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This paper pruvides a smaller equivalelnt bounded variable transportation problem than that in Charnes, Glover, and Klingman [1] for the lower bounded and partial upper bounded distribution model.  相似文献   
We present a branch and bound algorithm to solve mathematical programming problems of the form: Find x =|(x1,…xn) to minimize Σ?i0(x1) subject to x?G, l≦x≦L and Σ?i0(x1)≦0, j=1,…,m. With l=(l1,…,ln) and L=(L1,…,Ln), each ?ij is assumed to be lower aemicontinuous and piecewise convex on the finite interval [li.Li]. G is assumed to be a closed convex set. The algorithm solves a finite sequence of convex programming problems; these correspond to successive partitions of the set C={x|l ≦ x ≦L} on the bahis of the piecewise convexity of the problem functions ?ij. Computational considerations are discussed, and an illustrative example is presented.  相似文献   
Manning the nation's armed services will continue to be a crucial issue for the remainder of the 1980s. With the projected growth of the services during this decade, the downturn in the 17–21-year-old male population, and the possible upturn in the economy, the ability of the services to meet their respective quality and quantity recruiting goals becomes of central concern. The accurate estimation of the supply for various types of recruits becomes especially important when one views the nearly $1 billion budgeted annually for recruiting and the impact that any military pay raises can have on the DOD's manpower costs of over $40 billion annually. In addition, perceived difficulties in recruiting can impact on weapon systems design decisions, authorized manning levels, and exacerbate the debate concerning the draft; hence, it is clear that few issues today warrant more attention than improving the efficiency and effectiveness of military recruiting. This article provides an introduction and review of some of the key issues involved in modeling and estimating the supply of military recruits. It summarizes and compares the findings of selected econometric models, all of which are based on enlistment experience since the introduction of the All-Volunteer Force in 1973. It also presents some new insights and directions for research dealing with simultaneity, validation, generation of rigorous confidence intervals, and data base selection. It concludes by listing some of the research needs to be addressed in the future.  相似文献   
In this article we address the question of developing deep cuts for disjunctive programs using rectilinear distance measures. The method is applied to linear complementarity problems where the matrix M need not be copositive plus. Some modifications that are needed as a computational expediency are discussed. The computation results for matrix M of size up to 30 × 30 are discussed.  相似文献   
The machine scheduling literature does not consider the issue of tool change. The parallel literature on tool management addresses this issue but assumes that the change is due only to part mix. In practice, however, a tool change is caused most frequently by tool wear. That is why we consider here the problem of scheduling a set of jobs on a single CNC machine where the cutting tool is subject to wear; our objective is to minimize the total completion time. We first describe the problem and discuss its peculiarities. After briefly reviewing available theoretical results, we then go on to provide a mixed 0–1 linear programming model for the exact solution of the problem; this is useful in solving problem instances with up to 20 jobs and has been used in our computational study. As our main contribution, we next propose a number of heuristic algorithms based on simple dispatch rules and generic search. We then discuss the results of a computational study where the performance of the various heuristics is tested; we note that the well‐known SPT rule remains good when the tool change time is small but deteriorates as this time increases and further that the proposed algorithms promise significant improvement over the SPT rule. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2003  相似文献   
In this paper we present a componentwise delay measure for estimating and improving the expected delays experienced by customers in a multi‐component inventory/assembly system. We show that this measure is easily computed. Further, in an environment where the performance of each of the item delays could be improved with investment, we present a solution that aims to minimize this measure and, in effect, minimizes the average waiting time experienced by customers. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 50: 2003  相似文献   
This article offers a new analysis of radionuclide and hydroacoustic data to support a low-yield nuclear weapon test as a plausible explanation for the still contentious 22 September 1979 Vela Incident, in which U.S. satellite Vela 6911 detected an optical signal characteristic of an atmospheric nuclear explosion over the Southern Indian or Atlantic Ocean. Based on documents not previously widely available, as well as recently declassified papers and letters, this article concludes that iodine-131 found in the thyroids of some Australian sheep would be consistent with them having grazed in the path of a potential radioactive fallout plume from a 22 September low-yield nuclear test in the Southern Indian Ocean. Further, several declassified letters and reports which describe aspects of still classified hydroacoustic reports and data favor the test scenario. The radionuclide and hydroacoustic data taken together with the analysis of the double-flash optical signal picked up by Vela 6911 that was described in a companion 2017 article (“The 22 September 1979 Vela Incident: The Detected Double-Flash”) can be traced back to sources with similar spatial and temporal origins and serve as a strong indicator for a nuclear explosion being responsible for the 22 September 1979 Vela Incident.  相似文献   
In this paper, we consider just‐in‐time job shop environments (job shop problems with an objective of minimizing the sum of tardiness and inventory costs), subject to uncertainty due to machine failures. We present techniques for proactive uncertainty management that exploit prior knowledge of uncertainty to build competitive release dates, whose execution improves performance. These techniques determine the release dates of different jobs based on measures of shop load, statistical data of machine failures, and repairs with a tradeoff between inventory and tardiness costs. Empirical results show that our methodology is very promising in comparison with simulated annealing and the best of 39 combinations of dispatch rules & release policies, under different frequencies of breakdowns. We observe that the performance of the proactive technique compared to the other two approaches improves in schedule quality (maximizing delivery performance while minimizing costs) with increase in frequency of breakdowns. The proactive technique presented here is also computationally less expensive than the other two approaches. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2004  相似文献   
This article provides a new approach to the set of (perfect) equilibria. With the help of an equivalence relation on the strategy space of each player. Nash sets and Selten sets are introduced. The number of these sets is finite and each of these sets is a polytope. As a consequence the set of (perfect) equilibria is a finite union of polytopes. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons. Inc.  相似文献   
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