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军队政治工作就是做人的工作,要把关注广大官兵的“和谐人生”作为基本的价值诉求。军队政治工作应认真引导和帮助广大官兵确立和谐的人生理念,建立和谐的人际关系,调适和谐的心理机能,着力解决人生旅程中的现实问题,不断促进官兵的全面发展。  相似文献   
针对服务组合中控制流和数据流的不同协调机制,可将组合模型分为4种类型,分别是控制流集中式且数据流集中式、控制流集中式且数据流分布式、控制流分布式且数据流集中式、控制流分布式且数据流分布式.空间服务组合流程需处理较大规模的数据流,采用控制流分布式和数据流分布式的协调机制能有效降低组合过程中系统整体通信规模并减少空间服务组合响应时间.通过对各种不同组合类型建模的定量分析对上述观点进行了正确性论证.模拟实验证明,定量分析结果可信.  相似文献   
基于半监督FCM聚类算法的卫星云图分类   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
针对卫星云图的特点在分类特征集中采用了一种新的特征--差异化特征,该特征反映了云图的内部结构特点,并且具有良好的鲁棒性,能有效地避免云团位置变化对特征的影响.将半监督思想引入到模糊C均值聚类方法(FCM),克服了单纯的FCM方法未考虑领域知识导致的聚类结果的盲目性.半监督FCM方法在聚类过程中加入少量的由领域专家标记的样本,引入专家的领域知识,通过与这些带有类标记的样本进行相似性比较,引导FCM方法的聚类过程.试验结果表明,基于具有差异化特征的云图特征集,半监督FCM方法能有效地提高云图分类的准确率.  相似文献   
We present a stochastic optimization model for allocating and sharing a critical resource in the case of a pandemic. The demand for different entities peaks at different times, and an initial inventory for a central agency are to be allocated. The entities (states) may share the critical resource with a different state under a risk-averse condition. The model is applied to study the allocation of ventilator inventory in the COVID-19 pandemic by FEMA to different U.S. states. Findings suggest that if less than 60% of the ventilator inventory is available for non-COVID-19 patients, FEMA's stockpile of 20 000 ventilators (as of March 23, 2020) would be nearly adequate to meet the projected needs in slightly above average demand scenarios. However, when more than 75% of the available ventilator inventory must be reserved for non-COVID-19 patients, various degrees of shortfall are expected. In a severe case, where the demand is concentrated in the top-most quartile of the forecast confidence interval and states are not willing to share their stockpile of ventilators, the total shortfall over the planning horizon (until May 31, 2020) is about 232 000 ventilator days, with a peak shortfall of 17 200 ventilators on April 19, 2020. Results are also reported for a worst-case where the demand is at the upper limit of the 95% confidence interval. An important finding of this study is that a central agency (FEMA) can act as a coordinator for sharing critical resources that are in short supply over time to add efficiency in the system. Moreover, through properly managing risk-aversion of different entities (states) additional efficiency can be gained. An additional implication is that ramping up production early in the planning cycle allows to reduce shortfall significantly. An optimal timing of this production ramp-up consideration can be based on a cost-benefit analysis.  相似文献   
为了准确地发现话题中事件间的潜在关系,提出一种新闻事件演化建模方法。该方法利用事件的时间关系、内容相似性、命名实体关联信息构建新的演化关系模型,并通过定义事件的五种演化模式,识别出演化过程中的开始、中间、结束事件,最后根据新演化模型及演化模式建立事件演化的有向无环图模型,揭示事件发展的潜在脉络结构。实验结果表明,本文方法能够有效检测事件演化,提升系统性能。  相似文献   
在新的历史起点上,我们的干部要努力争当学习力强、知识面广、业务上精的知识型干部;争当视野开阔、勇于创新、充满激情的开拓型干部;争当心无旁骛想干事、素质过硬能干事、不辱使命干成事的有为型干部;争当善于律心、心理不失衡,长于律言、言语不失规,严于律行、行为不失范的自律型干部;争当能说会道、让人信服,公道正派、让人诚服,硕果...  相似文献   
It well known that vehicle detection is an important component of the field of object detection. However, the environment of vehicle detection is particularly sophisticated in practical processes. It is compara-tively difficult to detect vehicles of various scales in traffic scene images, because the vehicles partially obscured by green belts, roadblocks or other vehicles, as well as influence of some low illumination weather. In this paper, we present a model based on Faster R-CNN with NAS optimization and feature enrichment to realize the effective detection of multi-scale vehicle targets in traffic scenes. First, we proposed a Retinex-based image adaptive correction algorithm (RIAC) to enhance the traffic images in the dataset to reduce the influence of shadow and illumination, and improve the image quality. Second, in order to improve the feature expression of the backbone network, we conducted Neural Architecture Search (NAS) on the backbone network used for feature extraction of Faster R-CNN to generate the optimal cross-layer connection to extract multi-layer features more effectively. Third, we used the object Feature Enrichment that combines the multi-layer feature information and the context information of the last layer after cross-layer connection to enrich the information of vehicle targets, and improve the robustness of the model for challenging targets such as small scale and severe occlusion. In the imple-mentation of the model, K-means clustering algorithm was used to select the suitable anchor size for our dataset to improve the convergence speed of the model. Our model has been trained and tested on the UN-DETRAC dataset, and the obtained results indicate that our method has art-of-state detection performance.  相似文献   
提出在IBM虚拟机器的架构上,使用错误围堵策略建立可生存的网络安全设备内核的思想。建立有效的资源管理器,分割、调度机器资源,把物理资源提供给虚拟机器,平衡错误围堵与其它的性能要求。利用软件和硬件错误围堵技术制约对系统攻击引起的错误,防止一个错误引起整个系统的崩溃。用以上策略建立了内核模型,给它加上大负荷,正常和异常的工作。实验结果显示:即使在系统中某些部分出错的情况下,依然不影响系统的整体性能,并且错误围堵的开销几乎可以忽略不计。  相似文献   
本文从汉字语源出发,根据荣格心理学的原型观念,通过汉字“战”的语源分析,探寻蕴含在汉字深处(因而也是汉文化底层)的战争观念。文字学认为,“战”()字中单为声符,戈为形符,而作为声符的单系“战”字的隐义,亦即“战”的战争原型。古文字研究表明“单”为鳄类爬行动物,象征着人性中凶猛残暴的兽性;而脑科学研究表明,大脑深处的主管攻击、暴力的部分正是原始脑的“爬虫复合体”(鳄类)。这些研究成果与无意识心理学中的阴影原型(人性中的兽性)不谋而合。因此通过文字学与心理学我们找到了战争冲动的原始意象,也从中发现了相应的化解方法。  相似文献   
栅格数据处理中邻域型算法的并行优化方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
随着并行计算的成熟,众多数据密集型的栅格处理算法亟需利用并行计算来缩减执行时间.针对其中一类邻域型算法,构建了用于估计是时间代价的串行/并行时域模型,分析了各个组成的代价影响因素,提出了降低数据I/O代价的并行I/O方法和降低数据通信代价的光圈预测方法.实验证明,所提的两个优化方法可以使邻域型栅格处理算法的并行程序更加充分地利用并行计算资源,进而在一般并行化的基础上进一步提升其并行性能.  相似文献   
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