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新型装备军事计量保障发展现状与对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
面对新的军事变革,我军要实现信息化、现代化、正规化,就要探索在新形势下军事计量工作的特点和规律,适应新体制、新任务的需要,强化计量工作的创造性,建立一个高效、协调的计量保障体系,适应现代信息作战的需要,是当前急需解决的课题之一。本文通过分析国外军事计量保障的基本情况,探讨了军事计量发展的趋势,对建立面向以信息作战的我军军事计量提出了设想和建议。  相似文献   
基于公理设计理论装备保障系统级别设计研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对装备保障系统级别设计领域的特点和不足,在深入分析装备保障系统级别设计概念的基础上,运用公理设计原理,建立装备保障系统级别分析模型,并对装备保障系统级别设计目标进行了"目标-设计"的分解,将原来复杂的级别设计问题分解成由若干个模块构成的简单设计策略问题,保证了设计过程中不耦合,实现了装备保障系统级别设计的科学性、创新性,确保了级别设计的准确性。  相似文献   
We consider a rolling‐horizon (RH) replenishment modeling framework under which a buyer can update demand information and inventory status, modify order quantities committed previously, place an advanced order for a new period at the end of the RH, and move along in time seamlessly. We show that the optimal order policy for the two‐period RH problem is a dual‐threshold type for updating period(s) plus a base‐stock type for the advanced order. We provide analytical formulas and algorithms to compute the optimal thresholds and the optimal base‐stock level exactly. With our analytical results and numerical procedures, we demonstrate the significant value of RH replenishment in matching supplies to demands more closely. We also show that with RH updating (flexibility), the value of additional demand information beyond the RH diminishes quickly. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2010  相似文献   
We revisit the capacity investment decision problem studied in the article “Resource Flexibility with Responsive Pricing” by Chod and Rudi [Operations Research 53, (2005) 532–548]. A monopolist firm producing two dependent (substitutable or complementary) products needs to determine the capacity of one flexible resource under demand risk so as to maximize its expected profit. Product demands are linear functions of the prices of both products, and the market potentials are random and correlated. We perform a comparative statics analysis on how demand variability and correlation impact the optimal capacity and the resulting expected profit. In particular, C&R study this problem under the following assumptions/approximations: (i) demand intercepts follow a bivariate Normal distribution; (ii) demand uncertainty is of an additive form; (iii) and under approximate expressions for the optimal capacity and optimal expected profit. We revisit Propositions 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10 of C&R without these assumptions and approximations, and show that these results continue to hold (i) for the exact expressions for the optimal expected profit and optimal capacity, and (ii) under any arbitrary continuous distribution of demand intercepts. However, we also show that the additive demand uncertainty is a critical assumption for the C&R results to hold. In particular, we provide a case of multiplicative uncertainty under which the C&R results (Propositions 2 and 3) fail. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 2010  相似文献   
A well‐studied problem in airline revenue management is the optimal allocation of seat inventory among different fare‐classes, given a capacity for the flight and a demand distribution for each class. In practice, capacity on a flight does not have to be fixed; airlines can exercise some flexibility on the supply side by swapping aircraft of different capacities between flights as partial booking information is gathered. This provides the airline with the capability to more effectively match their supply and demand. In this paper, we study the seat inventory control problem considering the aircraft swapping option. For theoretical and practical purposes, we restrict our attention to the class of booking limit policies. Our analytical results demonstrate that booking limits considering the swapping option can be considerably different from those under fixed capacity. We also show that principles on the relationship between the optimal booking limits and demand characteristics (size and risk) developed for the fixed‐capacity problem no longer hold when swapping is an option. We develop new principles and insights on how demand characteristics affect the optimal booking limits under the swapping possibility. We also develop an easy to implement heuristic for determining the booking limits under the swapping option and show, through a numerical study, that the heuristic generates revenues close to those under the optimal booking limits. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2011  相似文献   
Petri网在描述具有模糊行为的系统时是有缺陷的,为了更好地分析、评价和开发实时系统,提出了一种利用模糊Petri网构建实时系统功能模型的方法,阐述了模糊Petri网的基本原理,详细介绍了利用模糊Petri网的特征分析实时系统的功能及绘制实时系统功能模型的步骤。  相似文献   
红军时期陈云在军事斗争领域功不可没。他参加了中央苏区第四、第五次反“围剿”斗争,动员战争经济、保障军事后勤,为反“围剿”斗争做出了重要贡献;他分析游击区域的斗争现状及存在的问题,阐述发展游击战争的正确方针,为当时正处于低谷的游击区武装斗争指明了方向;长征中他先后任红五军团中央代表、军委纵队政治委员等职,直接参与了军事指挥,为协助中央实现战略转移发挥了重要作用;特别是在遵义会议这个中国革命重要转折的历史关头,他积极支持毛泽东的正确主张,投了重要的一票,并积极忠实地贯彻遵义会议决策和方针,在共产国际和世界范围树立毛泽东的威信,为确立毛泽东在全党全军的领袖地位做出了重要贡献;他最早向世界全面宣传红军长征这一军事奇迹和英雄史诗,不仅在中国人民中树起了一座中国共产党和工农红军的丰碑,而且在世界人民中产生了巨大的影响;他赴新疆建立统一战线,接应西路军余部入疆,帮助党保存和培养了这一部分经过千难万险、浴血奋战锻炼出来的精华力量。  相似文献   
全军纪念抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利60周年学术研讨会于2005年5月27日至29日在南京举行。这次研讨会经中央军委和总政治部批准,由中国军事科学学会与南京政治学院联合举办。总政治部孙忠同副主任亲临会议并作了重要指示,各军兵种、各大军区、武警及有关军事院校积极参与。会议共收到论文260余篇,其中77篇论文入选研讨会。这是近年来全军规模最大、规格最高的一次研究中国抗日战争史和世界反法西斯战争史的学术盛会。这次研讨会的主旨是回顾和宣传抗日战争的伟大胜利,研究和总结反对侵略、保卫祖国的历史经验,进一步深化对抗日战争史的…  相似文献   
新世纪新阶段我军历史使命为国防和军队各项建设指明了新的发展方向,也对我军思想政治教育提出了更新更高的要求。广大官兵作为履行我军历史使命的实践主体,决定了思想政治教育必须努力探索激发其自觉精神的有效途径。这对于开发官兵履行我军新使命的强大精神动力,提升军队战斗力具有重要意义。  相似文献   
We consider the single machine parallel batch scheduling problems to minimize makespan and total completion time, respectively, under precedence relations. The complexities of these two problems are reported as open in the literature. In this paper, we settle these open questions by showing that both problems are strongly NP‐hard, even when the precedence relations are chains. When the processing times of jobs are directly agreeable or inversely agreeable with the precedence relations, there is an O(n2) time algorithm to minimize the makespan. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2004  相似文献   
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