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就日本遗弃化学武器紧急处置中的挖掘清理技术进行了论述。着重论述了紧急处置现场的设置、挖掘方法步骤、程序、初始位置的挖掘以及污染物的包装等技术。同时,介绍了该技术在南京黄胡子山等地日本遗弃化学武器紧急处置中的应用情况。并对挖掘方法、进度及现场管理等工作提出了探讨性建议。  相似文献   
通过计算提出了天基核爆炸光辐射探测指标要求,根据对源项信号特征的分析,设计了具有通带为1~4000Hz带通滤波器的天基核爆光辐射探测电路,采取了降噪措施,并以实验检验了其灵敏度、信噪比、频率响应和动态范围等性能,提出了软件修正系统误差的方法.  相似文献   
在军事斗争准备中弘扬求真务实精神 ,必须牢固确立真打实备观念 ,进一步增强高标准抓好训练和演习的责任感紧迫感 ;必须端正工作指导思想 ,真正把训练和学习的着力点放在提高实战能力上 ;必须切实加强党委领导 ,在新的起点谋求训练和演习的实效  相似文献   
华中师范大学赵国华教授经过十多年的不懈努力,完成了一部50多万字的《中国兵学史》(福建人民出版社2004年11月版),成就了中国学术史研究的一项开创性成果。为了撰写《中国兵学史》,作者做了大量的相关研究工作。大学毕业当年,他考取了华中师范大学历史系的研究生,在邹贤俊、熊铁基两位先生的指导下,专攻秦汉史。他说:“那个时候有个想法,就是先弄懂秦汉史,并初步的了解先秦史,以便日后自上而下,探索其他断代史,乃至近现代和当代史,最终形成通盘研究”(《赵国华史学论文初编·自序》,湖北人民出版社2002年,第1页)。显然,司马迁所谓“究天人…  相似文献   

The paper examines the relationship between health and military expenditures using pooled cross-sectional (197 countries) and time series (2000–2013) data. Simultaneous equation models were employed to estimate the relationship between an array of public sector expenditures in order to address potential endogeneity. Our empirical findings strongly support the crowding-out hypothesis whereby increased military expenditures reduce the capacity of government to direct expenditures to health expenditures. These findings were robust to alternative specifications explored in the sensitivity analyses. Compared with upper-middle-income countries, the crowding-out effect became more pronounced among lower-middle-income countries. Consequently, this study shows that increased military expenditures negatively impacts health expenditures, and therefore poses as an important risk factor for population health and individual well-being. Moreover, it is the poorest of nations that are most sensitive to the negative effects of increased military expenditures.  相似文献   

This study applies the Sequential Panel Selection Method (SPSM), to investigate the convergence properties of the military expenditure of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) during the period of 1990–2015. Compared to the traditional methods, SPSM considers fundamentally general spatial homogeneous and heterogeneous relationships with countries and examines the evolution of military expenditure. We find that four-fifths of NATO member countries have been convergent with the UK, but no country’s military expenditure is convergent with the US. This means that there is no significant linkage effect in the US for NATO military expenditure. While they are allies of the US, the majority of NATO member countries’ military expenditures are consistent with UK military expenditure. The main reasons are due to the geographical space layout and the international relationship convergence. The results indicate that more than four-fifths of NATO member countries have been coordinated with convergence theory and spillover effect.  相似文献   
本文采用王仁等提出的塑性动力屈曲的能量准则讨论了圆柱壳在不均匀的外部径向冲击下的塑性动屈曲问题,获得了屈曲的占优波数公式及临界冲击速度公式。经过初步实验,证明本文的结论是合理的,并进一步证实了该能量准则的有效性。  相似文献   
提出了一种适用于地面炮兵测地作业,并与地面炮兵射击指挥控制系统一体化的集中配置的指挥测地车式地面炮兵定位定向方案,并对方案的可行性,测地精度,反应时间进行了分析。  相似文献   
本文结合“滚动轴承故障智能诊断系统”的科研课题,介绍了智能诊断系统研制过程中轴承故障特征频率的近似计算、智能诊断报警参数的确定、报警门限值的确定、趋势预测及实验诊断结果分析。  相似文献   
本文针对航行在热带海区的某型舰船用空调系统存在的降温效果差、舱室风机盘管噪音大、操作管理不便等问题进行了研究,并提出了改进设计方案;经实船安装和调试,明显改善了空调舱室的舒适性,提高了设备工作的可靠性和自动化管理程度,收到了良好的效果。  相似文献   
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