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We consider a rolling‐horizon (RH) replenishment modeling framework under which a buyer can update demand information and inventory status, modify order quantities committed previously, place an advanced order for a new period at the end of the RH, and move along in time seamlessly. We show that the optimal order policy for the two‐period RH problem is a dual‐threshold type for updating period(s) plus a base‐stock type for the advanced order. We provide analytical formulas and algorithms to compute the optimal thresholds and the optimal base‐stock level exactly. With our analytical results and numerical procedures, we demonstrate the significant value of RH replenishment in matching supplies to demands more closely. We also show that with RH updating (flexibility), the value of additional demand information beyond the RH diminishes quickly. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2010  相似文献   
积极运用网络开展思想政治教育   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
网络思想政治教育必须以加强基层部队政治教育网络建设、科学设置思想政治教育内容、打造思想交流互动平台、建立网络政治教育工作评价考核体系为着力点,并处理好"趋利"与"避害"、互联网与军队内部网、自我教育与网络教育、硬件建设与软件建设的关系.  相似文献   
中国人民解放军的历史,是战无不胜的历史,是光辉灿烂的历史。在新的历史条件下,必须深化对中国人民解放军军史战史的研究与创新,从而更好地发挥历史经验的作用。刚才,听了大家的发言,很有收获,很受启发。为深化对我军军史战史的研究与创新,在这里讲三点意见。  相似文献   
南方三年游击战争中,除15个游击区的红军游击队与国民党反动派进行了游击战争外,江西、福建等地一些苏区还有一些红军游击队也进行了艰苦卓绝的游击战争。但由于种种原因,他们没有能够建立起较巩固的游击根据地,坚持的时间也长短不一,以致史籍中没有或很少提及。但这些没有能够建立起巩固的游击根据地的红军游击队所开展的游击战争,同样牵制了大量国民党军,配合了中央红军主力的长征,同样是南方三年游击战争的组成部分,不应被后人忘记。  相似文献   
刘振江 《国防科技》2011,32(2):18-20,32
目前,生物技术已成为科学界公认的重要技术,甚至是主导性技术,生物技术已越来越多地涌入军事领域.文章介绍了生物技术的特点,阐述了生物技术在军事领域的主要应用,对其军事应用前景进行了分析.  相似文献   
牢牢把握国防和军队建设的主题和主线,充分体现了国防和军队建设又好又快发展的内在要求;对实现国防和军队建设"十二五"目标任务具有决定性意义;必须把握主题和主线,进一步推进国防和军队建设科学发展创新发展.  相似文献   
针对任务间隔期维修任务的选择问题,提出了求解该问题的方法。首先,给出了维修任务优先级评估指标,以及修理有效性评估指标;然后,提出了AHP-熵-DEA-TOPSIS方法,用来确定维修任务的优先级,以及修理有效性;接着建立基于维修效果的数学规划模型,其目标是使维修方案的加权有效性总和在满足维修资源约束条件下最大化。最后,应用该方法对具体示例进行了求解,验证了方法的有效性和可行性。分析表明所求得的维修任务选择方案能够充分利用各种信息,具有较强的可信性与实用性,有助于维修管理人员对维修任务选择进行优化。  相似文献   
A well‐studied problem in airline revenue management is the optimal allocation of seat inventory among different fare‐classes, given a capacity for the flight and a demand distribution for each class. In practice, capacity on a flight does not have to be fixed; airlines can exercise some flexibility on the supply side by swapping aircraft of different capacities between flights as partial booking information is gathered. This provides the airline with the capability to more effectively match their supply and demand. In this paper, we study the seat inventory control problem considering the aircraft swapping option. For theoretical and practical purposes, we restrict our attention to the class of booking limit policies. Our analytical results demonstrate that booking limits considering the swapping option can be considerably different from those under fixed capacity. We also show that principles on the relationship between the optimal booking limits and demand characteristics (size and risk) developed for the fixed‐capacity problem no longer hold when swapping is an option. We develop new principles and insights on how demand characteristics affect the optimal booking limits under the swapping possibility. We also develop an easy to implement heuristic for determining the booking limits under the swapping option and show, through a numerical study, that the heuristic generates revenues close to those under the optimal booking limits. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2011  相似文献   
刘杰  冯婧 《军事历史》2008,(5):7-11
1936年12月12日,震惊中外的西安事变发生.彭德怀此时是中革军委主席团成员,任中国工农红军前敌总指挥部(简称"红军前总")总指挥,指挥除西路军以外的全部主力红军.在这场关系到中华民族前途和命运的严重斗争中,彭德怀建言献策,调兵遣将,以军事行动保障了政治谈判,为西安事变的和平解决做出了重大贡献.  相似文献   
刘宁 《国防科技》2008,29(4):19-22
在新军事变革的现实要求下,军队武器装备实现跨越式发展是当务之急。但是,新时期一些现实问题,已然成为我军武器装备迅速发展的阻碍所在。文章以此为切入点,详细分析了装备发展的四种主要影响因素,并在此基础上针对当前面临的问题,结合国情和军情,阐述了关于实现武器装备跨越式发展的一些深层思考,为相关决策提供有益的建议。  相似文献   
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