准化跨越式发展战略,提升企业竞争力可持续发展开创更广阔的平台。  相似文献   
军事通信中ad hoc网络路由协议性能分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
移动ad hoc组网灵活,抗毁性很强,将在未来的军事通信中发挥重要作用。因此,对于移动ad hoc网络研究中的首要的路由问题作了探讨,先简要介绍了两种典型的路由协议OLSR(Optimized Link State Routing)和AODV(Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing),接着利用网络仿真工具OPNET分析了AODV的协议特点,最后比较了两种路由协议的性能。仿真结果表明AODV路由开销小,但时延大,节点移动过快时存在路由稳定性的问题;OLSR路由开销很大,但时延相对较小。因此在搭建军用adhoc网时,应根据实际使用情形做出选择。  相似文献   
Motivated by applications to service systems, we develop simple engineering approximation formulas for the steady‐state performance of heavily loaded G/GI/n+GI multiserver queues, which can have non‐Poisson and nonrenewal arrivals and non‐exponential service‐time and patience‐time distributions. The formulas are based on recently established Gaussian many‐server heavy‐traffic limits in the efficiency‐driven (ED) regime, where the traffic intensity is fixed at ρ > 1, but the approximations also apply to systems in the quality‐and‐ED regime, where ρ > 1 but ρ is close to 1. Good performance across a wide range of parameters is obtained by making heuristic refinements, the main one being truncation of the queue length and waiting time approximations to nonnegative values. Simulation experiments show that the proposed approximations are effective for large‐scale queuing systems for a significant range of the traffic intensity ρ and the abandonment rate θ, roughly for ρ > 1.02 and θ > 2.0. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 63: 187–217, 2016  相似文献   
本文提供了在02装置上进行的水中亚微秒负脉冲高电压击穿的实验研究的结果。击穿场强≥250KV/cm,进行统计性测量。实验研究用的电极材料为不锈钢,尺寸和形状各有不同。  相似文献   
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