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本文主要介绍国外高炮,坦克和防空指挥控制系统和通信系统的最额进展与发展特点。  相似文献   
研究了任务期间允许换件维修和备件供应时k/N系统的任务完成能力.首先,利用马尔可夫过程分析了k/N系统的状态转移过程,研究了k/N系统在特定维修保障策略下的运行过程.然后,以k/N系统固定任务时间内在正常状态停留时间的分布函数作为其任务完成概率模型,并通过全概率分解和更新过程的分析方法对任务完成概率进行求解.最后,利用任务完成概率模型在Matlab中绘制了任务完成概率随任务时间、任务量、备件携行数量以及备件平均供应时间的变化曲线,讨论并分析了对任务完成概率的影响.  相似文献   
Whether military spending is capable of promoting social welfare is currently a controversial issue. The aim of this paper is to investigate how military spending affects the input and output of social welfare (i.e. social welfare expenditures and social welfare index). A panel cointegration analysis and an impulse response function are conducted with multi-country panel data, over two time periods, 1998–2011 and 1993–2007. In addition, to extend a comparative analysis over different economies, BRICS (i.e. Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) and G7 (i.e. the US, Japan, Germany, the UK, France, Italy, Canada) countries are selected as representatives of emerging economies and developed countries, respectively. The empirical results show that military spending enhances social welfare expenditures in developed countries, while the effect is ambiguous in emerging economies. Also, military spending is capable of promoting the social welfare index based on the FMOLS estimation. The comparative analyses indicate that unlike in the G7, the effect of the growth of military spending on the growth of social welfare expenditures is negative and shorter in the BRICS.  相似文献   
This paper develops a panel smooth transition vector autoregressive model to investigate the economic growth–defense causality. This model simultaneously resolves the estimation problems of endogeneity, heterogeneity, and nonlinearity. Empirical results support that the causality is bidirectional, nonlinear, time- and country-varying. Economic growth has a negative impact on military spending and vice versa. The larger the HDI, the smaller the negative causality. Evidently, the increase in the level of country development can reduce the negative impact of military outlays on economic growth. Reducing the ratio of military spending to GDP is beneficial for countries with low HDI scores; however, moderately increasing the share of military expenditure is favorable for countries with extremely high HDI scores. Policy authority needs to set optimal education, health, and economic development shares of GDP for purchasing a maximum economic growth rate.  相似文献   
晚清崛起、长期盘踞于甘宁青三省的诸马军阀集团是近代中央政权治理西北不能忽视的重要军事政治势力。国民党南京政权建政初期,无力西顾,甚为轻忽诸马的实力及其影响力。随着政局趋稳和对西北内部复杂情势的了解,尤其是通过1933年至1934年诸马联合兵拒孙殿荚屯垦青海事件,使国民党中央政权进一步认识了诸马军阀的“利益边界”及其在西北政.治军事格局中的作用和影响,从此国民党中央政权与西北诸马军阀关系初步定型。  相似文献   
研究了一类舍有连续偏差变元和阻尼项的非线性双曲型偏微分方程,获得了该方程在Robin边值条件和Dirichlet边值条件下解振动的一些充分条件,所得结果说明了时滞与阻尼项对解的振动性的影响.  相似文献   
讨论了集对分析方法评定院校办学绩效.作为算例,对军队16所工程技术院校进行了排序,并用主成分分析法进行了验证.  相似文献   
文章概述了聚能射孔器性能与标准的发展,针对复合射孔器作用特征分析了主要性能试验方法与产品标准建立的条件,并就合理确定复合射孔产品主要指标,建立产品标准的工作提出了建议。  相似文献   
油罐罐底渗漏不仅会造成巨大的经济损失和环境污染,甚至还会带来火灾爆炸,严重威胁存储油料场所安全。因此,主动掌握油罐渗漏量数值范围和渗漏发展规律,显得很有必要。利用模拟油罐渗漏装置在微压条件下进行了无砂垫和有砂垫罐底小孔渗漏速率试验,获得了渗漏速率的数值范围并运用Matlab对数据进行处理,拟合出有砂垫罐底小孔渗漏量计算的经验公式。试验分析表明有砂垫罐底小孔渗漏量比无砂垫时的渗漏量在数值上小很多,此结果将为加压条件下的渗漏试验奠定基础。  相似文献   
本文采用修正的周期图法(Welch法)对舰船磁场信号进行了功率谱估计并给出归一化曲线。在此基础上,提取了频域特征量,利用特征频率f_H进行了目标舰船速度的识别研究。计算机仿真表明,正识率可达95%以上。  相似文献   
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