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The use of a shaped liner driven by electromagnetic force is a new means of forming jets. To study the mechanism of jet formation driven by electromagnetic force, we considered the current skin effect and the characteristics of electromagnetic loading and established a coupling model of"Electric—Magnetic—Force"and the theoretical model of jet formation under electromagnetic force. The jet formation and penetration of conical and trumpet liners have been calculated. Then, a numerical simulation of liner collapse under electromagnetic force, jet generation, and the stretching motion were performed using an ANSYS multiphysics processor. The calculated jet velocity, jet shape, and depth of penetration were consistent with the experimental results, with a relative error of less than 10%. In addition, we calculated the jet formation of different curvature trumpet liners driven by the same loading condition and ob-tained the influence rule of the curvature of the liner on jet formation. Results show that the theoretical model and the ANSYS multiphysics numerical method can effectively calculate the jet formation of liners driven by electromagnetic force, and in a certain range, the greater the curvature of the liner is, the greater the jet velocity is.  相似文献   
新的历史条件下,认真学习长征历史,系统总结长征经验,深入挖掘长征精神内涵,大力弘扬长征精神,对于保持和发展党的先进性,全面贯彻落实科学发展观,有效履行新世纪新阶段我军历史使命,具有重要的时代意义。  相似文献   
深刻认识在新的历史起点上推进军队院校建设又好又快发展的战略意义,正确看待在新的历史起点上军队院校所处的关键阶段和面临的主要问题,准确把握在新的历史起点上推进军队院校创新发展的思路和重点,坚持走可持续发展创新之路,实现军事人才培养的全面、协调、可持续发展.  相似文献   
应用文献计量学的方法,对2006—2009年间《学报》所刊载的685篇论文进行统计分析,从载文量、基金论文比、发表时滞、稿件分布、作者基本情况和合著情况、引文情况等方面,综合反映了《学报》近几年发展的现状。力求在客观揭示该刊学术质量的同时,能为该刊的不断发展有所裨益。  相似文献   
提出了柴油油滴蒸发和燃烧过程理论计算方法.对油滴蒸发考虑了不定常蒸发和定常蒸发2个阶段,提出了一个求解蒸发时,油滴直径瞬时变化的代数方程式.对一台直喷式柴油机进行了实例计算,计算得到的瞬时燃烧放热率和气缸压力,与试验值符合很好.  相似文献   
针对新研制的中锰铸钢坦克履带板装车考核中的特点,提出了对连接筋实施喷丸强化处理的预强化方案.分析了喷丸强化层的组织和硬化特性;还通过连接筋的3点弯曲疲劳试验,探讨了喷丸强化对连接筋疲劳裂纹形成的影响.研究认为,对中锰铸钢坦克履带板连接筋进行喷丸强化预处理,是提高其整体使用寿命的重要途径.  相似文献   
This article presents new tools and methods for finding optimum step‐stress accelerated life test plans. First, we present an approach to calculate the large‐sample approximate variance of the maximum likelihood estimator of a quantile of the failure time distribution at use conditions from a step‐stress accelerated life test. The approach allows for multistep stress changes and censoring for general log‐location‐scale distributions based on a cumulative exposure model. As an application of this approach, the optimum variance is studied as a function of shape parameter for both Weibull and lognormal distributions. Graphical comparisons among test plans using step‐up, step‐down, and constant‐stress patterns are also presented. The results show that depending on the values of the model parameters and quantile of interest, each of the three test plans can be preferable in terms of optimum variance. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2008  相似文献   
随着信息技术为核心的高新技术在军事信息系统中应用的不断深入,作为信息系统核心部分的软件系统质量成为影响系统效能与可靠性的关键。如何有效保证软件系统质量、提高信息系统的可靠性成为目前我军亟需解决的重要问题。本文从软件工程的角度出发,针对信息系统中的软件系统,结合软件测试技术的发展和我军信息系统的现状,提出了提高军事信息系统软件测试质量的几种途径。  相似文献   
建立企业安全生产标准体系,是推动企业建立具有军工特色规范化和标准化的现代企业安全生产管理体系的有效途径。本文分析了军工企业安全生产标准体系建立必要性、原则和要求,阐述了体系结构层次及其建立方法,提出了正确处理与企业安全管理体系衔接和建立动态管理机制等要求。  相似文献   
给出了工业火车站电气集中设备微机监测系统的设计方案,对系统设计中的抗干扰和系统的功能扩展等问题做了较详尽的研究。  相似文献   
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