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面向装备维修小组的交叉培训策略制定的问题.交叉培训策略可以看成是决定员工与技术分配的一系列规则.提出了一个两阶段优化模型,第一阶段模型最小化交叉培训的员工数量,第二阶段模型是最大化的员工满意度.根据第二阶段模型的特点,采用两层方法将第二阶段的0-1分式规划转化为混合0-1线性规划.采用CPLEX求解第一阶段模型和转化后...  相似文献   
根据联合申请的备件品种范围的不同,提出了3种订货策略,即单独申请、统一申请和联合申请,并设计了联合申请策略的启发式算法。该算法首先确定订购最频繁的备件,将其申请周期作为基本申请周期,其他备件申请周期是该周期的整倍数;其次寻求各种备件的最优订货倍数;最后确定各种备件的订购量。数值实例表明:联合申请策略的聚集效应明显优于单独申请策略和统一申请策略,对多品种库存控制策略的研究有一定意义。  相似文献   
1815年—1914年,是欧洲从和平到战争的世纪。列强实力在这一时期急速变化,海权便是实力变化的直接体现。“十九世纪是英国的世纪”,英国海权在不同时期有着不同特点,由此影响到其海洋霸权的形式:1815年到19世纪50年代,英国拥有现实的区域性海洋霸权;19世纪60年代到80年代初,英国拥有现实的全球性海洋霸权;其后到“一战”前,英国全球性海洋霸权的威慑性超过了现实性,最终重回现实的区域性海洋霸权。英国的命运与其海上实力息息相关;海上强国对世界历史也有深远影响。  相似文献   
在20世纪30年代,受聘于国民政府的德国顾问团参与了中国人民抗击日本法西斯侵略的伟大斗争,为中国反法西斯斗争的胜利作出了重要贡献。他们的到来既是以蒋介石为首的国民党维护其统治的需要,也是德国垄断巨头为实现其战略利益而在中国“押的宝”。  相似文献   
面向21世纪计算机课程体系的核心是计算机层次教育.以1996~1998年出版的全军统编计算机教材和国家级"九五"重点计算机教材为基础,论述了计算机层次教育所包括的内容及具体的实施办法.  相似文献   
This paper examines three types of sensitivity analysis on a firm's responsive pricing and responsive production strategies under imperfect demand updating. Demand has a multiplicative form where the market size updates according to a bivariate normal model. First, we show that both responsive production and responsive pricing resemble the classical pricing newsvendor with posterior demand uncertainty in terms of the optimal performance and first‐stage decision. Second, we show that the performance of responsive production is sensitive to the first‐stage decision, but responsive pricing is insensitive. This suggests that a “posterior rationale” (ie, using the optimal production decision from the classical pricing newsvendor with expected posterior uncertainty) allows a simple and near‐optimal first‐stage production heuristic for responsive pricing. However, responsive production obtains higher expected profits than responsive pricing under certain conditions. This implies that the firm's ability to calculate the first‐stage decision correctly can help determine which responsive strategy to use. Lastly, we find that the firm's performance is not sensitive to the parameter uncertainty coming from the market size, total uncertainty level and information quality, but is sensitive to uncertainty originating from the procurement cost and price‐elasticity.  相似文献   
In this paper, we develop an iterative piecewise linear approximation approach with a novel initialization method to solve natural gas pipeline transmission problems with the nonuniform network elevation. Previous approaches, such as energy minimization methods, cannot be applied to solve problems with the nonuniform network elevation because they exclude pressure range constraints, and thus provide solutions far from optimum. We propose a new initialization model that considers pressure range constraints and improves the optimality of the solutions and the computational efficiency. Furthermore, we extend the energy minimization methods and provide the necessary conditions under which the extended methods operate in networks with the nonuniform elevation. We test the performances of the methods with previously reported pipeline networks from the literature, with the open data set GasLib, and with our industrial collaborator. The initialization approach is shown to be more efficient than the method with fixed initial breakpoints. The newly proposed initialization approach generates solutions with a higher accuracy than the extended energy minimization methods, especially in large‐size networks. The proposed method has been applied to natural gas transmission planning by the China National Petroleum Corporation and has brought a direct profit increase of 330 million U.S. dollars in 2015‐2017.  相似文献   
3D目标的标识别已逐渐成为计算机视觉领域的热点问题.在研究了传统的基于几何不变量和基于3D/2D约束关系两种识别方法的基础上,提出了1类新的空间几何结构模型,并计算出了这类模型3D仿射不变量和其对应的2D仿射不变量之间的约束关系.利用这种关系,可以在目标的姿态和摄像机的参数均未知的情况下,有效利用单幅图像来识别3D目标.  相似文献   
从激波/湍流边界层干扰机理以及流动控制的迫切需求入手,从自适应涡流发生器、自适应鼓包、自适应微射流以及自适应次流循环四个方面对激波/湍流边界层干扰中的自适应控制技术研究进展进行了总结。分析认为,结合AI技术发展自适应流动控制技术,加速控制方式智能化,可作为新一代高超声速飞行器宽速域飞行的重要技术手段。具体来说,就是通过调节外加激励对高超声速飞行器不同区域实现局部流动加/减速、气动热防护、气动控制等功能,根据流场参数建立控制反馈回路,自适应调整局部流场结构,以满足工程实际需求。  相似文献   
针对调运路径规划这一问题,采用栅格模型表示环境地图,通过设定路径搜索方向权重,剔除不必要的搜索区域,提高了搜索效率.仿真结果表明,该算法能有效地提高路径搜索效率,并能搜索到最优路径.  相似文献   
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