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Explosive welding technique is widely used in many industries. This technique is useful to weld different kinds of metal alloys that are not easily welded by any other welding methods. Interlayer plays an important role to improve the welding quality and control energy loss during the collision process. In this paper, the Ti6Al4V plate was welded with a copper plate in the presence of a commercially pure titanium interlayer. Microstructure details of welded composite plate were observed through optical and scanning electron microscope. Interlayer-base plate interface morphology showed a wavy structure with solid melted regions inside the vortices. Moreover, the energy dispersive spectroscopy analysis in the interlayer-base interface reveals that there are some identified regions of different kinds of chemical equilibrium phases of Cu–Ti, i.e. CuTi, Cu2Ti, CuTi2, Cu4Ti, etc. To study the mechanical properties of composite plates, mechanical tests were conducted, including the tensile test, bending test, shear test and Vickers hardness test. Numerical simulation of explosive welding process was performed with coupled Smooth Particle Hydrodynamic method, Euler and Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian method. The multi-physics process of explosive welding, including detonation, jetting and interface morphology, was observed with simulation. Moreover, simulated plastic strain, temperature and pressure profiles were analysed to understand the welding conditions. Simulated results show that the interlayer base plate interface was created due to the high plastic deformation and localized melting of the parent plates. At the collision point, both alloys behave like fluids, resulting in the formation of a wavy morphology with vortices, which is in good agreement with the experimental results.  相似文献   
The performance of a laser weapon system based on coherent beam combining (CBC) depends on its propagation properties in the atmosphere. In this study, an analytical model based on partial coherent beam combining (PCBC) for assumed coherence coefficients between beams in a CBC lattice was developed. The Kolmogorov model of atmospheric turbulence and the Hufnagel-Valley model of Cn2 dependence on atmospheric parameters were implemented. Novel simplified metrics were proposed to assess the CBC performance. Several beam profiles (super-Gaussian, truncated Gaussian, etc.) and ge-ometries were analyzed in terms of maximal intensity in the far field. An approximate formula for PCBC efficiency dependent on the Fried radius was proposed. The results of CBC modeling were compared to those of the Gaussian beam propagation model in a turbulent atmosphere. The dependence of CBC performance on the Cn2 parameter, range, and elevation angle was analyzed. It could be concluded that the application of CBC for medium and long range propagation is impractical without an effective adaptive optics system.  相似文献   
This paper presents a comprehensive review of the research studies on direct energy system effect on aircraft composite structures to develop a good understanding of state-of-the-art research and devel-opment in this area. The review begins with the application of composite materials in the aircraft structures and highlights their particular areas of application and limitations. An overview of directed energy system is given. Some of the commonly used systems in this category are discussed and the working principles of laser energy systems are described. The experimental and numerical studies re-ported regarding the aircraft composite structures subject to the effect of directed energy systems, especially the laser systems are reviewed in detail. In particularly, the general effects of laser systems and the relevant damage mechanisms against the composite structures are reported. The review draws attention to the recent research and findings in this field and is expected to guide engineers/researchers in future theoretical, numerical, and experimental studies.  相似文献   
今天典型的作战系统综合了潜艇上所有的传感器系统和武器系统。主要传感器设备通常由许多声呐系统构成,包括中频被动声呐、低频被动声纳和被动测距声呐。除声呐系统外,综合到作战系统的还有两个潜望镜、ESM接收机、各种电罗经和计程仪以及无线电导航辅助的导航系统和导航雷达。 目前潜艇上的主要武器是线导鱼雷,某些艇上还载有导弹。作战系统的典型功能包括传感器综合、决策/咨询支持以及武器使用。  相似文献   
美国弹道导弹核潜艇部队未来有两套削减方案:一套是根据《美国核运用战略》报告精神,对美国战略核潜艇力量进行1/3的削减:另一套是根据美国国会预算办公室的评估,将弹道导弹核潜艇的数量削减至8艘。  相似文献   
美国五角大楼称,中国军队上周首次试射了一种新型高超音速滑翔飞行器,该飞行器能够携带弹头突破美国导弹防御系统。此次试射表明,中国的战略核和常规武器建设取得了重大进展。美国军方发言人则表示,  相似文献   
正六月的树,葱葱郁郁,闪着绿色的光芒;六月的花,生机勃勃,浸润盛夏的希望;六月的风,柔和温馨,吹来沃野的清香;六月的雨,缠绵多情,挥洒丰收的印象。6月9日,记者迎着一阵阵扑面而来的热浪,来到距离博乐市以东40公里的五师八十一团。树木茂盛,鲜花盛开,芳草碧绿,俨然一帧花红叶茂的水墨长卷绵延于六月的天地之间。在八十一团广场的树荫下,职工李翠兰等人正在休息乘凉,当记者上前问及"三封信"时,他们皆点头示意了解此事。  相似文献   
使用低分辨率雷达和神经网络进行舰船目标识别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究使用低分辩率下靶区雷达包络线、预处理和神经网络工具进行舰船目标分类的方法。文中使用改进的傅里叶离散梅林变换来提取对雷达姿态角变化不太敏感的某些特征。使用Kohonen的学习矢量量化(LVQ)自组织映射对这些特征矢量进行分类。文中也研究了使用反向传播算法进行训练的前馈网络在目标分类中的应用,并将这一分类系统用于模拟和真实两种数据。对于目标姿态角误差不超过30度的真实数据,分类的正确率高达90%。  相似文献   
墨西哥位于北美洲南部,濒临太平洋和墨西哥湾,领土面积约190万平方公里,海岸线长达9300公里。墨西哥本应成为该地区重要的军事强国,但是它依赖美国抵御外来侵略,自己的武装部队仅充当维护内部安全的角色。无论从人员上还是从可用舰船数量上来讲,墨西哥海军一直与此不相称。墨西哥海军实质上只是一支海岸警备队,军事潜力非常有限。舰队虽然也拥有少数新式舰艇,但多数舰艇均是在20世纪40年代末期甚至更早服役的。整个舰队就像是20世纪海军技术博物馆。  相似文献   
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